After Allen vigorously sponsored Johnny’s aerospace business, he directly used the human resources behind Hanmer Industries to pave the way.

Space is always filled with mysteries that people can’t imagine, and only the top consortia in the world today are qualified to cooperate with the government to explore space.

After all, this is the key to whether his wife Susan can become Susan, and by the way, he can also experience what kind of power that mysterious cosmic ray can awaken to himself.

“When did you start to be interested in outer space, you must know that our earth’s technology does not seem to be very high, if you provoke any alien forces, you will be in trouble.”

Tony Stark finds out about Alan’s recent movements and deliberately wonders through the video screen.

“Is there a difference? Didn’t we already clash with alien forces in the last New York War? ”

Hearing Alan’s reply, Tony felt that it was also reasonable, rather than passively waiting for the enemy to invade, it was better to actively take the initiative.

It will take a while for the new company to go public, accept registration, interview, press conference and officially put into operation of the project, just as Johnny to practice in advance.

Allen’s side is not in a hurry, even if the enemies of the Fantastic Four appear, he will lead the members of the Avengers to support.

After insightful of the planned events, Natasha has joined and betrayed many countries during the mission, and is now facing interrogation by the country’s high-level generals.

Sure enough, as Alan said, this world is like a small dust in the universe, and when the day it really fights the alien forces, then the Avengers will be the last line of defense for the earthlings.

In addition to staying in the company’s laboratory to develop new weapons and ammunition, Allen spends the rest of his time hanging out with Tony.

“This is called a space receiver, so that carrying a lot of heavy weapons and ammunition doesn’t have to be so troublesome.”

Laboratory, arsenal.

A silver device resembling a wrapper around the waist, the lid on it opens, releasing invisible fluctuations and directly collecting the whole house of arms.

All the weapons and firearms needed for the sharpshooter profession, as well as the high-tech products of Stark and Hanmer Industrial, enough to arm a small base, are stored in a small space reservoir.

The total interior space is more than fifty square meters, but this is simply not enough for Allen, and in the future, the four major careers will be developed to a later stage, and the fire power device of the mechanic alone will need to occupy a large area.

Affected by the last Sky Mothership incident, Allen felt the need to study the large mechanical armor, preferably so that no one in the world could threaten him.

This latest scientific research product, Allen does not intend to get on the market to sell, at most is to share this technology with Tony.

The successful research into this product is also due to the fact that the real gemstone perfectly embodies many non-existent elemental materials.

Tony Stark was shocked that Alan was able to develop this space technology while giving away the newly developed space fighter as a reward.

“It’s a tacky time to send planes and houses, but this fighter with the wisdom of this genius can be given to you.”

Seeing Tony so generous, General Roddy, who was also a good friend, felt a wave of envy and hatred, and complained: “As a military weapon with mass destruction, I think this fighter should be the first to sell to the military, don’t you?” ”

“No, no, no… This fighter is specially designed for navigation in space, and I think that even if the government is strong, it will not be able to go to space and compete with those aliens for territory, right? It’s a dead giveaway…”

Tony shook his head and directly refused General Roddy’s request, insisting that the space fighter be given to Alan.

In any case, the other party who gave the steel suit would definitely not want it, which would limit the display of his own gun and martial arts, but it would lead to a significant decrease in combat strength.

“When did I say I wanted to travel to space?” The universe is so big that I am afraid of getting lost, or I am most comfortable staying on the earth. ”

Alan thought of refusing, but thought of the rest of the high-tech civilizations in the universe, such as the planet Shandar and the planet Saka, where the Nova Legion is located, and the entire race of Sovelines whose skin is dark yellow.

Needless to say, the Technological Civilization of the Sandal Planet, the headquarters of the Nova Legion, is mainly famous for its high-tech batteries.

Later, supervillains such as “Adam Warlock” were studied.

Tony was surprised to hear that there were so many high-tech civilizations in the universe, and was even more determined to let Alan travel to the universe once.

It is best to go to these planets and take their scientific research products to study them, and maybe the level of science and technology of the earth can be greatly improved.

“Just for the scientific development of this earth, if it weren’t for Pepper’s recent pregnancy, I would have wanted to accompany me on a trip to the universe.”

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