“It seems that the effect is not bad, and now I can use the power of the gunner to the extreme without any scruples.”

“These steel bullets can’t match my speed, so let’s experience the feeling of being shot in the head by a gun.”

“Melee attacks are a sought-after weakness, and the only way to control combat robots with a wave of your hand is to win thousands of miles away.”

“High-tech weapons and tactical layout is the best way to fight, this is too lazy to argue with you, just compete on the battlefield.”

Allen, who wears the roaming sought-after, gunsmith, mechanic and ammunition expert suits, begins to compare the strengths of their respective professions as soon as he first appears.

The four Alan suddenly appeared, but they showed slightly different personalities, and the body of Allen was ashamed to hear it, and hurriedly commanded them to charge towards the Iron Army.

“Suddenly there are five more husbands, and I feel some happiness inexplicably.”

Susan saw this and thought that if Alan didn’t have time to go on a date with her in the future, maybe she could let him go to the front of the doppelganger instead.

“Thinking too much, this level of doppelgänger magic is quite mana-intensive, Alan this guy lasts up to ten minutes, so let’s dispel it as soon as possible.”

Dr. Strange heard her muttering and poured out this idea with a cold head, and it was better for girls to specialize.

Mechanic Allen piloted the Destroyer across the battlefield, constantly bombing downwards, dropping missiles without money.

The roaming sought-after is to quickly swing his body, turn into a shadow and travel through the battlefield, and shoot gunfire to destroy the surrounding enemies in minutes.

The Hit Leg Technique forms a combo and unfolds, which can not only empty a large area of the battlefield but also fill the ammunition by the way, coming and going freely.

The operation of the gun division is even simpler, just take out the heavy weapon and attack it, and then switch to the next one when the muzzle temperature is too hot.

Dozens of minutes later, the gunner Alan had already exhausted a small ammunition depot, but the enemy was also the most destroyed.

“The enemy’s shielded magnetic field has been cracked and is ready to launch satellite rays.”

Alan the ammunition expert operated the microbrain to crack Ultron’s program, and the battle analysis eye located the number of secrets in front of the Iron Army.


A laser laser in the sky fell, directly impacting the damage comparable to a hurricane, and the remaining steel soldiers were cleared at once.

“This guy cheated on the hanging, and the star weapon is still the most awesome in the profession of mechanic.”

The four Alan said, and the body also turned into a point of light and gradually faded away. The lower body Alan sat on the ground in a cold sweat and gasped.

“It seems that after going back, you must strengthen your spiritual power as strong as your physical body, otherwise you will not be able to withstand the mana consumption of the new profession.”

Finally, Susan flew over and took Alan out of the battlefield, by which time the Sokovia area had reached an altitude of five thousand meters above the ground.

“The White Queen activates the satellite rays, adjusts the power to the maximum and must blast the entire Sokovia into pieces.”

The White Queen Intelligent Program was launched, appeared in the Umbrella Company’s underground Hive Lab, and began to apply for Allen’s identity certification.

Outside the Earth, a satellite in space unfolds its tail energy plate, constantly starting to get a lot of energy from the universe.

Fangcai’s satellite rays are nothing more than a pediatric one, and this time, considering the vastness of the entire Sokovia region, it is necessary to consume a lot of energy to explode into pieces.

“Tony Stark! You created me and you ruined me… Die here with me! ”

Seeing his plan fail, Ultron flashed a frenzied embrace of Tony, wanting to die with him under the bombardment of the next satellite rays.

At the critical moment, the illusion arrives in time to severely damage Ultron, catching Tony, who has fallen from the air, and quickly flies away into the distance.


An earth-shattering beam of light penetrated the clouds and directly bombarded the Sokovia region, and the violent energy continued to structure its surface rock formations.

This Sokovia instantly turned to ashes, far more completely shattered than in the original book, leaving only the dust scattered in the sky.

It looks like the smog in the Washington area will continue for some time, but fortunately the Avengers have minimized casualties.

“Less, it seems that I am looking for an opportunity to talk to him alone.”

Director Fury stood by the window of the Sky Mothership, saw the dust spreading outside, and shook his head helplessly.

“Allen’s contribution to humanity is there for all to see, but does this need to be proven to government officials?”

Agent Hill smiled and said, as if he were upset with Alan.

However, this is the way the world is, once someone has a great power that cannot be controlled by those leaders, they will not even feel at peace when they sleep and dream.

The Umbrella Company, Stark Industries, and many other big powers are all like that. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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