When Alan woke up, he habitually tried to put his arm around Susan’s cheek, but he felt a few hairs.

“Huh? When did Susan grow a beard? ”

When he opened his eyes, Alan immediately saw Strange looking at him with a cold face, and he was so frightened that he awkwardly released his palm.

“I’ll chop your hand off the next time I touch it, and don’t forget that in addition to being a magician, I also have the skills of a surgeon.”

Alan asks curiously why he is here, and Strange explains that he wanted to send him back to the manor for recuperation after the Ultron War.

However, physical injuries are easy to heal, but the mental trauma caused by excessive mana consumption can only be healed by magic.

So he was taken to the New York Temple to recuperate, and Strange was allowed to channel the dark magic of the riot in his body.

“I think you might need to learn the magic basics, or maybe the next time the 963 won’t be able to use that amazing gun again.”

As Doctor Strange teleports the future Allen back, he briefly sees the scene in his mind where a single shot explodes the entire planet.

This power is simply countless times more powerful than a nuclear bomb, and if Alan does not control it one day, it is easy to inadvertently destroy this beautiful planet.

“That makes sense, I also want to understand how magic tools are forged and recreate two magic double guns for myself.”

Alan stood up and moved his muscles, already in his mind the design drawings for the gun that he wanted to jujube next.

The revolver can be upgraded to Blue Rose, a ranged weapon similar to the one used by the protagonist in Devil May Cry.

The automatic pistol can be upgraded to the Crimson Silver Snake, a new weapon that will be forged by the future self (ajee).

Both pistols can withstand the infusion of dark magic, and can form energy projectiles to attack even if they are not filled with ammo.

Of course, if you can use specially crafted magazines and magic bullets, usually a few bullets can achieve effects such as “one-hit kill”, “tracking positioning”, “elemental damage” and so on.

Even the physical skills attached to the magic projectile shooter require specially crafted combat boots and protective inner armor, and the tactical trench coat can withstand the impact of the skill casting.

“You guy is really greedy, and the gunfight technique has been magical, but the power of the law is not spared.”

Alan also felt helpless about this, who let himself merge the essence of the four major professional skills of the sharpshooter in the future to create a new profession?

Anyway, sooner or later will be created a profession, there is nothing wrong with solving it in advance, that is, it accelerates the process of making yourself stronger.

Alan then began to bring the Red Queen, the White Queen, and Ball back into their respective supercomputer consoles, giving them over-the-top business for the Umbrella Company.

Originally, these were the jobs Susan needed to undertake, but now that he has become an invisible woman, he often has to go out with his team to maintain world peace.

Coupled with the fact that Johnny’s aerospace technology company also needs to take care of complicated affairs on a daily basis, so the umbrella company can only let artificial intelligence completely take over at present.

Anyway, they don’t have self-awareness, and even the projected images and emotions are still simulated, so they don’t need to go down the path of Ultron.

In addition to meditating and practicing every day, absorbing dark magic from the multidimensional space to strengthen his spiritual power and flesh, he fought with Strange, Wang and Baron Modu every day.

Tony Stark and Thor and others visited once during their stay, so that the solemn shrine of the New York Temple often heard the cheers of the party.

“You guys, hey the skin is over, give me a hurry to roll… If I let the dead Teacher Gu Yi know below, I would definitely not let me go. ”

Strange looked drunk, and the people next to him, such as Tony, Natasha, Hawkeye and Banner, had already fainted drunk, and the scene was a mess.

It is hard to imagine that this is the place where the legendary Supreme Leader swore to practice meditation in ordinary times.

A few months had passed, and Alan now had no need to carry a space organizer at all, and could directly mobilize resources in arsenals around the world by directly passing through the magic light array with the palm of his hand.

This means that no matter how much ammunition Alan sells, the winner who will end up with the benefit will be himself, and the special weapons and equipment will be stored in the ammunition depot of the Umbrella Company.

“With all due respect, your self-inflicted behavior is no different from theft, and learning magic is what you want to do?”

Strange was somewhat dissatisfied with Alan’s actions, feeling that he violated his code of conduct as a mage.

“I’m sorry… My combat profession is a gunner, and learning magic is only to assist in the output of firepower, and that set of mage codes of conduct is useless to me. ”

Allen, whose strength has been improved, feels indifferent to this, anyway, he has a lot of money and will compensate them when the time comes. _

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