“Oh my God, you came to me again for a drink, and I knew that I shouldn’t have drunk with you very often, and you weren’t drunk. What the hell is it that made you come to me? ”

Tony complained as he walked, but there was seriousness in his eyes.

Tony knows Alan very well, Alan generally does not look for someone to help when he encounters things, once Alan finds someone, then it means that Alan is a little unstable, and what will be the things that can make Alan feel tricky? Tony was a little unthinkable, could it be an alien invasion again?

“Well, this wine is good, just now, my mage friend who gave me a lot of help, Supreme Mage Gu Yi passed away!”

With a faint sadness on his face, Alan took a sip of Tony’s treasured bottle of good wine.

“Are you finally willing to tell me about your mage friend, Supreme Mage?” Hearing her title makes me feel terrible, but even then she is still dead, which means that things are really a bit big? Let’s talk about it in detail! ”

Tony also poured himself a drink, took a sip and narrowed his eyes.

As for Banner, Banner is afraid to drink, and he needs to stay awake at all times, because he doesn’t know what will happen when he is drunk, and whether Hulk will come out.

But Banner was obviously very interested in this kind of thing, and sat on the side with a listening expression and did not speak.

“It’s like you want to build the Avengers to protect the Earth, and there have been people in the world who have done this since a long time ago, but their purpose is not to protect the Earth from man-made nature, but to protect the Earth from the magical forces of other multiverses!”

“They are mages, and of course, it is more appropriate to be called mystics!”

“The strongest mystic masters of each generation will lead the mystics to guard the earth, and the title of Supreme Mage will be passed down from generation to generation, Gu Yi, the Supreme Mage of this generation, and also my friend!”

“This organization was founded by the powerful occult master Ago Moto a thousand years ago, and also created an artifact called the Eye of Agomoto!”

Alan said nonchalantly, without telling Tony and Banner that the Eye of Ragon was actually the Time Gem, one of the six Infinity Stones.

Because it’s not time yet, speaking out is just making them nervous, and when Thor comes again, they should know.

When the time comes, Thor and everyone will be there, it will make them a lot easier.

“Agomoto has created three powerful temples on Earth, one in Hong Kong, New York and one in London! The three temples form the protective net of the earth, protecting the earth from the invasion of the magical forces of the other dimensions! ”

“Wait, you mentioned the other dimension twice, is it the other dimension that I know?” What are the heterogeneous dimensions? What does it look like? Where did the power of these wizards come from? Are they much more technologically advanced than we are? Didn’t your boy say before that you got mechanical technology from another dimension? ”

Tony asked the doubts in his heart, one about the other dimension, the other about the source of the mage’s power, and Tony wanted to know the source of the mage’s power.

Is it hard to be innate? And then found by these mages? Or do these mages have a way to turn others into mages? In that case, after so many years of development, this mage organization should be a very large organization, a very powerful force.

“Mages explore the nature of the universe and derive energy from other multiverses, believing that spirits connect the physical world, and that the world is infinite, some vibrant, some full of evil and killing!”

“And one of my own powers also comes from the other dimension, but the other dimension I have come into contact with has nothing but magical energy!” But Gu Yi said that this dimension I was exposed to was very dangerous! ”

Allen Road.

“That means there will be some ferocious creatures in the space that these mages touch, right?”

Tony is one of the smartest people, and he immediately grasped the point and immediately guessed about this incident.

“If I’m not mistaken, this time it was an alien creature that invaded, right?” Is the other a powerful being, or a powerful race? ”

Tony touched his head with some headache, in Tony’s view, the other party is a strong existence is better to say, there is always a solution, because Tony has not seen how powerful a being can be.

Tony felt that no matter how powerful a big boss was, as long as he was given a little time, he could also think of a solution, using technology, or scheming or something, and he could always find the other party’s weakness.

Tony had never seen a powerful individual being like Dormammu, Star-Devouring or the like, who could easily wipe out Earth in just a few minutes on their own.

So Tony’s wish was for one, not a large race, which seemed to Tony to be a nightmare.

“Dormammu, the Lord of Dark Space, a being beyond time, the Devourer of the Universe, with infinite power and extremely expanding ambitions, wants to devour all the Multiverse and plunge it into darkness!”

“Now, do you still think it’s better to have a big boss?”

Alan looked at Tony calmly, made Tony’s hair stand upside down when he heard of Dormammu’s powerful hair, and said with a look of incredulity:

“Is there such a powerful existence? The universe should be limited, balanced, why are there such powerful individuals? So can that universe still exist? ”

Tony couldn’t believe that there was a being who could devour other universes with darkness, which was impossible in Tony’s mind and was against the laws of the universe.

“The existence of the multiverse itself is actually a paradox, then its existence must have its flaws, it will go to the extreme, and it is also possible for some extreme creatures to appear in some extreme cosmic space!”

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