“Finally found the planet of life that can be devoured by the master.”

Outside the solar system, the Silver Shadow Man Norrin stepped on a silver metal skateboard, and his whole body seemed to be liquid drilling out of the skateboard, looking at the distant earth and saying.

He was originally an astronomical enthusiast, willing to become a subordinate of the planet devourer in order to protect his home from being devoured, and searched for planets that could be provided to his master to devour.

Planets are nothing more than food for the Planet Eater, but not all planets make him feel the appetite.

Like those desolate planets, beasts rampant, and environmentally polluted, they are garbage in the eyes of planet devourers, and there is no appetite at all.

If it is a planet like Earth, which has resources such as trees, life, and water, then it is undoubtedly a great delicacy for planet devourers.

After Silver Shadow sent the location here to the Planet Devourer, he preemptively came to the street building at nearly the speed of light.

09 “You can take a look at the basic situation of this planet in advance. ”

As a high-level warrior who has been given cosmic energy by the planetary destroyer, Silver Shadow Man has the ability to communicate with the planetary civilization system at will.

If he could, he didn’t want to make such a beautiful place his master’s prey, but for Silver Shadow Man there was no choice.

As one of the five gods of creation, no one knew better than him how powerful this guy was, even as a super soldier himself, he was just an ant.

“If you want to know about this planet, you can just ask me, there is no need to explore and guess alone.”

Alan’s voice suddenly sounded in his ears, and the silver shadow man Norlin was also shocked, and he was about to switch to battle mode on the spot.

Quickly stepping on the skateboard, Silver Shadow Man instantly received a steady stream of energy from the endless universe, and his hands constantly released energy rays to attack.

Captain America drops from Tony’s steel suit with his shield, and the alloy shield blocks the incoming silver light to avoid causing great damage in downtown San Francisco.

Bang Bang Bang!

Alan flipped back and forth in the air, the blue rose silver snake pulled out, and the bullet containing magical power crossed the arc in the air.

However, the magic bullet hits Silver Shadow Man’s immunity.

“Very strong ability, but unfortunately it is a team.”

Tony Stark hovered and flew away, and the condensed radium in his palm directly collided with the silver light of the Silver Shadow Man.

The startled Silver Shadow Man quickly flew toward the rear, crashing through dozens of buildings along the way, causing a large area of unrest in the city.

In his eyes, this planet was already in the pocket of the planet devourer, so there was no need to care about the life and death of humans on Earth.

“You guy isn’t ready to tie his hands and grab it?”

Thunderbolt Fire was full of burning flames from a distance, flying quickly from a distance, directly holding the Silver Shadow Man and falling towards the zoo below.

The strength of the Silver Shadow Man was also very weak, and after only a few tens of seconds of struggle, he broke free, swinging his silver fist and quickly slamming into Johnny’s face.

“Even if you deceive more and less, in the end you can only usher in destruction, and there is no point at all.”

Having seen too many planets perish, Silver Shadow Man had no life in his eyes and seemed to be somewhat indifferent to life.

Grab dozens of fleeing crowds on the ground and throw them towards a height of 100 meters, leaving these Avengers to solve.

“It feels good, just joined the Avengers to face such a fierce opponent, this time it is a good performance.”

Wanda’s hands unleashed the power of chaos magic, flying and landing from a distance, and with a wave of her hands, she floated dozens of people who had fallen in the air to the ground.

Feeling the powerful power of the other party, Silver Shadow Man directly waved his hand to release a cosmic energy ray to attack the Scarlet Witch, so that he could effortlessly blast the other party away.

With so many superpowers on Earth, this situation was beyond Silver Shadowman’s cognition, and then he planned to evacuate this area and complete his own mission.

The silver body quickly rotated 963, releasing a lot of cosmic rays to shoot in all directions, causing many buildings and people to be impacted.


The area around San Francisco exploded with fire, as if it had been invaded by alien forces, causing the Avengers to come en masse to intercept them.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Pete began to run at a high speed, unfolding beyond the speed of sound, chasing the Silver Shadow Man flying faster than the speed of light in the air.

Jumping on the opponent’s skateboard, Johnny used his flame power to constantly attack Silver Shadow Man, and the temperature also climbed to a terrifying level.

At this time, Alan also arrived in an anti-gravity curved wing, using the heavy weapons above to continuously suppress the fire of the Silver Shadow Man.

Mainly aimed at the skateboard under the feet of Silver Shadow Man, bullets on heavy weapons can take advantage of the opportunity to explode with high damage.

“I don’t actually want to do it, so why don’t you put down your weapons and have a good talk?” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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