Black Widow and the captain went as planned to a World War II military camp in New Jersey, and Banner followed them, thinking they would be enough to deal with any incursions.

Eventually, the Captain and Natasha discover Hydra’s scientist Zou, who has channeled ideas into the database, and learn of their plan to use the Insight Project to obliterate two million people.

“Oh what an extreme horrific plan, and if two million people were sacrificed, it would be the largest massacre ever committed.”

When Alan learned of Hydra’s plot through the communicator, he showed the same surprised expression as everyone else present.

Who knew that the obliteration target locked by the Hydra did not have its own existence, and if it was really locked by the Sky Mothership, I am afraid that it would be difficult for it to resist such a huge firepower.


Speaking of the explosion of gunfire shells on the other side of the communicator, it must have been Rogers and Natasha who were hit by an intercontinental missile fired by S.H.I.E.L.D.


Banner was violently impacted, directly changed into a Hulk form, roared and flew towards the attacking gunship, directly using brute force to tear it into pieces.

Outside the Stark Building, a large number of vehicles were also rushing to this side, and even tanks and fighter jets were flying towards this side.

Pierce knew the power of Tony Stark and Allen, so he summoned all the powers in his hands to mobilize all the heavy weapons.

“It’s good to dare to move towards the Stark Building, these guys are dead… Jarvis sent the Iron Legion to give them a color to see. ”

With Tony’s orders, a defensive shield suddenly rose throughout the Stark Building, and all the fire bombardment rippled on it, but it was still impossible to break through.

“Oh Shet the worst in the world… There is no better way for an enemy to use his own weapons against himself. ”

Allen watched as the enemy used penetrating bullets, burst shells, laser energy cannons and other high-tech weapons produced by himself, which were almost about to penetrate the defensive shield.

Soon fifty Iron Corps were on the move and began to engage fighters high in the distance, as did Alan and Tony.

The figure was running fast on the tall building, and two dark red pistols suddenly appeared when Allen’s hands flipped over, and the agile and agile figure quickly dodged the rain of bullets and bullets that were fired.

“Give me the fighter jet in the sky, and watch and do the rest yourself.”

Tony puts on his steel suit and begins to shoot rockets on the soles of his feet to lead the Iron Legion and the armed fighter group of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. can mobilize a lot of firepower to come to support, Tony Stark is very confident in his Iron Army.

In the confrontation of military weapons, he and Allen joined forces and did not fear anyone.

In order to inherit the cool fighting skills of the sharpshooter profession, Allen did not wait for the landing to land, and began to cross-stand handstand high-speed roundabout shooting.

Before the armed forces outside the building could open fire, they were accurately hit by the opposing fire, and every bullet was used just right without waste.

As sharpshooters, the accuracy of the gun headshot is their housekeeping skill.

After Allen landed, he unleashed the Ex-S Viper Cannon and the war-loving pursuers to deal enemy fire blows, after all, there were many fighters who came this time.

Pierce has been preparing for Project Insight for so many years, but he will not lose himself because of the likes of Alan and Tony.

Soon the enemy reacted and launched a fierce attack on Alan’s bunker, forcing the opponent to hide behind the obstacles and make it difficult to launch a counterattack.

At this time, the role of the Ex-S Viper Cannon and the Warthirsty Chaser was highlighted, and it was directly controlled by Allen to jump behind the enemy and start to explode.


After Allen’s constantly upgraded mechanical devices, the air wave generated by the explosion directly caused all enemies to be thrown to the ground by this air wave.

Taking advantage of this gap, Alan began to contact the captain about how things were going on there.

“Fortunately, there was no big problem, Banner was taking us away from the other side’s fire, I really didn’t expect these guys’ plans to be so crazy.”

Rogers said breathlessly over there.

The people agreed to meet in a secret place, and when the battle on this side was over, Alan would also go there with Tony and Fury.

“Did you say your last words?”

At this moment, Alan heard a cold and murderous voice coming from behind him, and without thinking about it, he sent a gorgeous swirling kick behind him.


The sharp and swift leg shadow was resisted by a metal arm, but Alan’s melee attack was more than that, and the other foot accurately kicked the opponent’s chest.

Barnes was shocked, and the figure took several steps back in a row, and then raised the shotgun behind him to shoot at the other side.

Bang Bang Bang!

Three consecutive shots were dodged by several side flips by Allen, and the “fatal shot” was launched to cripple Barnes’s arm.

“What a poor fellow, the brainwashed warrior, no matter how powerful he is, is just a walking dead, so let me free you.”

Alan kicked the other person directly to the ground, but not to end his life.

The good villain is also Captain America’s former comrade-in-arms, and even if he wants to do it, he should leave it to the captain to solve it himself.

Soon Tony had already solved the number of fighters in the sky, after all, fifty steel legions were on the move, even if it was an aircraft carrier, it could shoot it down.

In the original book, it is good that Tony does not intervene, and if he really wants to exchange fire, it is basically impossible for S.H.I.E.L.D. to send troops to eliminate it.

Even if things get to the side of high-level officials, there are General Roddy and others who resist a lot of pressure for themselves.

After the battle, the door of the Stark Building opens, and Fury is pushed directly by Hill wearing a white cloth to move towards a secret military base, and spread the news that the other party has died.

Fury’s shooting was seen by many people present, so even if the news of his death came out, it was not surprising.

In order to make the fake play real, Allen specially held a funeral, placed Fury’s portrait on the table, and deliberately asked nearby spies to personally identify the signs of Fury’s death.

“These damn guys! So far… The Insight Plan is about to be launched to see how the guys who stopped Hydra will die. ”

S.H.I.E.L.D. building, top floor office.

Pierce learns that his plan has been exposed and has found nothing but to kill Fury, and he slaps the table in a fit of rage.

Given that the gang was so much of a threat to Hydra, Pierce decided to have representatives of the world’s Security Council countries come tomorrow to witness the implementation of the Insight Plan.

This is also just in case, as long as the representatives of these countries can be controlled in their hands, they are not afraid that the group of guys will not compromise.

When the three Sky Motherships were successfully lifted, they were not afraid that this level of fire would not be able to pick up Tony’s gang.

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