
The Planet Devourers finally felt a hint of dissatisfaction with Silver Shadowman’s betrayal, and manipulated the nearby meteorite fragments to attack them.

“Ball gives me as many satellite weapons as possible, give this guy some color and see.”

Tony on Earth also hears Allen’s instructions and quickly opens up the satellite weapons he has created to him.

At this critical juncture, any weapon capable of inflicting damage on the Planet Eater must be put into use as soon as possible, and it is worth paying a lot of money.

“Just take it and use it, don’t be polite with me… Give me this guy Chrysanthemum to blast! ”

The satellite weapons outside the earth slowly turned around, and the eight energy plates behind them began to quickly mobilize huge amounts of energy to prepare for an attack.

“I’ve had enough of these days, and instead of continuing to be enslaved by you, I should take the opportunity to die with you, you demon!”

Silver Shadow Man endured for many years, and finally expressed his dissatisfaction with the Planet Devourer.

Hundreds of years have passed, and whenever he sees those destroyed planets in pieces, the screams of tens of billions of lives before they die are always unforgettable to him.

The accumulated guilt, uneasiness, and regret erupted at this moment, finally causing the Silver Shadow Man to fight back, constantly shooting out powerful cosmic rays in his hands to attack the meteorite fragments.

“The satellite rays are ready to be launched and adjust the power to the maximum.”

With Allen’s orders, dozens of laser rays were fired from the satellite’s weapons, powerful enough to destroy a small town.

Taken together, dozens of laser rays may be able to destroy a small country.


The incoming meteorite fragments exploded, glowing like fireworks in space, and several laser lasers were fired into the middle of the planetary devourers.

“If you want to really hurt this guy, you can only enter the core space of the other party, are you ready?”

Alan nodded and rushed straight into the center of the Planet Eater under the leadership of Silver Shadow Man.

When they opened their eyes, all they saw was pitch black and darkness, as if they could not feel the breath of any living being.

Occasionally, you can see a lot of planetary wreckage, the corpses of alien creatures, and fragments of organic objects floating in large quantities.

This is simply the graveyard of all planets, and when it is swallowed, it can only be turned into energy for planet devourers to continue to suck.

“Even the signal is blocked, which is really weird.”

Coming to this place, Allen directly summoned the anti-gravity curved wings and flew directly towards a huge human face in the distance, which was the core of the planet devourer.

“What a death! Since you have taken the initiative to deliver the door, then stay here forever. ”

Countless black mists formed a Titan-like figure, shooting powerful rays of destruction directly from Alan’s mouth from Alan’s location.

Allen also released the “Laser Laser Cannon”, almost increasing the power to the maximum and directly colliding with the Destruction Rays.

A wave of air comparable to thousands of missile explosions spread, directly turning the debris of the surrounding planets into ashes, causing his figure to almost be unstable.

This is the realm dominated by the Planet Devourer, and unless the damage is at the core, even the most powerful firepower will not be able to seriously damage this guy.

Externally on Earth, as they were fighting with Allen in inner space, the Planet Devourer stopped its impact on the magic barrier and a large cloud of black mist nebulae slowly retreated toward the rear.

“It seems that Allen this guy has successfully penetrated into the enemy’s interior, and perhaps it is time to gather all his strength and fight the enemy to the death.”

Doctor Strange lets the rest of the Temple’s magicians maintain the Guardian Array, connecting with the illusion to temporarily replace the role of the Space Gem, and he himself uses the Space Gem to teleport the Avengers to Allen’s side.

“Here we come guys… A great gift for this guy. ”

The space tunnel opens, Tony and Roddy fly into it with nuclear bombs, and the rest of the Avengers wear steel suits to join the operation.

Under the silver shadow, he saw ten nuclear bombs moving towards this side, and was shocked that the Earthlings still had weapons with such amazing destructive power.

If these nuclear bombs exploded en masse, they would be as powerful as their own silver skateboards that exploded themselves.

“It is your honor to be able to devour me, lowly mortals, and it is unforgivable that you dare to resist!”

Countless black mists attached themselves to the corpses of the surrounding alien creatures, trying to fuse them, and in a few minutes they formed a huge figure resembling Godzilla.

With a ferocious appearance, indestructible skin and a dinosaur-like face, there is no doubt that this monster has the terrifying power to destroy a city.

Doctor Strange sees this and asks Tony and Allen to launch all the satellite weapons in outer space, and he directly uses the power of the Space Gem to transmit hundreds of laser rays into it.


Suddenly suffering so much attack damage, even the super monster felt that his body could not be eaten, and he let out a roar of pain and anger.

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