“Well, the time is almost up, you go back first!” Hope the next time we meet, we are not enemies! ”

Before Wanda could recover from the shock of Alan’s remarks, Alan stood up and immediately opened a portal in front of her.

“Thanks for the reminder, Alan!”

Wanda immediately understood Alan’s meaning, quickly stood up, said a word to Alan with a look of reluctance, and then stepped over the portal without hesitation.

“Alas, I don’t know if I’m right or wrong in this step, and I hope I won’t make myself uncomfortable when the time comes!”

Watching the portal slowly close, Alan said with a twinkle in his face, and then thought:

“It is said that it will only take a year for Fury to find the Hydra, but it is estimated that it will take another year to sweep Baron Straker when the base of the Hydra begins, that is, Wanda has more than two years to go!”

Alan felt that more than two years should be enough, so he stopped thinking about it, but was excited to start studying the gem of reality that he had finally obtained after day and night thinking and planning.

However, just as Alan rushed to his underground laboratory, Tony’s side launched a call request to Alan.

“What’s the matter with Tony?” Haven’t you solved it over there? The enemy should not be strong! Thor should come from Asgard to help you too! ”

Alan didn’t know what Tony was looking for at this time.

“I’m in some trouble here, but what about your side?” Did Loki find it? Did you kill him? ”

The sound of fighting kept coming from Tony’s side, and it sounded intense.

“Anyway, Odin came out and asked me for Loki, and I agreed for some consideration, and now I should be taken back to Asgard and locked up!”

Alan did not say that it was estimated that Loki would pretend to be Odin when he returned to Asgard this time, but could Loki, who was brought back at this moment, really still be able to do it?

“That’s a pity!” Listen to me Alan, our side can’t solve the alien main ship, if you continue to fight like this, the casualties are a bit large, since your side has finished the matter, then hurry up and support it, you should have a way to solve the main ship! ”

Tony said hurriedly.

“Let the British fleet launch intercontinental missiles, a dozen down, the energy shield can still hold up?”

“The efficiency of the British military is too slow, and it is not yet clear about the situation, it is impossible to react, and the casualties of the intercontinental missile bombardment are also very large!”

Tony said helplessly.

“What a big deal! I’m not going… ”

“Alan, this is not the time for you to be willful, I know you don’t care much about the lives of ordinary people, but it won’t cost you anything!”

Rogers’ voice suddenly appeared in the communicator and interjected.

“Don’t worry, can you listen to me finish?” I’m not going, but I can support you with something from the satellite, and I’ll be able to reach the main ship to solve the aliens in just over a minute! ”

Alan said lightly, this is not a big deal in Alan’s opinion.

“No, your quantum bomb is too powerful!” The alien main ship is protected by an energy shield, and even if the explosion can solve the alien main ship, it will cause the whole of London to suffer greater damage than that New York, which is devastating, so it is better for us to slowly solve the alien life force first! ”

Tony immediately denied.

“Who said I was going to use a quantum bomb?”

Alan asked with an eyebrow.

“Didn’t you say you were going to support it with something from the satellite?” Not a quantum bomb or what? ”

Captain Rogers wondered.

“Alan, is there anything else on your satellite?” What is it? ”

Tony asked too.

“Do you know it after reading it?” Fury has seen it once, you wait, give me ten seconds! ”

Alan hung up the communication and then commanded the ball:

“Sphere, lock on to the alien main ship through the satellite, make precise calculation and aim, and release satellite rays to strike it accurately after ten seconds!”

“Drip, lock up, start mobilizing satellite energy!”

“Drip, the energy mobilization is complete, unlock the satellite rays, strike countdown 10 seconds!”

“Strike countdown to 10 seconds!”

“Strike countdown to 8 seconds!”

“Strike countdown to 5 seconds!”

“Strike countdown to 1 second!”

“The countdown is complete, launch satellite rays!”

At the same time, a mechanical satellite in outer space opened its solar absorption panels and then extended eight long laser tubes to aim at the slowly spinning blue planet below.

As the energy began to condense wildly, it soon reached its maximum power, and a powerful light erupted in front of the eight laser pipes at the same time.

This side of the earth

“Full Avenger, give me a retreat point, Alan said that in only ten seconds, he will solve the alien’s main ship, don’t be hurt by mistake, Natasha, you are too close, come back quickly!”

Tony yelled as soon as Alan hung up the communication.

“My side needs help, I’m under siege and can’t get out!”

Natasha was surrounded by a dozen dark elves, constantly shooting at Natasha, and Natasha was constantly doing various gymnastics-like movements to shoot around, making it difficult to retreat for a while.


At this moment, the Hulk finally appeared on the battlefield, jumped from a distance and landed on Natasha’s side, and then grabbed the terrified Natasha, ignoring the shooting of the dark elves around him, and suddenly jumped to the outside of the battlefield.


“Thanks, thank you, Bruce!”

Natasha was terrified of the Hulk and swallowed hard after being let go by the Hulk.


Hulk immediately roared at Natasha with dissatisfaction, frightening Natasha into a panic and quickly changed her speech:

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have mentioned Bruce, thank you, Hulk!”


The Hulk heard this and spewed a hot breath in his nostrils, with an arrogant look, so that Natasha was suddenly not afraid of Hulk.

But just as Natasha was about to say something, eight beams of light suddenly appeared in the sky, and suddenly slammed into the alien’s main ship, causing both Natasha and Hulk to turn their heads at the same time.

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