In the dead of night, Alan’s room was gradually enveloped by a dark force.

Alan’s soul was sitting in the starry sky, and he had already absorbed today’s dark magic, and he didn’t expect to see an incomparably huge evil face as soon as he opened his eyes.

This face looks unspeakably strange and dark, as if it is the embodiment of the evil of this universe, and the infinite power makes people feel afraid.

“Oh my God! Who’s coming… Did you rush into this space to scare me to death with this face? ”

It was like waking up and seeing Sadako right in front of you, and the fear it brought almost made Alan’s heart stop.

He also gradually speculated about the identity of the comer, it was Dormammu, the only lord of darkness, who felt that someone was absorbing the dark magic that did not belong to his own realm and came to snoop.

After discovering that someone could use the dark magic to strengthen himself and not be corrupted by the dark forces, Dormammu finally became very interested in Alan.

“Doesn’t it take a lot of effort to absorb that little bit of dark power?” Better to consider throwing yourself into my hands, like the Casilla guy. ”

Dormammu said in a seductive tone, promising that as long as Alan was willing to be loyal to him, he would bring Allen a vast dark power that was incomparable.

It is only necessary to assist him in destroying the three major temples of New York, London and Hong Kong on Earth, allowing His Essence to descend on Earth – and devour it.

In that case, he would evolve to a new level, even in the face of the five gods of creation, without any fear, and obtain the ultimate power – quantity beyond the gods. +

If you change to an ordinary person, perhaps this temptation will seem very attractive, but for Alan, becoming a strong person is only a matter of time, and there is no need to rely on others.

“It sounds good, but alas… No one is qualified to command me, and you are just a wizard who happens to discover the dark space, and you don’t have to put on a lofty appearance. ”

Allen, who was carrying the Gem of Reality, had no fear in the face of Dormammu’s deception, and the dark magic did not absorb him anyway.

As for the other party’s purpose in his eyes, it was ridiculous, as an earthling, even for the sake of those relatives and friends, Alan could not help the abuse.

“Are you sure you’re not thinking about it?” I can definitively sue you… The earth is in danger of destruction, and without my strength I am afraid that it will be difficult for you to survive. ”

Dormammu said, projecting a picture of a silvery figure stepping on a skateboard and flying towards the speed of light on the earth.

Immediately afterward, a moving black mist far larger than Dormammu, filled with the devouring breath of destruction, hovered the nearby galaxies, destroying the planets one by one.

“This guy is… Planet Devourer? ”

Alan was stunned for half a day, did not expect that a new enemy appeared so soon, it was really painful, and the Marvel Universe had so many villains who were full of food and wanted to destroy the earth.

The most speechless thing is that they are still on the wheel war, and they have the ability to fight first and then patronize the earth?

“No, don’t underestimate the power of the earthlings, don’t appear in front of me again.”

Dormammu showed an evil smile and was about to use tough measures, but was directly expelled by a mysterious force.

When Alan opened his eyes, he saw that Dr. Strange was looking at him solemnly, worried that he was being seduced by Dormammu.

0········ Ask for flowers…

After all, the endless dark magic, even he would have felt extremely excited at the beginning, and the strength climbed to a certain extent that it was easy to lose himself.

Fortunately, the same breath as Dormammu was not detected from Alan’s body, otherwise Doctor Strange would be difficult.

“If I’m not mistaken, that guy should have fooled you into becoming his subordinate, right?”

Strange said calmly, for this point when he was cultivating, almost every Gu Yi disciple would undergo such a test.


However, if the cultivation magic talent is insufficient, even if you study for half a lifetime, you will not be able to reach the level of those geniuses, but surrendering to the dark can easily make people have great power.

Seriously, if Alan had been planted in Dormammu’s hands so easily, it would have been a waste of Doctor Strange’s attention to him.

“I just let the guy roll, but I was told by this guy that a new enemy was coming.”

Alan told the Avengers about the Silver Shadow and the Planet Devourer, which made Doctor Strange look solemn, and felt that it would be better to tell the Avengers about it.

After all, this time the enemy was unprecedentedly powerful, and he had a power comparable to that of a god, at least three Infinity Gems had to be gathered to compete with it.

“Is it the use of three Infinity Stones placed in the three temples to form a Dharma Array similar to blocking Dormammu?”

When Dr. Strange heard this, he felt that he could help this time, who let them now have the Reality Gem, the Time Gem and the Space Gem in their hands.

Now wait for the enemy to appear again and prepare for battle. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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