“Nourishing and nourishing!”

I saw eight lasers with a diameter of ten meters thick form a circle that shook the energy shield of the main ship as soon as it hit the alien main ship.

Then the eight lasers began to rotate continuously, and the energy shield of the alien main ship began to tremble madly.


Finally, in less than two seconds, the energy shield of the Dark Elf Main Ship shattered and disappeared, and eight thick laser rays swirled and immediately smashed on the Dark Elf Main Ship, instantly beginning to penetrate it.


In an instant, I saw that the Dark Elf main ship began to shatter inch by inch, and a huge explosion was emitted under the chain reaction, and the whole of London could hear it clearly.


After the howling wind, the satellite rays disappeared, the Dark Elf main ship ceased to exist, and some of the remaining Dark Elf soldiers were quickly destroyed.

“My side is also fine, I have blocked the earth, and nothing will come over again!”

Dr. Shavig also brought good news that relieved all the Avengers.

“Depend, this Allen also installed ultra-long-range laser weapons on the satellite, which is very powerful, but this time London was saved, although it was miserable, but it was far worse than the last New York!”

Tony opened the mask and said as he breathed out.

“Saul, thank you for coming down and helping us, the Loki you’re looking for was taken away by your father, Odin, and that’s what Alan said!”

Captain Rogers said to the worried Thor over there.

“Really? That’s good! I’m sorry for the disaster that Loki has caused! But I still have to report to my father and king, so I won’t gather with you old friends first!” ”

Thor finished summoning the Rainbow Bridge and left.

“Really, I wanted him to finish the party and leave!”

Tony said regretfully, and then suddenly remembered something:

“Oops, I knew I shouldn’t have let Banner change now, now how to solve it?” Will he change back on his own like he did in New York last time? ”

“I’ve changed back!”

Banda, covered in cold sweat, walked over with a towel under Natasha’s support and said somewhat weakly.

“That’s done! Fury, can you hear me? It’s time to clean up the mess! ”

“My man will be there soon! Natasha, Rogers, Barton, the three of you came back first to report to me! ”

The London incident slowly subsided after a period of media uproar around the world, and London soon began reconstruction work.

However, in view of the efficiency of the British, London specially invited the umbrella company to preside over the reconstruction work, after all, the reconstruction efficiency of New York is obvious to all.

So Susan herself traveled to London to negotiate, and Tony called out the Avengers, including Alan, and once again proposed his Avengers plan, but this time because Rogers, Natasha, and Barton couldn’t let go.

But the good news is that Banner has decided to live in Stark Mansion and work with Tony to develop some technological equipment to pave the way for the imperative Avengers program that will follow.

Allen, on the other hand, announced that he would be closed for a while and told no one to disturb him and then left.

Time passed day by day, half a year later, in Alan’s underground laboratory

“Huh, finally broke the Dark Elf’s sacrifice to the Reality Gem using Dark Energy, this is what the Reality Gem should look like!”

A red jewel in the palm of Alan’s hand lay there quietly, exuding an extraordinary atmosphere.

At this time, the reality gem will no longer absorb human life energy, but will change back into the original, most primitive, and purest material energy conversion artifact.

“Very well, the next step is to study controlling it and using it!” The road is still long, come on, ball! ”

Alan excitedly continued to devote himself to the research.

A month later

“By the way, the intelligent machinery made by the reality gem is actually out of my control?”

Alan looked at the destruction around the lake of the manor, constantly emitting the destruction rays of the one who had only been created by Alan using the Mortal Gem, and muttered with an ugly face.

“Sir, although this real gem can convert matter and energy, and even organic matter, but that’s all! If the converted object has autonomous control ability, you can’t control it! ”

Ball explains.

“Really? Try again! ”

Alan narrowed his eyes, then looked at the destroyer in front of him, and with a wave of his hand, a red energy emanated from Alan’s body, hitting the destroyer whose spikes and beauty coexisted.


Only a sound was heard, and under the action of red energy, the destroyer actually turned into countless bats and flew around.

“Give me back!”

Alan stared at the bats deadly, trying to control them, only to find that the bats could not be controlled at all, even if they were all made by Alan using the Reality Gem.

“That is, even if I were to create a destroyer, it would take time to debug its band frequency to be able to control it, right?” So my army of ordinary demolition machines should have no problem, right? ”

Alan asked with a frown.

“Yes, their entire finished technology is carried out at the same band frequency, which means that they will be controlled by Mr. You as soon as they appear in the world, which is a complete set of technologies, and the Destroyer, Mr. You forcibly control it by dismantling and studying dialysis!”


“Well, that’s fine, the mechanical army can, then the interceptor can be!” Oh, this has saved me too much money! But the trouble is that changing things requires a carrier! ”

Alan shook his head and thought.

For example, if you need to change something out, such as a basketball, then you can’t make it out of thin air, but you need another casual thing to change it by converting material energy.

Just a stone, in short, this reality gem is not created out of thin air, but transforms energy and matter.

“So, sir, do you need to remove the production plant of interceptors and machine armies over there in the industrial park?” This frees up five large factories for the umbrella company! ”

The ball suggested.

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