“We can’t wait for someone else to do something bad, we need quantum-level sophisticated threat analysis, and I convinced the World Security Council after the New York War, but I’m skeptical of this threat analysis algorithm right now!”

Fury said and took out a USB stick and handed it to Tony and said:

“This drive has a six-level positioning system, and once our side starts to track, it will be immediately discovered by S.H.I.E.L.D., and they will kill them at all costs!”

“When I’m a good bully?” This is my private territory, they come to try it, how much I destroy, just my standard steel army has not officially lit up! ”

Tony said dismissively, taking the USB flash drive and letting Jarvis scan start.

“Wait, we’ve finished talking about things first, we’ve decided on the next step, and then we’ll start to go our separate ways, Fury, there’s definitely something wrong with your approach, and pointing a gun at everyone is not protection!”

The captain quickly stood up to stop Tony and looked at Fury.

“Oh, Captain, I’ve read the documents of the Strategic Science Corps during World War II, the predecessor of S.H.I.E.L.D., and they rate you as the greatest generation?” But you’ve also done a lot of shady things, haven’t you? ”

Fury raised an eyebrow and said, In the war, what does not use extraordinary means? This kind of method is not a big problem in Fury’s view, as long as it keeps the majority of the people in the whole world running, and some small cleanup can make the world cleaner.

“Yes, we compromised then, for the freedom of the people! But is this what you call freedom? You call this fear, this time I will not compromise, wait I will set out to check the source of this threat analysis! ”

The captain said without backing down, making the smile on Tony’s face next to him become thicker, and immediately said excitedly:

“So does this begin? My Iron Corps is ready at any time, I see, the sixth-level positioning system, with my firewall will take about half an hour to be located to the signal, I and Jarvis teamed up in only two minutes to crack the drive, find out the source, then Captain, Natasha and Banner you three go, I and Alan here to guard the building and S.H.I.E.L.D. to do a good job! ”

“Stark, are you really going to get to this point?” I know what you’re thinking, but I’m telling you, that idea of yours will really create an inconsequential contradiction between governments and the Avengers! ”

Fury said with an ugly face.

“Oh, it’s time, as long as we’re strong enough, can you guess whether the World Security Council compromises or we compromise?” We have Hulk, there’s Allen, and they’ll know how to do it, and it’s not going to make a big mess, and you know that best, don’t you? ”

As Tony spoke, he ignored Hill’s obstruction and shouted directly into the room:

“Jarvis, get to work, scan this drive to see what’s inside!”

“Sir, this drive is protected by some kind of artificial intelligence and has been reorganizing itself, but this is very old data, if you also join, it will be able to unlock in two minutes!” 」

Jarvis said after scanning the USB flash drive in Tony’s hand.

“Give me an interface, plus me, it won’t take two minutes at all, how did you get this thing like Fury?”

Tony asked Jarvis to figure out a virtual interface, and then his fingers quickly tapped on it, while asking Fury without turning his head.

“Lemuria asterisk! We, the S.H.I.E.L.D. ship, launched a satellite in the Pacific Ocean three days ago specifically for the service of the sky carrier, but then the ship was hijacked! ”

Fury saw that things had begun to move in an uncontrolled direction, and didn’t bother to say anything more, directly.

“Alexander Pierce said you had it hijacked, didn’t you?” Hijack your own ship? ”

Rogers Road.

“Yes, I let people rob me, this is my way of doing things, I just guided the pirates to rob me, the purpose is to see if anyone has done anything for me, this is called prudence!” I asked Natasha to download the information inside, but I didn’t expect to find this algorithm that was annotated on the satellite, and I had wanted to come to Stark yesterday to see if this thing was the kind of threat analysis method I wanted! ”

Nick Fury explains.

“Sir, the other party is a real artificial intelligence, although it is very primitive, but we can not read the file inside, he can spend a long time with us, I suggest tracking its location!”

At this time, Tony and Jarvis have reached the final stage, but they have never been able to obtain the files inside, and the files inside have been reorganized by artificial intelligence.

“Well, such a primitive would actually be artificial intelligence?” It’s unbelievable, and even such a primitive artificial intelligence can stop me and Jarvis from joining forces! ”

Tony reluctantly gave up, and then muttered to himself while tracking down the source of the file, listening to Alan’s eyelids jump next to him.

It seems that this matter makes Ultron’s accident more stable, but Alan has no intention of blocking, anyway, Ultron is also a garbage, in front of the current Allen is nothing.

Instead, Alan thought of his own ringing finger plan, so he looked a little uncertain.

“Well, the location has been set, an abandoned World War II camp in New Jersey, and you should be familiar with that Rogers!”

Soon, Tony locates the location and transmits it to Natasha’s phone.

“Really? Just go and know! ”

The captain looked at the location and didn’t think it was familiar, but when he arrived, he would find that it was the training camp he had been a recruit in World War II.

“Well, then Banner, you and Rogers, let’s go, stay here and wait for the battle to get Hulk out, and don’t tear me down?”

Tony looked at Banner Road.

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