“Baby + listen to my hurry up and hide invisibly, here I am enough.”

Seeing Susan struggling to catalyze the energy magnetic field and release a powerful ultrasonic wave to repel the enemy, Alan felt some pain and couldn’t bear to let his wife go to the battlefield herself.

After all, casualties were inevitable in all battles, and he knew that Susan’s ability to resist the enemy would cause great consumption of mental power.

In the original work, Susan’s excessive use of her abilities leads to nosebleeds, unlike Alan, who can fight continuously with high intensity.

After getting rid of Ultron, he tried to activate the “satellite ray” skill, directly destroying the giant-thruster hundreds of meters underground.

But apparently Ultron this guy knew his own means, and actually blocked the nearby signal in advance, resulting in his instructions not being received by the satellite.

Although the signal can be launched now, a large number of people have gathered here, and a hasty launch may cause heavy casualties.

After more than an hour of continuing, Susan finally felt a burst of exhaustion and was directly taken away by Allen’s summoning the Airstorm Robot.

However, Doctor Strange’s next action left him speechless, and Strange unleashed the power of the Time Gem in part.

This caused Susan’s mental and physical strength to return to the state she had before the battle, as if she had inexhaustible strength.

“Husband and wife fight hand in hand… It’s a good idea to have to come and thank me. ”

Alan endured not to be mad, and complained in his heart that this guy Strange was really redundant, was this wishing Susan was always on the front line?

It was hard to get Susan to go down and rest, and now that she was being troubled by Doctor Strange, it seemed that she would have to work with Susan to fight this time.

Throw a large number of frozen grenades and laser grenades, spread a large amount of cold air on the battlefield to freeze the enemy, and countless laser lasers cut the steel soldiers into pieces.

“Alan this kid is still so fierce in battle.”

Thor, the god of thunder, hurried from Asgard, perhaps sensing that the Earth was about to face a catastrophe of destruction.

So he ordered the Dwarven Elders to finish the storm in advance, and the grip originally given by Groot was replaced by an unknown branch of the ancient tree elf.

Not to be outdone, Ultron, who had evolved to a higher level, wielded a tomahawk and flew away with the earth-shattering lightning.


Thor summoned an endless thunder lightning squeezing zone, bringing considerable damage.

If it weren’t for the presence of the Avengers now, and Banner wouldn’t have been able to fully control the Hulk’s powers, the strongest would undoubtedly be Thor himself.

“Flash away! Susan is going to make a big move…”

The Stone Man Ben saw Susan’s hair flying wildly and the energy soared and immediately found a place to hide.

The figure of the steel soldiers within a kilometer suddenly became stopped, as if an invisible magnetic field of energy was restricting their movements.

The internal mechanical parts were constantly squeezed, causing the shell to begin to be severely traumatized, and finally as Susan’s eyes froze, it exploded directly in place and turned into parts all over the ground.

0········ Ask for flowers…

Doctor Strange immediately unleashes the laws of time to help Susan return to her peak state, but it also resets Susan’s memory.

“Where is this? Aaron how could you be here…”

It seemed that Susan’s memory was still stuck in the moment before she came here, and Alan waved his hand directly and said, “Strange you guy… You don’t need to do this, I can handle these steel legions alone. ”

Seeing that Alan was holding back his anger, Strange directly spread his hands and turned to attack the oncoming steel soldiers.


Handing Susan over to Ben, who is quite hidden, Alan quickly cuts into the battlefield and falls into the steel army like a flock of tigers, with all kinds of difficult actions and gun fighting techniques, and each bullet can penetrate the core of the steel soldier.

The guns in his hands switched to Gatling and anti-tank rockets, and even if the number of steel armies increased several times, they would not be able to resist Allen’s fire suppression.

The combination of the professional skills of the mechanic and the gunner, the combined attack of heavy firepower and high-tech weapons, makes Allen turn into a “mechanical meat grinder”, and no one can stop him wherever he passes.

In another place, Ultron appears in the core control center, preparing to speed up Sokovia’s ascent, but is stopped by an illusion that appears.

“That’s it… Your power will end with me. ”

Ultron is held by the hallucination of the head, and after a heart-rending program invasion, it causes the core intelligent program in his body to be tampered with.

Now, except for the robots that have been built, Ultron can no longer integrate consciousness into the Internet and escape.

This made Ultron, who had lost the cost of escape, feel extremely angry. _

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