“That’s right, you were attacked by a hydra!”

Pietro sighed incredulously, and felt that Hydra was really unlucky to meet Alan, the killing star.

“Pietro, would you mind if I take Wanda away and say a few words alone?”

Alan saw Wanda looking at herself from the sidelines, so she thought about it for a moment and then opened her mouth to Pietro.

“Sure, but it’s better not to go too long, because if the fighting outside is over, they’ll come and see me and Wanda’s safety first!”

Pietro looked between Wanda and Allen and nodded.

“Rest assured, it won’t be long! Wanda, come with me! ”

As Alan spoke, a portal appeared in front of him, and Alan reached out and grabbed Wanda’s cold, soft little hand as before and stepped into the portal, leaving Pietro to watch the portal slowly disappear.

“Here. Is this your home? I’ve seen your manor on TV from a plane, but I haven’t seen your room yet! ”

In Alan and Susan’s room, Wanda looked at a wedding photo above the big bed, the man was handsome and confident, the woman was beautiful and moving, and couldn’t help but envy it:

“Susan Stone! She must be very happy! ”

Wanda looked at Susan, who had a bright and happy smile on the photo, and only after half a day did she return to her senses in shock, and turned her head to look at Allen with some crampedness:

“I haven’t congratulated you on your happy new marriage yet!” It’s a year late, but I hope you don’t mind this blessing! ”

“Of course I won’t mind your sincere blessing, Wanda, I brought you here to ask you something, and although it’s a foregone conclusion, and I haven’t stopped it, I want to remind you… Well?… Interesting! ”

Alan motioned for Wanda to sit on the bed, and Alan himself sat side by side with Wanda, but at this moment, Ailu felt that the reality gem in his body was a bit foolish, and seemed to want to drill out into Wanda’s body, as if Wanda’s own energy was very attractive to the reality gem.

This made Alan feel very interesting, and he couldn’t help but show a smile, so that Wanda, who had been observing Alan uncomfortably, wondered:

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, just found some interesting things!”

Alan waved his hand casually, turned his head to look at Wanda, looked into her beautiful talking eyes, looked at her bare white face, and his heart throbbed slightly.

“Then what are you going to ask me?” What else to remind me? ”

Wanda also seemed to notice the look in Alan’s eyes, and hurriedly lowered her head, fingers involuntarily pinching the corners of her clothes, and asked softly.

Alan was overwhelmed by Wanda’s questioning, lamented how he was today, and then looked serious and said to Wanda:

“Wanda, you now have power, and it is because you want power, that you would risk nine deaths and voluntarily join Baron Straker’s experiment, right?”

“You, you know?”

Wanda was stunned and then looked in disbelief.

“Of course, Sokovia was able to hide from me, and I said it at the time, but I didn’t stop it, because I believe you can succeed, and you and Pietro are very good!”

Allen said.

“Is that so? Yes, I want power, and when you say goodbye to me, I know what power is! ”

Wanda said firmly.

“Really? So what is power? ”

Alan raised an eyebrow and asked rhetorically.

“Power is strength if you want to achieve something and purpose. Then you need the power to match it, just like Alan you, you can easily change the situation in Sokovia can’t you? ”

Wanda has a simple, but basic definition of power.

“Really? In fact, I would like to completely change the situation of Sokovia, want to completely solve the problem of Sokovia, but I did not, do you know why? ”

Alan nodded nonchalantly, then asked.

“Is it because of countries?” They won’t allow you to do that! ”

Wanda said uncertainly.

“Yes, because of them! But you should know my strength, if I really want to forcibly intervene, then even the five permanent members of the Council will not be able to take me, after all, if I join Sokovia, become Sokovia’s Li Lai, and then force the garrisons of various countries to withdraw in the name of Sokovia, this is the reason that it makes sense! ”

Speaking of this, Alan smiled confidently and then continued to ask:

“But do you know why I didn’t do it?”

“Oh, I don’t know!”

Wanda was a little confused and shook her head directly.

“Wanda because it will make Sokovia’s situation worse!”

Alan suddenly looked at Wanda with a heavy heart and said:

“If I do intervene and do so, then Sokovia will go from being a victim to a thorn in the eye of nations, a thorn in the flesh!”

“Even if I can solve all the troubles, no matter what weapons and means countries use, I have a way to solve them, but this will aggravate the contradictions, and the headaches will happen one after another, and Sokovia will no longer be peaceful!” 」

Allen’s words were heard in the fog of Wanda’s clouds, and some did not understand:

“But is Sokovia at peace now?” With your strength, plus me and Pietro, we will be able to solve all the troubles! ”

“Yes, we can solve it, but I don’t want to be entangled in these things every day!”

Alan nodded affirmatively:

“You know what? You haters, my good friend, Tony Stark! The happiest time I’ve ever seen him smile is the day he researched the 877 steel armor, and when he flew out of his house, that smile was like a child! ”

Speaking of this, Alan sighed a little:

“But since he announced that he was Iron Man, he hasn’t laughed like that again, worrying about countless things every day!”

“He’s worried that the New York incident will happen again!”

“He feels guilty that he was affected by the accidental wounding of ordinary people when he fought!”

“He was careful not to make a mistake and cause a curse from the outside world!”

“He has unspeakable secrets but can’t tell a lot of people!”

“In short, with power, everything changes!”

“Wanda! Without power, you would be a naïve and kind girl! But from the day you have power, you can never go back! ”

“In the future, you will also accidentally injure ordinary people because of fighting, or even injure a large number of people by mistake!”

“You’ll have to worry about countless troubles and challenges!”

Alan turned his head, reached out and touched Wanda’s face, who had been shocked by Alan’s words, and said softly:

“There is no going back, all you need to do is make yourself stronger to prepare for this endless trouble!”

(These days because there are things that have not been updated, my fault, today during the day to solve, but today solved the end!) Restore updates starting tomorrow! I’m sorry everyone! )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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