The vast starry sky, the depths of the universe.

A bright milky white strange spaceship is speeding by, the owner of the spaceship is wearing a white robe, white hair, and it is a crane-haired and childlike old man.

“Huh? Those who have the ability to appear two Infinity Gems are dueling, which is really interesting, little mantis let’s go and see. ”

Hearing Iago’s order, the praying mantis woman wearing a black tights and having tentacles on her head suddenly controlled the spaceship to change the flight trajectory, and did not dare to disobey the words of the old man in the slightest.

Planet Shandar, on the battlefield.

The space where Alan and Ronan were located had been completely blocked, and they were plunged into a chaotic haze, and no one could see what was going on inside.

“If this guy can kill Ronan, I’ll think he’s the boss.”

Drax knew that his strength was not enough to fight Ronan, so he put his hope of revenge on Alan, and said with a determined look.

In the unreal space, Ronan watched his family being killed, despite telling himself countless times that it was not true.

However, the screams, cries and desperate voices around him seemed so real, destroying Ronan’s nerves all the time, making him gradually in a mental breakdown.

Alan, as the master of this space, grabbed Ronan’s young heir and directly broke his neck.

“You bastard! I’ll kill you! ”

This scene made Ronan’s eyes turn red, and the scepter in his hand constantly gathered terrifying energy and slammed into the place where Allen was.

Unfortunately, when the blast was over, the energy shock destroyed only a nearby valley, and Alan’s figure slowly emerged from another place.

As long as you want, you can turn yourself into a part of the mountains and rivers at any time, arbitrarily distorting reality, so that the enemy cannot find his true position.

Seeing that Ronan had fallen into madness, and his control over the Power Gem had decreased a lot, he waved his hand to turn the scepter in the other’s hand into ashes.

Without the Hammer Scepter as an energy carrier, Ronan directly received all the energy of the Power Gem, and his body began to show signs of cracking, and a dark purple light shone from his veins.


In the end, Ronan was brutally devoured by the Power Gem, and his entire body exploded into pieces, leaving even the ashes behind, leaving only the Power Gem suspended in place.

Stepping out of the space realm, Allen was immediately chased and intercepted by the surrounding Nova Legion, aiming his gun at the key points around him and preparing to shoot.

“Stop stop, stop! Don’t you guys see who the enemy is? This is the hero my guy who saved the planet. ”

Star-Lord and the others rushed to stop in front of the Nova Legion soldiers, and Drax the Destroyer pulled out his dagger in both hands and posed as a battle.

The Supreme Commander of the Nova Legion appeared and demanded that they best hand over the Power Gems and the Reality Gems for safekeeping.

Allen was amused to hear this, and although the planet of Shandar was the headquarters of the Nova Legion, it did not have the same strength as in the Marvel Comics.

In the future, when Thanos led the Black Yao Fifth General to attack, he easily took away the Cosmic Spirit Orb here, and the strength could not bear to look at it directly.

“I don’t care about the Power Gem, but the Reality Gem is my thing, and if the Nova Legion has to, there must be a battle between us.”

At this point, what Alan was trying to say was already clear, that is, the Reality Gem could not be handed over anyway.

If he hadn’t wanted to interfere too much in the development of the plot, he would have taken the Power Gem with him long ago, but it would have been impossible for him to hand over his things.

Hearing this, all the Nova Legion soldiers present showed a hint of jealousy, after all, the strength displayed by Fang Cai Allen was already extraordinary.

Even if he can’t use the power of the Reality Gem for a long time, Allen still has the power to subvert the planet.

Summoning a large number of battle robots out, Gatling and heavy machine guns, laser cannons aimed at the surrounding Nova Legion, the scene fell into a serious situation.

Suddenly, a milky white spaceship flew through the sky, releasing a beam of light and landing two figures.

It was Iago and the Mantis Woman who appeared.

“It’s a surprise not to expect to see my descendants here, who wants to move my son to pass me first.”

Iago unleashed his divine power to directly remove the guns from tens of thousands of Nova soldiers, and his eyes lit up and threw them to the ground.

Taking the Power Gem away, Iago seemed to be very interested in this power, which would be enough to support the energy supply of his origin planet for a long time.

“I can’t imagine that this guy has such a powerful father, it is really a tiger father without a dog.”

Rocket Raccoon and Camorra and others still think that Alan is the descendant of the old man’s mouth, but only Star-Lord feels inexplicably connected with this person.

“My father has been dead for a long time, and this old man has nothing to do with me, but Quill is really happy for you to see his father for the first time.”

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