“Electric laser cannon!”

Alan raised his gun to aim at Ronan, and the arc flash continued to condense until the light bloomed to the limit, and then he pulled the trigger.

A powerful laser shot out, and the recoil pulled Alan back several meters, directly hitting Ronan’s body through several metal walls and flying out towards the outside of the spacecraft.

“It’s really the gods fighting mortals who suffer, there is nothing to do to destroy the power engine, this is the next time we are going to fall into the meat paste.”

Rocket Raccoon saw Alan alone and complained disapprovingly.

At this time, Drax and Camorra had finished packing up their opponents and rushed to see the tens of thousands of meters below, and if this height fell, there was no doubt that they would die.

“I’m Groot.”

Groot felt helpless and was about to release all the branches and canes to take all the damage, but was stopped by Alan pressing on his shoulder.

It just so happens that there are quite a few parachutes in the space organizer, which happen to be placed with weapons and ammunition, and have not been used much.

“Can I be afraid of heights and not jump?”

Xingjue put on his parachute and said helplessly to the bottom, in the past, he had been flying in the weightless environment of space in space.

Rushing to let him skydive is really a little scary.

“Less! Don’t get in the way if you don’t jump…”

Kamora followed Thanos through hundreds of battles, and had never seen any big winds and waves, so he directly kicked the Star Lord down, and jumped down with him.


In another place, Ronan fell to the ground with a huge amount of dark purple energy, slowly stood up, and looked at his surroundings with a cruel smile.

Years of feuds can finally end today, and it only takes one thought to make the planet disappear in an instant.

A large number of soldiers of the Nova Legion had already felt that in order to prevent the other side from having the opportunity to destroy the planet Shandar, they almost shot their heavy weapons at each other.

“Blast this madman to a pulp for me, and the planet Shandar will be guarded by us!”

The centurion commanded the army to fire with full force, killing Ronan to the death.

I didn’t expect that after so many years, this guy still wanted to destroy the planet Shandar, and today either he died or the planet ushered in the demise.

Each Nova warrior slammed into the enemy without fear of death, and the flames of war exploded directly around Ronan, producing countless strong shock waves.

However, after obtaining the Power Gem, Ronan’s physical attack and defense had reached a level of near invincibility, and no amount of gunfire could break his defenses.

“I have obtained supreme power, this ant-level attack is ineffective against me, give me to die!”

Ronan was not in a hurry to destroy Shandar, so it would be too boring to slaughter all these soldiers and then give Shandar a final blow.

Raise the scepter in your hand, absorb and condense all the incoming gunfire, forming a huge ball of energy light, and you can blast out the power of a nuclear bomb with any swing.

Hundreds of energy orbs of light scattered around the battlefield, each explosion taking the lives of a large number of soldiers, causing countless casualties.

“It’s really terrible, people with the power of the infinite gem are like hanging up, let’s find a chance to slip away… There is no chance of winning at all. ”

Rocket Raccoon and Groot saw the destruction and casualties on the battlefield, and they all looked frightened and said to the Star Lord and Kamora behind them.

“Don’t panic! Watch me go and grab each other’s attention with awkward dances, and you see the timing to take away the Power Gems. ”

Seeing that the planet of Shandar was in danger, Quill was about to dance a dance in front of Ronan, which was embarrassing but reliable at critical moments. +

“Forget it! There is a good word to say don’t dance without moving, and now I’m afraid that only I am the opponent of this guy. ”

As Alan unleashes the power of the Gem of Reality, he directly transforms his surroundings into Jurassic times, forming a dreamlike realm of space.

As long as the host’s will is strong enough to make all living things here perfectly manifest.

A large number of tyrannosaurus rex, unicorn and other ferocious animals rushed towards this side, as if to see Ronan’s appearance was extremely excited, and wanted to tear this guy to pieces.

“Is this the power of the Reality Gem?” It’s a pity that I can’t help it. ”

Everything Ronan felt here was so real, he was sure that if he were to be bitten by these dinosaurs, he would definitely be hurt as much as the real thing.

The scepter in his hand waved, releasing a dark purple energy beam, and any oncoming dinosaur would be penetrated through the body and turned into a pool of blood mist.

The ground is rifted and the light of destruction blooms, directly destroying everything in the area, even if there is no distinction between illusion and reality.

“Even if I also have the Infinity Gems, I have far more control over the Reality Gems than you do, reincarnating in the endless illusory reality.”

Alan then transforms his surroundings into the Kree Empire, where Kree’s people and relatives are being slaughtered by alien creatures.

This scene completely plunged Ronan into a complete frenzy!

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