Starship pirate ship, central hall.

Just when Kamora was about to be killed by Yongdu, Star-Lord stepped forward in time and used his mouth cannon skills to fool the other party into doing a big deal.

It should be known that the order of the collector Tiffon has not been withdrawn, and if the power gem is successfully obtained, it will be enough to bring four billion bounty income to the interstellar pirate ship.


Just when Star-Lord and Courage reached an agreement, Alan and Rocket Raccoon, Groot broke in, and a flying kick directly kicked Yongdu to the ground.

“Quillmo panicked, we’re here to rescue you.”

After Rocket Raccoon kicked Yongdu down, he assumed the posture of Heavenly Dynasty Kung Fu, but he sensed that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, as if the current situation was different from what he had imagined.

“I’m thankful for your little guy’s behavior, but Yongdu is our ally at the moment, and I think it’s better to apologize to him.”

Xingjue was speechless, secretly saying that he had exhausted his tongue to get the courage to arrive before arriving, this rescue speed is inevitably too slow, right?

Another starry sky, the Dark Star, is getting closer and closer to the planet Shandar.

The accuser, Ronan, can’t wait to see the moment when the planet is destroyed, and from now on, the powerful self will run rampant in this universe.

“It seems that a few rats have mixed in and will be left to you to deal with.”

After Ronan’s strength soared, he did not dare to take the slightest interest in an opponent of the level of the Star Lord, so he asked Kratt and Nebula to go and destroy it.

“No problem! It just so happened that my so-called sister and I had an account to settle and had forgotten your promise. ”

More than Nebula, what made her hate the most was that she transformed herself into a cyborg Thanos, eager to eliminate this guy as soon as possible.

Now that Ronan has obtained the Power Gem, he is more likely to successfully kill Thanos than ever before, which is why Nebula chose to defect to the other side.

After Alan and Star-Lord, Camorra and others broke into the Dark Star, the Starship outside also sent a large number of fighters to launch a general attack.

For a huge bounty of four billion, these vicious pirates have decided to fight the army of the Kree Empire to the end.

“Brethren! For the bounty I killed these shitty mothers…”

Under the leadership of Yongdu, all the pirates shelled the Dark Star’s hull one after another, looking fierce and fearless.

Nebula drew two laser blades and rushed toward them with the soldier leader Crater.

“It seems that our sisters are destined to win or lose.”

Camora took the initiative to fight, and fought with Nebula for so many years, and he never lost every time, and this time it was the same.

In order to avenge the killing of Ronan, Drax also yells at Kratt in anger, trying to kill the other party with one blow.

“Okay, let’s find out the whereabouts of the Power Gem.”

Alan and Star-Lord, Rocket Raccoon, broke into the depths of the battleship, and because of the superior performance of Hanmer Industries’ weapons, they used Allen’s own weapons and guns.

“Next time remember to bring your own equipment, don’t you know that being a sharpshooter and an ammunition depot is not enough for me to consume?”

The rocket raccoon saw the enemy appear, and without saying a word, he carried the anti-tank bazooka and fired, directly blowing up the incoming Kree soldiers to the flesh.

This scene looked at Alan and felt painful, obviously a few bullets can solve the thing, actually with a rocket cannon to solve… Simply extravagant!

In order to prevent the next rocket raccoon from continuing to waste, the next enemy did not react and was killed by Allen accurately hitting the head.

These miscellaneous soldiers did not even need to use the skills of the sharpshooter, and were left to be used to collect Ronan at the end.

Finally, they found Ronan’s figure in the command room, only to see him sitting high on the throne, wearing dark armor, and the scepter in his hand flashing with powerful energy fluctuations.

The Power Gem senses the arrival of the Reality Gem and unleashes a brilliant glow, causing Ronan to take a look at Allen in a high light.

Seeing this, Alan took out the red reality gem in his body and waved at Ronan and smiled, “Now I also have an Infinity Gem, so please put away your superiority, otherwise I don’t mind hitting your head.” ”

Ronan saw the appearance of the Reality Gem, his breathing became thick and short, and after feeling the pleasure of the increase in strength, he was also determined to get the Reality Gem.

“Give me this gem, I’m willing to give anything in exchange, as long as we are willing to join forces with the whole universe will let us go sideways.” 」

Star Lord did not wait for the other party’s nonsense, and directly shot the other party’s head, but it was absorbed by Ronan’s power.

Find the Dead!!!

Ronan took the opportunity to unleash a wide range of purple energy shock waves, and then pounced on Alan, trying to snatch away the Reality Gem in the opponent’s hand.

Unexpectedly, he ignored the property of the Infinity Stones, that is, the abilities of the gems could cancel each other out, so that Alan was not affected by the purple energy waves.

A kick hit Ronan in the cheek, and Alan was about to snatch the scepter from the opponent’s hand, but the other party broke free.

A massive explosion of energy pierced the entire ship, causing the Dark Star to begin crashing towards the ground in Shandar.

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