“Well, let’s get it all out, but you’ll be of less use to me in the future, and opening the portal will be your greatest use!”

Speaking of which, Allen added:

“Of course, accompanying me to study is also your greatest use, you are an all-round assistant!” I also pointed out whether I could build you a body, or even make you a real ‘artificial intelligence’! In this way, you become the best candidate for finger-raising, right? I don’t know if you count as life like that, can you snap your fingers! ”

Alan murmured.

Yes, Allen has always been thinking about how to use the artificial intelligence plot of Ultron that may appear later, to make a ball for the ball, or after the red and white queens, to make a real artificial intelligence.

Then let them be the ones who snap their fingers.

Ring fingers, this thing can be thought to be a wish, of course, Alan wants, but Alan does not dare to fight himself, this thing will kill people.

Of course, it was too early to say this, and Alan thought about it and decided to take a step and look at it one step at a time.

So after finally being able to control the Reality Gem, Alan immediately began to charge towards the Second Awakening Technology of the Sharpshooter’s four professions.

With the Reality Gem, no matter what kind of material Alan can easily get out.

Without the shackles of materials, Allen easily broke the current bottleneck and moved step by step towards a higher level of science and technology.

The next six months were quiet again, until the evening of that day, when Alan and Susan, who had little time, had dinner and walked hand in hand by the lake of the manor.

Alan suddenly felt a familiar soul call, and this call made Alan suddenly understand who the other party was and what state he was in.

Alan immediately stopped, sighed in Susan’s doubtful eyes, and said:

“Susan, I have something to go out and may come back later, so find Sophia to accompany you!”

Sophia is Susan’s younger brother Johnny’s new girlfriend, and Johnny now lives with Allen because he finally graduated from college and is ready to work under the umbrella.

Johnny specializes in aerospace and is rigorously trained, even to the standard of being able to go to outer space.

I have to say that Johnny is cynical, but he does have the ability.

“It’s okay for you to go, I’ll just walk around this lake myself, and when I’m tired I’ll go back and talk to Sophia!”

Susan gently patted Alan’s hand, smiled slightly, signaled Alan to leave quickly, Alan nodded when he saw it, and a portal appeared in front of him, and Alan walked in without hesitation.

Alan soon landed on the top floor guardrail of a hospital that was the top private hospital where Dr. Stephen had previously been.

Here, Alan saw Gu Yi who was looking at the snow indifferently, in a soul state, and after being transformed by dark energy, Alan was able to see these souls.

Of course, this also has the will of these souls not to take the initiative to manifest.

If Gu Yi didn’t want to, Alan would certainly not see it, but Alan could definitely feel it.

When Allen arrived, just when Stephen saw Gu Yi’s soul coming out of his body and floating outside, Stephen immediately panicked, and even chased Gu Yi out of his soul, shouting while chasing:

“What are you doing, you can’t die yet!”

“This snow scene is beautiful, isn’t it?”

Gu Yi floated out of the window, admired the night view of New York, looked at the snow falling in the distance of New York and smiled:

“You’re here, my friend!” Did you really hear my call, and it seems like you’re getting stronger again, Gem of Reality? It’s just for you! ”

“I just came to meet my old friend, something happened, and you can’t cope with it, you’re going to die, aren’t you?”

Ellen showed a faint sadness and looked at Gu Yi, who also remembered that he owed Gu Yi a lot, and now it seemed that this human affection was going to fall on the new Supreme Mage.

“Fate may have changed, but I am tired and I cannot cope, but my apprentice Stephen Strange can!”

Gu Yi’s smile became even brighter, and he gently shook Alan’s hand, and the two lonely strong men standing at the top of the earth were very calm in their hearts at this moment.

“It’s really a hundred, the world is about to usher in drastic changes, can I do anything for you?”

Alan was held by Gu Yi’s hand, feeling the tranquility in Gu Yi’s heart, and said softly.

“Nothing, fate has revealed everything, only strong strength can jump out of the whirlpool of fate, and it is you and my disciples and others who can do it!”

Gu Yi said something, but Alan shook his head in disappointment, and Alan knew that Gu Yi was ready to meet death and did not want Alan to interfere in it.

This was Gu Yi’s active choice, and Allen had been wondering since he had come into contact with Gu Yi that Gu Yi’s strength would really be killed by his own apprentice?

Now it seems that this is Gu Yi begging for death, perhaps to inspire Stephen’s determination, perhaps because of something else, in short, this is Gu Yi’s own choice, and he will not let others intervene.

“Stephen, we need you here, we need your courage!” Do you want to go back and continue to be a doctor and control death? No one can control death! ”

Gu Yi said gently.

“Can’t even Dormammu do it?” He can make people immortal, I saw the ritual in the missing page of that book, you drew power from the dark world controlled by Dormammu, you lived for hundreds of years didn’t you? ”

Stephen suddenly looked sharply at Gu Yi and said.

“Wait, I remember the first time I met Gu Yi, you said that your mages drew power from other multiverses, right?” So why can’t we absorb the power of the dark world? ”

Alan asked somewhat incomprehensibly, since it is to absorb the power of the pluralistic world, then why can’t the power of the dark world be absorbed?

You know, Alan himself is the one who uses dark energy, and Alan doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with it, or that there are some terrible consequences, it’s just a kind of power.

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