Tony and Thor, Thor, were condemned when they returned to Stark Mansion after a fierce battle with Olgon at Wakanda Docks.

“How did you promise me in the first place?” I didn’t expect to actually make such a thing with the Loki Scepter, is it worth me? ”

Thor, Thor, said, lifting Tony’s collar with a menacing look.

Captain America also complained about this, believing that Tony had betrayed everyone’s trust in him and had actually developed an artificial intelligence life form behind his back.

Now that Ultron was born, not only did not do anything to help world peace, but felt that humanity was the greatest threat and wanted to kill everyone.

“At the very least, the original intention of arming the world is right, and the blame is that the consciousness given to the artificial intelligence by the Mind Gem is too dangerous.”

At this time, Alan had to persuade everyone to calm down, even at the beginning he was advocating against the study of Ultron.

“You also seem to be one of the participants, and don’t seem qualified to say 09 words for this guy, what’s up… Is this a pity between you geniuses? It’s ridiculous…”

Thor’s anger was so enraged that he almost had to spit on anyone he caught, even Alan.

“Okay, I’ll wait until you calm down, so as not to get into a fight later.”

Hearing Thor’s taunts, Alan did not act directly on the spot like a child, but felt that everyone should calm down and discuss how to solve the problem.

“I’m sorry Alan didn’t listen to you.”

In fact, the most guilty is Tony, who was bent on going his own way and insisting on studying Ultron, but now he has caused such a big disaster.

The Fantastic Four sit next to them as a melon-eating crowd, anyway, they only need to be responsible for coordinated combat, anyway, after Dr. Destruction is seriously injured, he should not come out to make trouble for a long time.

General Roddy couldn’t take it anymore and stood up and said, “There is no point in arguing about what has happened, but it is precisely what should be done to track down Ultron’s whereabouts.” ”

Now Ultron has the most powerful intelligent program in the world, in order to fully exert its power, it is necessary to find a suitable body to fuse with each other.

Thinking about it, it is also located in the Han Guo Chuan Research Laboratory, where Dr. Zhao Helen works, and can only do it with the technology of “cradle of regeneration”.

In order to reduce the flight time between the back and forth, Ni called Singular directly to come and take them quickly to Seoul in the Han Kingdom.

“You guys… I am a supreme mage who has actually been used as a teleportation point by you, first of all, to state that I have not joined the Reunion Alliance? Next time don’t come looking for something like this. ”

Strange snorted coldly, and then turned off the magic teleportation.

As a new generation of Supreme Mages, his power is used to guard world peace, what is the matter with always making him a teleporter?

“Don’t care about these details, I’ll give you some magic and technology-crafted equipment as a thank you gift.”

Alan began to send weapons and equipment without a word, anyway, recently the umbrella company’s business has been expanding, participating in more factors of weapons research.

And the magician’s most consumed is in terms of weapons and equipment, melee attacks are even more shortcomings, and the products that Allen has researched can just make up for this defect.

Hearing this, Strange’s face eased up a lot, and said that he predicted that they would be thrilling next, so he did not participate in this operation.

This time, the Avengers came over, the main purpose is to prevent Ultron from occupying the newly existing body, and by the way, check the life characteristics of Dr. Zhao Helen.

“Red Queen, scan what’s inside.”

At Allen’s command, the Right Glasses Combat Analyzer began scanning the entire lab and found that only Dr. Helen Zhao still had a breath.

“I’m responsible for staying and taking care of her, and you guys are going to catch up with Ultron.”

Originally, Zhao Helen was controlled by Ultron with the Psychic Gem, and the data transmission process to the new flesh was also smooth, but it was a pity that Wanda and Pete arrived in time to stop him.

Since the siblings broke away from 963 Hydra, Allen has sent them to Seoul to disrupt Ultron’s data transfer process.

If it weren’t for the siege of a large number of steel legions this time, they could even stop the cradle of regeneration directly, saving Alan and the US team from continuing to track.

“It looks like this time I’m going to trouble Pete to give us a ride.”

Alan pleaded with Pete that after all, this guy was indeed faster than himself in terms of running speed.

Pete nodded, and Captain Rose turned into a storm phantom and quickly rushed towards the route Ultron had fled to.

Probably running for tens of kilometers or so, when Pete was almost exhausted, the US team and Allen immediately jumped on the roof of the car next to them, waiting for the opportunity to approach the container truck where Ultron was located.

“Did Victor that guy actually buy himself such a little time?”

Ultron watched the data transfer progress to be 60% complete, and ordered several steel soldiers to stop these two guys at all costs. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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