The planet Shandar, where all sorts of strange-looking alien species are available.

So Quill wasn’t surprised at all at all at all at all at the guys who looked like raccoons and tree men, but was puzzled by their arrival.

“Hey! Is the beauty looking for me to talk? ”

Quill more or less inherited his father’s disposition, and when he saw the beautiful woman, he couldn’t walk, and walked over and held out his hand to get in touch with the other party.

“Hand over the Cosmic Spirit Orb!”

Camorra didn’t give a crap, grabbed Quill and gave him a melee fight, a scissor kick knocking him to the ground, about to reach out and take the Cosmic Spirit Orb.


Using the power of dark magic, the Cosmic Spirit Ball was directly held in his hand by Allen on the spot, and he shook it in his hand, laughing: “Is it okay to tell some reason?” This is our stuff…”


Rocket Raccoon took out the rocket cannon behind him and bombarded Alan with a fierce bombardment, trying to bring down the guy with absolute firepower.

Alan ran behind the obstacle with a trail of shadows, and without guessing, the two little guys had made themselves the target of the bounty.

“Playing guns in front of me, I have to say that you have a lot of courage…”

Pulling out the FM-31 grenade launcher, Allen rolled in place, shooting at the rocket raccoon every time he got up, constantly changing directions.

This is the charm of speed enhancement, so that the enemy does not know where you start from the attack, but also has to face it carefully.

“Oh my God! This yellow-skinned monkey star man gun pressing technique is so exquisite ~~. ”

Rocket Raccoon showed a look of surprise, he was very proficient in guns, and he could see at a glance that the other party’s gun skills were even stronger than his own.

By the end of the battle, Rocket Raccoon had been blocked by grenades in all retreats, thanks to Groot sticking out a rattan to dodge Allen’s accurate shelling.

“I’m Groot (bullying my companion, just unforgivable!) )”

Groot’s arms soared wildly, extending out large vines and heading towards Allen’s strangulation, shooting without mercy.

Throwing a few ice grenades, Allen a few backflips quickly pulling away for a shooter or a ranged attack can inflict massive damage on the enemy.


Several explosions sounded, spreading out a large number of branches and canes frozen.

In another place, the opponent of the Star Lord rookie-level combat power did not pull at all, and had long been pressed to the ground and ravaged fiercely.

“Alan hasn’t rushed to save me yet, this woman is too good at beating Fark!”

Summon the Destroyer Robot to come out, with a heavy Gatling on his arm, and make tactical strikes at Groot and Rocket Raccoon.

Alan pulled out a few electric bullets, and the revolver quickly filled it with a sharp flick, shooting a few at Kamora.

Kamora was very sturdy, and soon noticed the paralyzing effect of the electric shock on the bullet, and immediately gave up the Star Lord and rolled to the side.

Close to the other side, with dozens of moves with his bare hands, Alan launched a knee bump to hit the opponent’s cheek, followed by an instant kick to hit the back of the head, directly smashing it on the spot.

“You guy is too fierce, the other party is also a girl paper…”

Star-Lord climbed up, looked at the stunned Groot and Rocket Raccoon across from him and said, “Don’t you want to go yet?” Is it not still thinking of exchanging me for a bounty. ”

“Disturb us so let’s leave…”

Rocket Raccoon and Groot are trying to escape, and the target of this mission is too strong to do well, so it is better to retreat back to the same place and think of another way.

However, the fight here has already attracted the attention of the Nova Legion, and a large number of armed personnel have been sent to this place.

“Forwards please lay down your weapons in place, your actions have touched the Sandal Planetary Security Law, and if you do not surrender, you will bear the consequences.”

The leading official said with a loudspeaker, and then several battle ships flew overhead, extending their guns to aim at the people below.

Star Lord knew that he was destined to go to prison, so he took out the Cosmic Spirit Ball and said, “Hide this thing and remember it to save us.” ”

It can also be seen that he has a lot of trust in Allen, and he has no worries that the other party will run away immediately after getting something.

Allen said that even if he wanted to run, he had to know the way, and now even the spaceship did not go up where to find a means of transportation?

Transformed into a gust of wind phantom and quickly escaped, so fast that it was difficult for the soldiers here to react, and by the time they slowly (King Nuo was good) came over, the other party would have already run away without a trace.

“Is this still human?” Run faster than a warplane, even if you hurry to catch these people who are committing the crime. ”

In a remote location, Alan uses the face-swapping technique he learned from Black Widow to recreate his identity as a middle-aged man.

“It’s a pity, if this is a space gem, I can return to Earth in minutes, and I can’t rely on this guy Starlord.”

For Alan, it didn’t take a sophisticated instrument to take apart the Cosmic Spirit Orb with his bare hands and remove the power gem inside.

Unbeknownst to him, this strange wave had already been felt by Ronan, and he led the Kree Legion to quickly rush to this side. _

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