“Walter! Such a great old man is actually my father? ”

The Star Lord’s face was full of incredulity, and Fang Cai’s Igo had deprived tens of thousands of Nova Legion soldiers of their weapons with his bare hands, an ability that was almost like a god.

Xingjue, who had long had no idea about his father, shook his head in disbelief at the thought of this, if this was the case, why did he seem so ordinary?

Logically, Iago had such a powerful divine power that he should inherit some of it, but now he was too fragile to even defeat a Ronan soldier.

“I’ll talk about that later, but now you might as well follow me to the ship and I can slowly teach you how to develop your potential.”

Iago made an invitation gesture to let Star-Lord and the others get on the ship.

“Go for it! I should have gone back after coming out for so long, so this old gentleman doesn’t mind sending me back to Earth by the way, right? ”

When he met Iago, Alan took the light of the Star Lord and begged for a spaceship that could travel through the universe.

Now Iago doesn’t want to devour Star-Lord, and there’s still some time before the next episode starts, so he has to go back.

“You’re such an interesting guy that at such a young age he can control the power of the Infinity Stones… For your many years of protection of My Son, I will give you – a small gift. ”

Iago uses his divine powers in Quill’s mind to detect the memory of Alan taking him out of danger many times, revealing a kind and kind smile.

Unleash a flying device similar to an anti-gravity curved wing in front of you, with weapons and firearms that can “space jump” and melee fire.

The design inspiration for this sci-fi equipment is also the inspiration he accidentally got from an online game on Earth, which he made and improved many times.

Anyway, I don’t need these things, as a member of the Celestial God Group, I will fly faster in the universe, these are just things for amusement as toys.

“Are you leaving?” Wouldn’t it be more fun to mix with me in the universe. ”

Star Lord has been an interstellar pirate for so long, he has no feeling for that part of the earth, and now after a series of adventures, he seems to have found a reliable partner.

With Kamora, Rocket Raccoon, DeGroot and these guys around, it’s enough to set up the Guardians of the Galaxy to run around.

“You’re not always there for yourself. Small and distressed? Now that my father has come to the door, maybe he doesn’t need me in the future. ”

That being said, when the awakened divine power matures, he may be in the position of a friend, and he still needs to come back.

After all, when the time comes to clash with Iago, it is difficult to resist the attack of the other side by relying on the current members of the Guard.

【Ding! Bind user DNA data, pupillary scan… The system is booting. 】

The anti-gravity curved wings are flanked by fighter-like wings, and there are also heavy weapons equipped with melee or long-range attacks during flight.

Alan jumped on it, his body clasped by the anti-gravity curved wing, waved goodbye to everyone present, and then began to locate the position of the earth as a stream of light and moved forward at great speed.

Titan, Thanos territory.

Thanos felt Ronan being devoured and destroyed by the Power Gem, and before he could be happy, he learned that the Power Gem had fallen into Iago’s hands.

“What is the origin of that old guy that makes me unable to test the depth of the place… Ebony throat do you know? ”

0········ Ask for flowers…

Among the Black Glory Generals under Thanos, Ebony Throat is the oldest as a butler and wizard, and is even more knowledgeable about what he has seen and heard in the universe.

Hearing the master’s inquiry, Ebony’s throat eyes flickered, and he silently replied, “It seems to be an ancient god who has survived to this day, and I suggest that it is better for adults not to provoke each other for the time being.” ”

As the creators of the Eternal Clan and the Inhuman Race, the Tenjin Group has a vast and vast divine power, and it is the blood of the Eternal Clan that flows through Thanos’ body.


Unless he can collect all six gems and set them all on the Infinity Gauntlet, then let alone the Celestial God Group, even one of the five gods of creation has the ability to fight.

When Thanos heard this, he nodded his head in acquiescence to this fact, he did not collect the six gems to compete with the gods, there was no need to risk it.

At this time on Earth, Susan mourns for a while after learning of Alan’s disappearance, until Tony tells her beloved that he is not dead, which reinvigorates.

Before Allen returns, she has a responsibility to keep all the guys who covet Hammer’s industrial weapons department out of the door, even Justin.

Now she is mainly in charge of her brother Johnny Space, a very important space project, for which she is personally involved.

The experiment’s colleagues also included Reed and Ben, Victor, who had a wealth of experience in the space industry and were competent for this engineering project.

“All the data show is normal, and it is expected that it will be close to the outer periphery of the cosmic storm in a few minutes, and the data collection work will soon begin.” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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