Seeing the Death Blade General’s figure engulfed in the flames of the explosion, Alan knew that this level of damage would not cost the other party’s life, but it was enough to go to see how the situation was in another battlefield.

Arriving at the collector’s room, sure enough, the Power Gem had been successfully taken away by Ronan, and even StarLord and Camorra had just fled.

“Oh! Where did you kid go… We were almost killed. ”

Rocket Raccoon and Groot survived and jumped on Alan’s body for a cry like pets were spoiling the director.

“Get out, there’s still a troublesome guy here who needs to get rid of.”

Alan takes them to a shipyard, pry a spaceship away with ease, gain control and quickly flee.

The healing ability of the Dead Blade General was so terrible that if there was no absolute force to crush him, there was no intention of winning the battle.

“Damn! You guy is waiting for me…”

The General of the Dead Blade, who had awakened from the impact of the explosion, saw that Alan had left in a spaceship and roared angrily.

I didn’t expect that myself, who had always been invincible, was actually being teased by a low-level civilized earthling, which was simply a great shame.

On the other side, the Nova Legion detects the prison riots, uses the camera to eventually lock the culprit on Alan, and sends hundreds of cruise ships to arrest him.

Releasing criminals without permission, causing a large number of prisoners to scatter and flee, will undoubtedly increase the pressure on the work of the Nova Corps, and will cause panic among the people in nearby cities.

God knows if these lunatics will find someone on the street and die.

Nova Supreme, the leader of the Nova Legion, offered a billion bounty to call on bounty hunters across the universe to help arrest the criminal Alan.

“Hey guy, look at your posture to catch up with the intergalactic pirate ship?” It’s crazy… It’s too reluctant to be alone. ”

Rocket Raccoon looked at the wrong flight path and asked Alan.

“Xingjue, this guy is also my fellow, what does it matter to go to the rescue?” Anyway, my bounty has increased, do you want to try to arrest me? ”

Idle and bored, Alan looked at the bounty notice on the screen next to him, only to find that he was so valuable.

However, a billion is still too little, it seems that he has to find an opportunity to raise the price for himself, whether it is on the earth or in the universe, he must be a young master worth hundreds of billions to match his identity.

Dark Star, the battleship of the Kree Empire.

Without the Death Blade General’s surveillance of himself, Ronan was finally able to swallow the Power Gem without any scruples and set it on the scepter.


A dark purple energy flame filled his body, making Ronan feel that he had infinite power in his body, powerful enough to completely destroy a planet.

“Now I can finally rely on myself to completely destroy the planet Shandar and avenge my ancestors.”

Because his ancestors had died under the pursuit of the Nova Legion, Ronan was burdened with the responsibility of avenging the family’s hatred from birth.

At this time, Thanos’ video projection appears, asking Ronan to bring back the Power Gem, and the action to destroy Shandar can be carried out immediately.

“Hey hey hey… Even if you come here in person, I have nothing to fear, let alone pack up a new star legion, and after destroying Shandar, it will be your doom! ”

Ronan’s dissatisfaction with Thanos erupted on the spot, even if he was a descendant of the Eternals? Calling to himself all day, sneering at himself.

He had had enough of this humiliation!

Directly hanging up the video pain with Thanos, Ronan began to order his men to march at full speed towards the planet Shandar.

Titan, Thanos territory.

Thanos knew that Ronan’s men were unreliable and would definitely betray him after getting the Power Gem, but he didn’t panic in the slightest.

“Stupid fellow, the power of the Infinity Stones is not easy to control, just wait to be swallowed up by this force.”

Thanos stood up and took the Infinity Glove from the storage bank beside him, only heiring the bloodline of the Eternal God Clan could withstand the power released by the six gems.

In the original book, he destroyed half of the life of the universe with one snap of his fingers, and it was only when he later destroyed the Infinity Stones that he caused serious physical injuries, and was easily killed by Thor.

“Now that legendary Supreme Mage is dead, the God King Odin is left to stand in the way.”

Speaking of the god king Odin, even the wind candle is enough to make Thanos feel jealous, fortunately, this old guy is about to run out of oil, and he has long been cursed by the goddess of death for eternal life.

In other words, he has plenty of time to consume Odin alive, and finally he is left to collect the Infinity Stones.

The fleet of the Nova Legion receives orders from the headquarters and receives a warning from the Star-Lord that Ronan has gained great power and is preparing to completely destroy the planet Shandar.

Despite their skepticism, the supercomputers at ABP showed that a powerful wave of power was rushing in this direction.

Shandar is in danger of extinction.

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