Antarctica, above the glaciers.

Silver Shadow Man flew above on a silver skateboard, releasing a large amount of cosmic rays in his hand to simulate the temperature of the flame shining on the glacier.

The heat of light comparable to the inside of a volcano causes the glacier to melt rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and millions of tons of ice water melt into the sea in minutes.

“That’s the end of the guy from the aliens.”

Tony and Roddy control the steel suit in time to arrive, dozens of tracking bullets behind them open, aiming at the position of Silver Shadow Man is a burst of shelling.

In the distance, the door of the Avengers fighter opened and Hawkeye began to use the weapon system as it fired, but it was firmly blocked by the barrier that Silver Shadow Man subsequently created.

“In a few hours the master is coming, do you think this level of resistance will have the slightest effect?”

Allen wears anti-gravity curved wings, and the blue rose begins to condense a lot of magic, a series of accurate shots that break through the sound barrier, and suddenly hit the Silver Shadow Man’s skateboard one after another.

“The next thing is to enjoy the time when the magic is launched.”

Casually snapping his fingers, he saw that after the magic bullet flew to the side of the Silver Shadow Man and was dodged by the other party, an electric and magnetic field was formed between them.

Silver Shadow Man was the first to be hit, causing his body to be unstable and began to fall towards the ground, and the silver skateboard was taken away directly by Tony on the spot.

“Another piece of high technology from an alien civilization that you might be able to take back and study it.”

In the end, Silver Shadow was thrown by Alan on the Avengers fighter, but unexpectedly, when Dr. Destruction had been secretly coveting for a long time, he suddenly released a large amount of lightning on Tony.

“Damn it… What’s the situation? ”

Tony’s steel suit rushed to withstand such a strong voltage, and there was a temporary crash, but fortunately Roddy held him in time.

“Such a good thing can’t just be taken over by you, and it may be a good choice to use it as a weapon.”

At this time, Dr. Destruction had gradually mastered the control of his superpowers, and he was able to return to his original appearance, but he still couldn’t change the yearning for power.

“Laser Laser Cannon!”

Sensing the arrival of his old rival, Allen began to charge fire as soon as he raised his gun from the Avengers fighter, and a powerful laser ray suddenly shot out.

Dr. Doom also shoots out arc rays to confront Alan, only to see that the hammer in Thor’s hand has been waved in front of him.

“Don’t play lightning in front of Grandpa, you’re still tens of thousands of years early!”

Obviously, in terms of lightning control, Thor can be said to be the nemesis of Dr. Destruction, but the other side is more than one power.

“Knee bump!”

Dr. Doom moved quickly, slammed his knee into Thor’s jaw, knocking him straight away, and then patted his pants with a satisfied smile.

“What! You actually know the skills of a sharpshooter… How can it be. ”

Seeing the familiar action being used by the other party, Alan had a twinkle in his eye, although he had not used this move for a long time.

“Worried, this is just a normal skill, thanks to the discovery of an unknown chip on the battlefield of Sokovia with instructions on the use of firearms.”

Hearing this, Alan guessed that the chip of Allen’s killer was picked up by the other party, and read the analysis of some of the sharpshooter’s skills inside.

If judged according to the level of the game, Victor is equivalent to more than a dozen levels, not yet to the point where he can change jobs.

Moreover, Victor is only slightly interested in the profession of sharpshooter, and does not intend to invest too much energy in this road.

“Are you imitating me?” Unfortunately, the essence of the sharpshooter you will never be able to comprehend. ”

Throw the Ice grenade, and then manipulate the magic to teleport it to Victor’s back, and the sudden explosion of the air wave and the rapidly spreading cold directly freeze the opponent.

“Great opportunity!”

After Tony eased up, he was completely annoyed by Victor’s sneak attack behind his back, and shot dozens of lasers at once on the opponent’s body.

Roddy catches the falling silver skateboard and turns to join the attack, while Alan aims at the opponent to deliver a fatal blow.

Bang Bang Bang!

After taking a lot of damage, Dr. Doom quickly fell towards the sea below, and when he entered the sea, he lost track of it on the spot.

As long as he was not killed on the spot, no matter how fiercely attacked, Dr. Destruction could recover quickly in a few days.

“Let’s go, it’s up to us to settle the Planet Eater matter for now, this guy will fall into our hands sooner or later.”

Alan leads the Avengers back to headquarters.

After ten minutes, the Doctor of Doom emerged from the sea, and naturally knew what kind of destruction the earth was about to usher in.

“The earth is really a fragile place, there are powerful beings who want to destroy it at every turn, and maybe I should find a way out for myself.” 」

Victor could not guarantee that they would be able to withstand the invasion of the Planet Devourers, so he set the future enhancement route on the outer space civilization.

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