After a fierce chase, Silver Shadow finally escaped smoothly, and did not have the intention of having a good conversation with Alan.

Whoever had made him on this mission was to destroy someone else’s planet, Nolin could not have been naïve enough to think that the other party could not have the slightest hostility towards him.

In addition, the speed of the silver skateboard is too fast, and it can reach the point where it can reach sub-light speed, which alone makes the members of the Avengers feel overwhelmed.

“Ball helps me connect with military forces around the world, and this time it seems that a big trouble has come to Earth.”

Facing Silver Shadow Man with endless energy supplies, unless he defeats the skateboard before he can summon it, there is basically no chance of winning.

If you guessed correctly, the Earth will then trigger various disasters, all because of the arrival of Silver Shadow Man.

If you want to defeat each other, you need the cooperation of the world’s armies to calculate in advance where Silver Shadow Man will appear.

Things are not over here, and there is a new accident on the S.H.I.E.L.D. side, it is the guy Dr. Destruction, who broke free of the lock and left the prison door after Silver Shadow Man caused a blackout of the base.

Without a special power suppression system to provide energy, it was easy for Dr. Destruction to restore his peak strength and calmly blast open the prison gates.

“It’s a disaster, chasing Silver Shadow Man is also responsible for the wanted Doctor of Destruction.”

Alan now regretted why he hadn’t studied how to destroy super-powered people like Dr. Destruction.

Anyway, this kind of person is full of thoughts about destroying the earth, and it is better to kill it directly and save a lot of trouble behind.

Maybe the next time you can try to throw this guy Victor into the sun, I don’t believe that such punishment can not let him die.

Back at Avengers headquarters, Alan and Tony’s super artificial intelligence begins to work together to spy on the Silver Shadow Man around the world.

Sure enough, not long after, the news of frequent natural disasters came from all over the world, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, sandstorms and so on that occurred one after another.

In this way, the energy consumption of the earth can be accelerated, just like people eat to heat food, only in this way can the planet devourer swallow process feel.

“This is the picture monitored by the space satellite, please take a look at ~~.”

In the conference room, Tony brings in a surveillance footage of the Planet Devourer’s body, a huge dark nebula coming toward Earth.

Faintly, the crowd could still see a dark human face looming, bringing with it an air of destruction and ominousness.

“Is our opponent such a horrible guy?” It is also difficult to fight against such a monster. ”

Thor, the god of thunder, had only arrived a few hours ago and heard about the Planet Devourer, and his face was full of solemnity at the moment.

“Why fight against such an opponent, why not let that silver-clad guy join us, and only he knows the Achilles heel of that monster?”

Referring to the plot of the original book, Alan kicked out such a proposal, but it was easy to say, how to persuade the other party when the time came, which he also wanted to ask Susan for a thing or two.

After all, in the original storyline, Susan is precisely because she looks like Silver Shadowman’s lover, and finally her conscience discovers that she helped humanity and planet destroyers die together.

“Made! Do you have to let your wife use the beauty trick to turn the Silver Shadow Man against this guy? ”

Thinking that there was such a plot in the original book, Alan felt resistance from the bottom of his heart, and instead of doing so, he borrowed the magic woman from the Brotherhood next door and used it.

“Keep tossing and turning.”

Contact Doctor Strange to use the power of the Time Gem a little to learn that the next Silver Shadow Man’s destination is at the Antarctic Glacier.

This time, it is very likely that the other side will try to merge large areas of glaciers, causing sea levels to rise in a straight line, leaving most of the population on the verge of extinction.

In the dead of night, in Hanmer’s Manor.

While Alan was meditating on the bed, the Dormammu guy appeared directly in his room as a cloud of black mist.

“What did I say?” This time the enemy is far more powerful than you think, are you sure you don’t need to have a stronger dark magic power? ”

Speaking of which, Dormammu and the Planet Eater are in a competitive relationship, and even he will feel sad if the Earth is really swallowed up by this guy.

After all, the Earthlings were the key to making his strength go further.

If his strength did not allow it, he would have wanted to drive the Planet Devourers out of the galaxy on his own.

There are so many living planets out there that don’t want it, but they want to come to the earth to compete with him for prey, which makes Dormammu feel very dissatisfied.

“If you have the ability, you can duel the other party directly, less deceitful in this, but rather that you lend me the dark magic to drive out the enemy, and maybe you can allow it to be my little brother.” _

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