In this way, Alan helplessly sat in the cockpit of the space fighter and officially entered the flight phase, quickly breaking through the atmosphere.

According to the data on the spacecraft, the space fighter is equipped with a low-end version of “faster-than-light flight” technology and can fly around nearby galaxies.

Ordinary earthlings simply can’t withstand the impact of space fighters flying at super high speeds, so Allen’s physical fitness beyond the limits of the human body is undoubtedly the best candidate.

“So this time this guy can still come back?” You know, we haven’t even developed the so-called space jump technology. ”

Director Fury appeared at the base site early on to the Kree space warship with Captain Marvel, who had had the privilege of seeing this advanced civilization technology.

Using space jumping, spaceships can fly across tens of thousands of light-years in the vast and infinite universe, at least this technology is not currently available on Earth.

When he fought Captain Marvel, because of the constant fierce battle with the Kree, Fury did not have time to copy the data of this technology.

“What’s there to be afraid of?” Doesn’t he still have an older brother? At least their family wouldn’t be completely wiped out because of his disappearance. ”

Tony said with a smile on his face, and when Alan heard it, he gave him a straight middle finger.

If it were not for the bottleneck of the mechanic’s scientific research and design, and he wanted to go to the higher planet civilization to find inspiration, the fool would agree to this “interstellar exploration” action.

“After Hi Hong, how does it feel to stay on the watch?”

In order to facilitate this operation, Allen directly transferred the Red Queen intelligence to the watch on the wrist, and the performance configuration was enough to rival that of a supercomputer.

“I am very happy to accompany my master to explore the universe, and the next operation will be left to me.”

The Red Queen took the initiative to control the pilotship of the spacecraft, and Alan was happy to do so, directly lying down on the chair and starting to plan the flight route.

Before he could drive the thruster to its maximum, a meteorite fragment in the distance hit the hull directly, causing the space fighter to fall downwards.

“Chet! Hurry up and turn on the emergency escape device, I remember that the design of the fighter seems to have this function. ”

Hearing Tony’s command, the other side of the communicator never responded, and the technician next to him suddenly swallowed his spit and said, “Mr. Tony, the situation seems to be a little bad… The place where Mr. Allen fell appeared to be the Bermuda Triangle. ”

The most mysterious sea in centuries, the legend of the Bermuda Triangle has various versions that even the power of science cannot explore.

“Damn this place has been out of the woods since ancient times.”

After Alan looked at the red in standby at this moment, the switch on the operation console was affected by the surrounding magnetic field and fell into a state of panic.

Looking down, I saw a huge whirlpool on the surface of the sea, and the center was dark and gloomy, as if it could swallow everything deep and bottomless.

“I was so unlucky today, do I still have a way to survive by falling into this devil’s triangle area?”

As the fighter crashed into the whirlpool, Alan felt a whirlwind and fell into a coma, not knowing how long it took to wake up.

Unknown galaxy, on an intergalactic pirate ship.

“Look! This guy is an Earthman with a yellow-skinned monkey like Quill. ”

“Looking at the fine skin and tender meat, how about we eat it so deliciously?”

“Then hurry up and get started!” Quill couldn’t eat it, and this time he said that he would treat this earthlings as today’s dinner. ”

When Alan woke up, he found himself tied to a pillar, surrounded by some strange-looking aliens, looking at his eyes with a fiery look.

It was as if a jackal who had been hungry for many years suddenly saw the piglet and was eager to swallow all his bones and flesh into his belly.

An alien sea knife with rhino horns raised his machete to unload eight pieces and throw him into boiling water to cook.

“I advise you or not to do this?” Otherwise, we must see who the loser is. ”

At the moment of the thousand gunshots, Alan opened his eyes and said coldly, but the other party had no intention of stopping.


Mobilizing the dark magic energy in his body, he suddenly broke free of the rope and kicked the other party away, reaching out and hanging the disarmed space organizer not far away on his waist.

“You’re going to suffer… Chowder! ”

The revolver and automatic burst pistol pulled out, and Alan jumped on the table Thomas swung around while firing the bullet out of his hand.

Without aiming at all, it is necessary to accurately hit the key points on every pirate present, which is not enough to be fatal but can make them feel the ultimate pain.

Rushed to be teleported here and captured, and almost unloaded by these guys, Alan imagined that he was annoyed and had to give these people some colors to see.

The Detonator, the Chaser, and the Air Combat Robot were then summoned and pointed to the heads of everyone present, ready to take their lives at any time.


Just at this moment, an arrow with a dark red point of light flew in the door, and quickly shuttled through the air towards Alan.

It was the leader of the interstellar pirate ship who bravely arrived.

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