Banner frowned at this time and calmly analyzed, leaving Tony speechless Banner for a blank look, and then turned his head to Alan again and asked:

“So it is impossible for so many Mams to come just as casually as they can?” Otherwise, I don’t believe your friend is the opponent of that Dormammu! ”

“The three temples protect the earth, and the mages protect the temple!” Dormammu, who had the existence of the temple, could not come, and from here it can be seen that the strength of the Agomoto was able to establish a temple that blocked the existence of Dormamu from the dark space! ”

Alan patiently explained, while lamenting the power of the first Supreme Mage, but most likely with the help of the power of the Infinity Stones.

To tell the truth, for Dormammu, Alan felt that he had no hope at all, and that the existence that could affect a universe was not at all able to rise to the heart of the fight.

But at this point, Alan had nothing more to say, because Alan couldn’t find the rebellious apprentice Casillas of Koichi in advance!

Moreover, the three temples were now broken, and there was no way to turn back, only to pin their hopes on Stephen’s body, which was the first time that Alan felt the slightest fear and the same trepidation as if he had just come into this world.

After all, this time, Alan’s own destiny was handed over to someone else, not Alan himself.

“Since this is the case, then now that Koichi is dead and the threat of Dormammu has come, the most likely situation is the mage’s civil unrest, fighting for power and profit?” If this is the case, they should also be very afraid of releasing Dormammu, and after the new change of power, the new regime should also begin to stabilize the Temple and continue to block Dormammu! ”

Tony also calmed down at this time and began to analyze, he also thought that there was a civil unrest on the mage’s side, and the two waves of mages were fighting each other and competing for leadership, which was very normal in Tony’s view.

“No, no, remember when I said mages draw magical power from the multiverse?” Gu Yi forbade all mages to touch the Dark Dimension, and did not allow anyone to absorb the magical power of the Dark Dimension, because this powerful power would make the user be seduced by Dormammu, and only Gu Yi could resist this temptation! ”

“One of Gu Yi’s disciples saw from the forbidden book about the Dark Dimension, about Dormammu, and knew that Gu Yi was also absorbing the power of the Dark Dimension, thinking that Gu Yi was deliberately deceiving the disciples in order to prevent the disciples from surpassing her!”

So his apprentice began to absorb the power of the dark dimension, but he could not control the temptation and thus fell? That’s bloody! ”

Tony took Allen’s words and said directly, this kind of dog blood plot made Tony a little speechless, but after thinking about it for a while, he said:

“The question is actually quite simple, as long as the three temples are not destroyed, isn’t it?” Wouldn’t it be enough for the three of us to go to the town and guard one place, and get the rebellious mage to rest? ”

“The problem is here, the three temples have been broken, Dormammu is coming, the place should be in the last temple Hong Kong, we first look at it through the satellite, see if Dr. Stephen can handle it!”

Allen said.

“Dr. Stephen?” Wouldn’t it be the famous young doctor of the past? I heard that two years ago, he had a car accident that ruined his career as a doctor, and then he tried to cure his own hands, but there was no way to disappear after scattering his family wealth! ”

Tony heard the surprise that the same genius and arrogant doctor he had seen, Tony had also consulted with him about operating on Tony’s chest, but it was refused, so Tony did not have a very good impression of him, probably because they were also young geniuses.

“Yes, it is him, Gu Yi has high expectations for him, this time Gu Yi’s death is actually Gu Yi’s own will, Stephen is likely to do it!”

Allen said.

“Is he that good?”

Tony doubted that Nyima had only been studying for two years, and no matter how genius he could beat too much Mammu? Then study science and technology to make hair, all go to learn the secret arts.

“He is not very strong in my opinion, but he inherited the Eye of Agomoto from Koichi, and if he is smart enough, I think he may succeed!”

“What if it fails?”

Banner asked.

“If we fail, only we will go up, and if we don’t stop Dormammu, the earth will be plunged into darkness in a few minutes, and then only we will be on it!”

Alan said firmly, how could someone in this world who he cared about allow to be invaded by Dormammu?

And to do nothing is to die, it is better to fight with all your might.

“Oh, well, hopefully when the Hulk in you can save Earth, I’ll let Jarvis start tweaking the satellites now, watch the situation in Hong Kong, and I’m going to get the armor ready!”

Tony said and stood up, then went to his laboratory.

“If the Hulk can be useful and better, or even he can’t, then I can finally get rid of the Hulk!”

Banner didn’t move, smiled slightly, picked up Tony’s unfinished wine, shook his head and saluted Alan, and then looked up and dried the wine in his hand.

To be honest, the conversation made Banner a little impressed with Allen.

Previous contacts have made Banner feel that Alan is actually a selfish person who only cares about himself and those close to him, of course, Alan is also a trustworthy person, in order to return the affection of S.H.I.E.L.D.D. to help S.H.I.E.L.D. survive the alien invasion of New York.

But this time, although Banner felt that Alan was still for the people he cared about, this spirit of not hesitating to be ready to sacrifice still allowed Banner to re-acquaint himself with this young and powerful young man.

When Tony was ready, Alan, Tony and Banner sat in the living room, watching the situation in Hong Kong from the satellite, and soon found that Hong Kong was in darkness.

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