“This friend didn’t expect to be so strong, they all blame my gang for not knowing Tarzan, how about raising your hands high?”

A red, rough and fierce man stepped out, surprised to see the arrows that had been shot away, and said coldly to Alan.

Just a few hours ago, the ship inexplicably crashed from a distance, hitting the main ship of the interstellar pirate ship, causing them to fall and bruise their faces.

“Of course, you saved this life, even if it was to help yourself as food.”

Alan put away his guns, saw Yongdu and Quill standing next to him, and immediately knew where he had come.

Cosmic pirates, a gathering place for bounty hunters.

No one expected that the legendary Bermuda Triangle was a random teleportation point that actually brought itself to the interstellar pirate ship.

“Oh! Dude saw you so strong, beat these bastards up and I decided I wanted to make you a friend, how about we become partners? ”

Quill was sleek, uninhibited, and when he saw the outfit and complexion of Alan and himself, who were also earthlings, he came over and almost laughed.

With such a powerful teammate, those tasks with high bounties and dangers are also fearless, and he seems to see himself lying on the ocean of bounties.

“Alan Hammer, one of the richest forces on Earth, is honored to know you.”

Yongdu saw Alan and Quill form a partnership, and immediately felt fortunate to have such a powerful subordinate, and announced on the spot that a party to welcome his friends was held tonight.

As for the injured guys on the ground, they can only blame themselves for not having long eyes, and they don’t weigh their own strength and think about eating each other.

But then again, as Earthlings, Quill and Allen’s combat power is really very different, saying that the Earth is just a low-level civilized race?

If he were to know that there are superheroes and mutants on the planet, it is estimated that he will have a fear and awe of this planet.

It was a very comfortable feeling to sit on the sofa with a few alien beauties in my arms, and the wine in my hand was a delicious taste that could not be drunk on earth.

“To be honest, this is the first time I have traveled to the universe, and now that the spaceship has crashed and I can’t find my way home, isn’t it very sad?”

When Quill heard this, he understood that it was not an accidental coincidence that the other party was here.

“You’re lucky to meet my fellow here, who recently took on an order to find a mysterious orb, and the price offered by the other party is enough to buy a villa property on the planet Shandar.”

It seems that Quill does not know the whereabouts of the mysterious sphere yet, but Alan can probably estimate the coordinates of the target by the induction of the real gem in his body.

“I don’t know how many sets of real estate I have on Earth, but giving me a spaceship after this operation is enough, and I have no interest in this kind of extraterrestrial life.”

After the two people shared the benefits in this way, they officially formed an alliance, and Allen even set up the “Guardians of the Galaxy” for the other party in advance.

“Just two people still want to take such a windy name, is it not good to keep a low profile?”

Hearing Quill’s doubts, Alan explained with a smile: “Now the two of you may not have more in the future, wait and see!” ”

Landing on the planet where the mysterious sphere is located, Star-Lord steps awkwardly and listens to an old tape from the eighties.

“You guy is really a god, such a secret place can be found by you, just stay on the planet Shandar with me, and make money together in the future.”

Alan couldn’t stand Star-Lord’s dancing and refused this request with disgust, knowing that he still had a beautiful wife waiting at home.

Entering the Tomb Vault, Quill successfully obtains the mysterious orb, and just wants to leave but is stopped by Alan.

“There are hundreds of troops coming, and if you don’t want to die, it’s better not to go out.”

Alan said warily, without thinking about it, he knew that this was the elite soldiers sent by the Legion of Cree, and the number and scale were actually ten times larger than the original.

Quill looked out the door, and sure enough, he saw that many spaceships were gradually landing, placing mysterious spheres in his arms.

“Fark! Trying to steal Lao Tzu’s bounty is a dream, Aaron you first block … I went to find the best escape route to come back to you. ”

As he spoke, Quill quickly fled the battlefield with a rocket at his feet, leaving Alan speechless, but also pulling out two guns to prepare for battle.

The second time I clashed with alien forces, I really felt a little excited to think about it.

“Quickly surround here, not a single living person can let go, quickly find the target to evacuate.”

Kerry’s troops unfurled their nets and headed toward the Tomb Chamber of Secrets, only to see a young man in a trench coat sitting there as if waiting for them to arrive.

“Quickly kill this person, maybe the target has fallen into the hands of the other side.”

As the captain gave orders, countless lasers shot at Alan, but they were quickly dodged by the other party’s flexible body.

Several laser grenades were thrown at them, and countless laser rays were suddenly fired to spin rapidly on the ground, directly cutting the surrounding Kree soldiers into pieces.

The signal of the battle began directly.

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