While Alan and the Iron Army were fighting fiercely, a hole was torn in the sky, and a light and shadow from it landed on the ground, attracting everyone’s attention.

The visitor appeared to be almost the same as Allen in appearance and appearance.

If you don’t look closely, you think that the two are twins, and even the sounds are exactly the same.

“Is this the era of sixty years ago? I hope that this time I can successfully complete my mission. ”

Alan saw this and asked Dr. Strange what was going on, and Strange rushed to look at the figure of the comer and mused, “The mechanical life that travels through time and space is the “nine-six-three” that does not know what it is for.” ”

According to the level of technology in the Marvel world, it is believed that in a few decades there will always be a time machine researched, but it is easy to trigger a series of butterfly effects if you rush through time and space.

As the master of the Eye of Agomoto, Doctor Strange can use the Time Gem to monitor the movements of these crossers, lest they change the past and thus affect the future.

“Mechanical lifeforms? There is nothing to build a robot exactly like himself, is the inventor full of food? ”

At this time, the visitor began to introduce himself and said: “First introduce my name is Alan Killer, which is specially created by the future Hydra technology team to deal with the target Alan.” ”

After listening for half a day, Alan finally knew the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that one day in the future, he had already eradicated all the members of Hydra around the world, and seized a large number of black technologies and handed them over to the Umbrella Company.

In this way, in order to change the current situation, the Hydra executives have to work with Dr. Zou to develop a time machine to send killers back in the past to obliterate Alan.

“So why do you think you’re my opponent?”

Hearing Alan’s question, Allen Killer opened the coat on his chest, which was equipped with weapons he had used, and even a lot of equipment he had never seen before.

“Alan Hammer has experienced more than five hundred battles large and small, is proficient in all kinds of firearms and gun fighting, leg skills, and after six years of supercomputer analysis, has implanted a combat system specifically for you into my chip.”

Speaking of which, Allen’s killer used the art of drawing his gun, and the movements and angles were perfectly copied from the past, and he kicked at Allen with a fast and shadowless step.


The two men simultaneously used “instant kicks”, and the invisible air waves lifted the steel soldiers around them, and the ground cracked and cracked.

Alan took a few dozen steps back, feeling a little paralyzed in his right leg, and he couldn’t imagine that the killer robot that Hydra would create against himself in the future would actually replicate his fighting style perfectly.

“If you want to choose to teleport at this time, you will really pick the time.”

Doctor Strange senses the movement on this side and is shocked that Allen’s killer has the power to shake Alan.

“Traveling through time and space without authorization to change the past is not allowed.”

As Strange was recounting, the Agomoto Eye on his chest flashed a green glow, as if briefly communicating with his future self.

Then an illusory figure appeared in the light of the Time Gem, instantly occupying Alan’s consciousness, and it was from the future that Alan followed Alan’s killer.

“You can’t just let you just kill the past me and take this opportunity to teach your past new professional skills.”

Hearing Alan’s slightly vicissitudes tone, Allen’s killer’s eyes flickered, if this mission fails, Hydra will never turn over the day 0………

Even in order to deal with the past Alan, they had prepared for it for a long time, but they did not expect that in the future, Alan would also be able to get the power to travel through time and space.

“Well, without further ado, I can’t take up the power of the Infinity Glove for too long, after all, it’s busy over there.”

Future Allen said as he pulled out two guns in his hand, and the magic light array shone on the muzzle, instantly spewing out more powerful flame light bullets.

Every moment the Flame Light Bomb had a blasting power comparable to that of a grenade, and it was able to shoot at Allen Killer at a sharp angle with his mind.

This time he came only to kill the other party, and could not delay more than a minute, but this was enough to torture the enemy several times.

The new class skill, called Magic Bullet Shooter, perfectly blends magic and gun fighting, and is a leg skill with various magical elements.

Whether it’s melee combat or ranged attacks, the Magic Bullet Shooter who fuses the essence of the four major class skills can become a powerful battle 4.4 that determines the outcome of the battlefield.

Even in the Endgame, he almost killed Thanos on the spot with a big move, and now let his past self contact this profession early, maybe let him play a better ability.

“Ice and Fire Cannon!”

A slowly rotating array of magic light appeared at Alan’s feet, and the two guns in his hands burned with flame and frost cold air, respectively, condensing enough energy to pull the trigger on each other.

Two consecutive gunshots could be heard throughout Sokovia, followed by the roar of the double dragons, followed by a column of ice and fire that erupted in one direction. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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