The U.S. team jumped on top of the container truck and climbed out of the car with two steel soldiers, and Rogers stepped forward to fight with them.

Alan pulled the trigger to open the rear compartment door, and a tumble into it, pointing the muzzle of the gun at Ultron s head and saying, “If you don’t want to be headshot at such a close distance, stop my hand.” ”

As he spoke, he unplugged directly behind him, cutting off the data connection between Ultron and the cradle of regeneration.

“You guy can’t help but be too confident in yourself?”

Seeing that the progress of the data was about to be completed, after being directly interrupted by Allen, Ultron had a furious killing intent in his eyes and was very disgusted by the guy who hindered him.

A spark formed a circle overhead, and Ultron’s eyes slammed into the teleportation magic array with Allen in his arms, and he came to another battlefield.

Just when Ultron wanted to retreat, Alan had already reacted, using scissors to grab the guy’s head and pull it in.

“Is this waiting for me?” Who the hell has so much hatred for me…”

Quickly leaping from the ground, Alan surveyed the desolate towns around him, when most of the inhabitants were still asleep in the wee hours of the morning.

According to the data in the battle analysis instrument, this is the Sokovia area, the final showdown site of the entire Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Dr. Doom hovered high in the air, and behind him were the Iron Overlord robots that Tony had used against his opponent, and there were more than a dozen guns aimed at Alan.

The monsters that O’o created for Tony, many previously abandoned Battle Intention models that he could create at will, are now dedicated to the most powerful men in the Avengers.

“Hand over the Reality Gem, and don’t force me to kill you with my own hands!”

At this time, Victor’s injuries had not yet fully recovered, but this did not affect his ambition to collect all the Infinity Stones.

He was not as bored as Thanos, thinking of maintaining the ecological balance of the universe, and when the power of the six gems was in hand, he could completely destroy all mankind.

From then on, they will be able to create a world exclusive to the superpowers, and they will no longer be aliens, but will be able to lead them to a powerful Creator King.

Ultron got the “cradle of regeneration” has been successfully taken away by the US team. Fortunately, he simply gave up the body and began to concentrate on assisting the Doctor of Destruction in capturing the Infinity Stones.

As long as they get the power of the Infinity Stones, sooner or later what they lost will be able to come back, starting with Alan’s side now.

“A few discarded models think about this, and it seems that the superpower enhancement does not include your head.”

Alan secretly mocked the other party as a braincripple and pulled out two guns. Dark magic condenses to the point where bullets can deal high damage at any moment.

“What if we exchange the lives of these lowly human beings?”

As Victor raised the Staff of Loki, the power of the Psychic Gem was unleashed on a large scale, instantly calling out the still sleeping inhabitants of Sokovia.

It only takes one idea to activate and Victor can take the lives of these people at any time, depending on whether Allencan will obediently obey.

“If you play this trick with me, if you want it, then give it to you.”

Speaking of playing tricks, Alan thought that he had never been afraid of anyone, took out the Cosmic Spirit Orb he got from the Star Lord, and put the Reality Gem into it and threw it at the other party.

Unless he used a special instrument to cut the Spirit Orb, the other party would not be able to really get the Reality Gem anyway.

Dr. Destruction grabbed the Cosmic Spirit Ball and was about to open it with a big smile, but found that he couldn’t break it, and the smile on his face instantly disappeared and became gloomy.


As Victor gave the order, a dozen Iron Overlords sprayed a large number of tracking missiles from behind them, bombarding in the direction where Allen was.

Alan began to summon anti-gravity curved wings, quickly put on his body and gathered his wings to resist the incoming missiles.

Meanwhile, in the Stark Building lab, Tony and Banner are feeding Jarvis’s program into the Illusion’s body.

The US team and Pete and others arrived in time to try to stop it, but at this time they received the picture transmitted by the satellite, which was the scene of Alan fighting with more than a dozen Iron Overlords.

After Jarvis successfully enters the new body, is reborn as an illusion (Nob King), and shows his determination to stand on the side of justice, the crowd begins to join forces and rush towards Sokovia.

Considering that the town of Sokovia had millions of inhabitants, General Roddy began contacting officials to assist the local people in their escape efforts.

“Damn! What kind of material is the iron ball, how can not be broken. ”

Dr. Destruction felt a pang of rage, but fortunately released a hundred thousand volts of electricity to try to blow the iron ball apart, but the effect was almost minimal.

“The Infinity Stones can’t fall into the hands of a guy like you.”

An indifferent voice sounded, and Doctor Strange stepped out of the magic aperture, followed by the Fantastic Four and others. _

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