After Doctor Strange returns to asceticism for a few days, his magic grows with the help of the Time Gem, and then he manipulates the Cosmic Spirit Orb back into his hand and throws it to Alan.

“Just know that you won’t sit idly by, and the power of magic will be handed over to magic to fight it.”

Seeing that the Gem of Reality had been taken away, Dr. Doom let out an angry roar, summoned a large amount of lightning from the sky, and waved his hand at Doctor Strange.

By the time he returned to God, Allen the guy had already disappeared with the Gem of Reality, and he was so angry that he let Ultron start the “Human Destruction Plan.”

“If that’s the case, then replace it with your time gem.”

Alan disappears, Dr. Destruction blinks his attention to the Eye of Agomoto that hits Doctor Strange’s chest, and the Reality Gem can’t get the Time Gem.

“I dared to come out and die before I recovered from my injuries last time, and I really admire your courage to come and die.”

Strange unleashed a vast and boundless magical power, and the breath even infinitely approached the level of Gu Yishi’s 963 power peak, making Dr. Destruction’s face become very ugly.

In terms of magical talent, he was almost the same as Strange, because he did not have the Eye of Agomoto to assist in cultivation, which caused a huge gap between them.

On the other hand, Alan had contacted the Umbrella Company and asked them to send a large number of escape pods to the scene.

“You guy was actually teleported here, but fortunately he didn’t seem to be harmed, which is reassuring.”

Tony, Roddy and other Avengers members all rushed here, including the illusion that had just adapted to the body.

“The task of stopping Ultron’s body from regenerating is entrusted to you, and it is not in vain that we will go to great lengths to snatch the flesh.”

After simply saying hello to Vision, Alan then began to analyze the situation and announce Ultron’s plan.


As he spoke, the ground around Sokovia began to tremble violently, as if an earthquake had begun, and the giant thrusters hundreds of meters underground launched with full force, directly lifting the area into the sky.

Seeing that there were still a million people in Via that had not been evacuated, all the Avengers began to evacuate the crowd individually.

Due to the exhaustion of Doctor Doom’s magic, the energy bombardment in Strange gradually intensified, and he was quickly bound by a large number of ropes extending from the surrounding magic light array.

At this time, the members of the Fantastic Four also arrived at the scene, and took Victor under control on the spot, and handed over to Thunderbolt Fire and Mr. Fantastic to escort them to a specially built prison by S.H.I.E.L.D.

“What if you catch me?” Ultron has evolved to a higher level, and then the whole earth will become fragmented. ”

Even if he is detained, Dr. Doom is still an unrepentant look, and he is very much looking forward to Ultron being able to carry out his plan perfectly.

“Shut up! No matter how loud it is, you will not see the sun tomorrow. ”

Thunderbolt interrupted impatiently, raising the temperature of the surface of his body suddenly, directly allowing Victor, the family (ajee), to experience the painful taste of roasting the flames.

This time, Dr. Destruction is imprisoned, and if there is no accident, he will be sentenced to life imprisonment, but his ability is too special to kill him easily.

If the Brotherhood and the members of Hydra stopped coming to make trouble, the S.H.I.E.L.D. were confident that this guy would be able to stay inside.

At this time, Alan had already fought against the oncoming steel army, and looked out at the dense steel soldiers in the distance.

Receiving Ultrondo’s orders, most of the Iron Soldiers attacked primarily in the direction of Alan, with the aim of the Gem of Reality on his body.

Secondly, the remaining members of the Avengers were also surrounded to ensure that Ultron’s plan could be carried out smoothly.

“It’s time for guys to show off your skills, and it’s an important test before joining the Avengers.”

Pete rushed from a distance into a storm of shadows, and the impact of the acceleration along the way was enough to shatter the mechanical body of the steel soldier on the spot with one punch.

Wanda manipulates Chaos Magic to create a special energy that destroys the steel soldiers around her from within.

After the abilities of the twin siblings have been stabilized, there is a significant improvement compared to the original book, and it seems that they will be Alan’s right-hand men in the future.

“Next… It’s the turn of the Black Rose Special Forces and the Chrono March. ”

Alan throws a space-time teleporter, from which emerges the Black Rose Special Forces and the Chrono Marching Robot Force.

Among them, the female robot has some of her own sharpshooter skills, and the chrono marching troops carry a large number of lethal weapons to provide fire support.

Looking at the robot army behind him, Alan has the confidence to compete with the tens of thousands of steel legions opposite, not to mention that Susan of the Fantastic Four has come to help him.

“I can finally fight with you, let you see my strength.” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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