On the way to the planet Shandar, the Gem of Reality in Alan’s body resonates with the Power Gem in the Cosmic Spirit Orb, and begins to unleash a brilliant glow.

“What is this situation, why does the Cosmic Spirit Sphere keep flashing when it is held in your hand, and does this thing still confess to the Lord?”

Quil was preoccupied with getting rich, and had no intention of knowing what was stored in the Cosmic Spirit Orb.

“So in order to avoid attracting attention, this thing is still better to be held in your hand, so as not to be remembered.”

Alan returned the Cosmic Spirit Orb to the other party, the Reality Gem alone was enough for his own use, and the Infinity Gem had a certain degree of load on himself by taking too much without gloves as a carrier.

At this stage, Thanos should have already begun to move, and the universe began to search for the whereabouts of the Infinity Stones.

Those who have read the original book know that 09 has no good end in the end of having the Infinity Gem, but he has no fear.

A strong person of Thanos’ level can’t even defeat Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel without holding the Infinity Stones, let alone changing into a stronger version of himself.

【Didi! Yongdu is requesting a call from you…]

“Quil, are you a guy who has drifted away, and who dares to take things from the organization in private, forgetting who adopted you in the first place?”

On the other side of the video pain, Hu Yongdu’s face appeared full of anger, and he ordered Quill to quickly return with the Cosmic Spirit Orb.

The Cosmic Spirit Orb was a bounty worth hundreds of millions of dollars, enough for the interstellar pirate ship to continue to squander for a long time, and now it was swallowed up by Quil, and the loss caused was simply painful.

“Hahaha! You old fellow, Lao Tzu now has a more powerful partner like Allen, what else are you fooling around? So let me enjoy the bounty alone. ”

Quill laughed out loud and hung up the phone on the spot, as long as there is a huge bounty, the whole universe can survive everywhere and live a life of leisure.

Interstellar pirate ship, command hall.

Hearing Quill’s taunts and sneers, Yongdu was so angry that he threw the communicator in his hand to the ground and called on the brothers behind him to launch a crusade against the two of them.

“Pass on my orders, Quill and the guy, each with a million bounty, and this time I’m going to give this guy some color to see.”

Hearing that Quill was a bounty worth as much as this waste, the pirates around him got the deal very uneconomically, but they obeyed the instructions.

【Want to get rich?】 Want to buy a property on the higher planet? Want to be a local tycoon that everyone admires? When you see the two people below, please grab them directly on the spot, the bounty is waving at you. 】

Planet Shandar, on the Executive Square.

Suspended in the air from an oversized projection display, the bounty heads of Alan and Quill are officially hung, and the two million bounty marked below is particularly eye-catching.

Out of the crowd came a guy who looked like a raccoon, followed by a tall tree man, who was worried about his future livelihood, when he saw the bounty task and his eyes lit up.

“Groot has a big order, which is worth two million bounties!”

The rocket raccoon jumped excitedly on Groot’s shoulder, as if seeing the future of abundant food and clothing, happy and happy life.

Two million bounties are enough to squander on any of the planets of higher literature for several years, and it is enough to buy a valuable luxury spaceship.

“I’m Groot.”

Groot commands such a sentence from beginning to end, but can express many meanings, and this strange way of communication can only be understood by rocket raccoons.

“Fark! Lao Tzu was so valuable that I wanted to take the initiative to hold myself. ”

After Quill saw the bounty task, he was also shocked, feeling that this guy was crazy, and it was better to give it to Lao Tzu if there was no place to spend so much money.

“I can’t count this as being dragged into the water by you, but this bounty is also too bad, and Young Master Ben is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, right?”

Alan also felt that he was not 963 full, to know that he was a man worth hundreds of billions of dollars on Earth, and he did not expect to be so cheap in interstellar civilization.

Quill came to the intermediary vendor and handed over the Cosmic Spirit Orb in his hand, and the store said that this kind of Chengdu mechanical device could only be done with the technology of the Void.

Originally, they had all agreed to bid hundreds of millions of dollars to sell, who thought that the intermediary heard that Ronan was also robbing this thing, and immediately abandoned the deal.

Just kidding, the Ronan Legion can all be murderous and unblinking guys, putting the Cosmic Spirit Ball in his hand, is it because he thinks that he has lived too long?

Quill and Allen have been kicked out, and they are now penniless, and it seems that the only way to survive is street performers.

Taking out a bank card with hundreds of billions of dollars in storage, Allen lamented that it was really difficult to live, and he was obviously very rich but could not exchange it for the universal currency of the universe.

It was at this time that Camorra and Rocket Raccoon, Groot began to circle around where Quil was, pinning targets to Quil and Spirit Orb, respectively. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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