Alan hid behind the boulder, and a large rain of bullets shot towards the perimeter, and the slightest carelessness would be shot into a honeycomb.

After all, it was a Kree force of thousands of people, and the guns in his hands were not much worse than his weapons, and at this time he began to think about whether to summon people to work together.

“Come out! Black Rose Special Forces and Terminator TN-80s, tear the enemy in front of you to pieces. ”

With Allen’s call, an alien dimensional space appeared around him, and out of it came ten women with beautiful bodies and expressionless faces.

Not only that, but there were also five combat robots, all equipped with powerful “963” firepower, and the Black Roses began to counterattack the enemy.

The cuirassica opened, and dozens of missiles bombarded the enemy, turning the tide of the battle around and beating the Kree troops to the point of being overturned.

These female members of the Black Rose Special Forces were made to be stored in special containers and placed in space organizers that belonged to mechanical lifeforms.

Thanks to Tony’s technical support, these extraordinary special female soldiers can be manufactured, forming an awakening technique exclusive to Alan.

Each Black Rose Special Female Soldier has one-fifth of the Nebula behind her, more than enough to deal with these Cree Empire miscellaneous soldiers.

“Multiple headshots!”

Alan swung his gun and jumped over the enemy to take the lives of dozens of Kree soldiers in an instant, followed by a random fire attack on the ground and the surroundings.

A few minutes passed, and thousands of soldiers fell to the ground without knowing whether they were alive or dead, and only then did Star-Lord swoop out, holding a laser gun in his hand and looking surprised.

“Miserable… The Legion of Cree is the most vicious force in the nearby galaxy, how dare you shoot them all? ”

As if remembering something, Starlord felt a moment of fear, even the boss of the interstellar pirate ship bravely faced this kind of force.

It’s not that the Legion of Cree is so powerful, but the big guy behind him, the cosmic overlord Thanos, the lord of the Dark Legion.

According to the strength of the Dark Army, it will take several days to destroy the earth, and I heard that the other party still has more advanced and powerful energy weapons in their hands.

“Turns out you’re so afraid of death… I knew that the mysterious sphere was handed over to the other party. ”

When Xingjue heard this, he shook his head and said that who dared to covet him and play with him for his life, even if it was courage.

He had already planned to swallow the sphere alone, and the bounty would find a planet to settle down, and buy a spaceship to send Alan away.

Tens of thousands of light years away, on the Dark Army.

A burly purple skin that showed the domineering spirit, that is, Thanos sat on the throne, as if sensing something.

“I felt it, the power gem appeared, it seems that there is another gem around me, who is going to help me get these two things back?”

Hearing Thanos’ command, Kamala and Nebula half-knelt on the ground to receive their orders, and each set off in a small spaceship, ready to take away the mysterious sphere.

“The mission entrusted to me by Heaven must be completed, so from now on, any planet that may have the possibility of infinite gems will be destroyed for me.”

The battleship then began to sail towards a nearby planet, causing destruction and destruction to the surrounding galaxy.

At this time, Earth S.H.I.E.L.D.

The disappearance of Alan Hammer has aroused the covetousness of many forces, and even Justin wants to seize his brother’s property.0…

Now that Hammer’s industrial light weapons department and research and development department have begun to develop rapidly, if they can be attributed to Justin, then he will gain supreme status and glory.

However, Tony Stark repeatedly intervened to block them, so that these forces did not have time to make any moves, and they took the lead in being suppressed by his resources and connections.

“It was awful… Alan this kid won’t just hang up, right? ”

If Tony wouldn’t have let Alan test fly experiments if he knew this was the result, Stark Industries would have wanted to enter the interstellar world too early.

Director Fury is next to him to give advice, guessing that the legendary Bermuda Triangle is not necessarily a space-time tunnel, but may also be a teleportation point to another part of the universe.

Using S.H.I.E.L.D. to try to search for Alan’s tracks, the watch they carry can continuously send signals toward the surrounding galaxy. 、

This can be used to confirm whether Alan is still alive.

“How can you old guy be so ridiculous?” Now the 4.4 task is to quickly organize people to enter that sea area to search. ”

Tony said and planned to go alone, and then the screen began to appear on the central screen, and the map began to zoom to the entire galaxy.

At some point, the exclusive signal released by Allen is impressively displayed, and it is surprising that Director Fury’s guess is likely to be correct.

“This bureau chief has also dealt with alien forces, so learn a little bit about Tony Boy…”

Tony looked embarrassed and began to change the subject, “Maybe I can try to contact this guy Thor, maybe they can borrow a spaceship that can sail in the universe.” “_

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