Planet Devourer, Inner Space.

In order to bury the Avengers who came here, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of energy to condense all kinds of evil biological weapons and fight towards everyone.

If it weren’t for Doctor Strange opening the multi-teleportation array at all times, sending laser rays from space satellites in and shooting, the situation would have become unoptimistic.

“I can’t wait to detonate these things when they can detonate.”

The thunderbolt fire was burning in the air, and seeing dozens of nuclear bombs in front of me ready to be used against this guy, I unconsciously felt a burst of excitement.

Nuclear weapons have always lived only in legends, and since the peace of the earth has rarely had the opportunity to see its power.

If it were not for the protection of the earth, the United States would not be willing to squander these hundreds of billions of nuclear bombs.

“You will not be allowed to succeed, humble ants.”

Just when she wanted to control the biological weapon to stop the nuclear bomb, the invisible woman appeared in time to directly create a special position to hide the shape of all nuclear bombs.

This lost its target, leaving the opponent to attack like a headless fly.

Team America and Natasha, Hawkeye wear steel suits from the previous styles, which were generously lent into battle by Tony at a critical moment.

In order to attract the attention of the enemy, they are responsible for firing a large number of flash bombs to cover the nuclear bomb deployment of their own members.

The headquarters of the major countries on Earth have long been aware of the arrival of the Planet Devourer through space satellites, and everyone is facing a grim look.

“There must be no mistake in sending out my instructions to bring out some nuclear bombs from the Arsenal of the Empire that never set, and provide them to the Avengers.”

“This is a crisis for all mankind, and I propose to temporarily lift the restrictions on nuclear weapons and work together against the mysterious enemies of outer space.”

“I agree with this proposal, anyway, the nuclear bomb is already the most powerful weapon on the planet, hoping to be able to destroy this terrible guy.”

With the concerted efforts of the militaries, nuclear bombs are constantly being transported into the teleportation space and handed over to the members of the Avengers for relay.

The whole of the earth was still dark, causing panic among countless pedestrians on the streets, and this battle had a direct impact on whether they could see the sun of tomorrow.

When Tony and Roddy had finished arranging the bomb, Doctor Strange hurriedly beckoned everyone to quickly retreat, including the stunned Silver Shadow Man.

Since the nuclear bomb can replace the role of the silver skateboard, there is no need for the Silver Shadow Man to risk the death of the enemy for this.

If this guy wanted to, Earth could well be his second home.

Opening the space tunnel one after another, Dr. Strange manipulated the Space Gem to teleport the Avengers back, leaving the Thunderbolt Fire to begin to erupt at a rapid rate and cause a large spread of the flame gas waves.

“Want to go? Have you asked my opinion? ”

Alan was about to enter the space tunnel when he was wrapped around his lower leg by the chains released by the Planet Eaters, and his face showed a look of madness.

Silver Shadow Man wants to rush back to help, but the space tunnel has been closed in an instant, and instead Doctor Strange throws the space gem in his hand to Alan.


The Planet Devourer body outside the Earth exploded violently, and a circle of flame ripples quickly swept around, destroying countless meteorite groups.

This time he was really planted in the hands of humans, and this time after being hit by a nuclear bomb, it is estimated that it will take a long time to recover.

Thankfully, at the last minute, he pulled a human to the funeral.

Avengers Headquarters.

The only person present was Alan’s presence, and Director Fury had sent a large number of people to help find it, but not even a corpse was left.

Dr. Strange also felt helpless, and before leaving, he saw Alan entangled with the other party, and he deliberately threw the space gem to allow him to escape at a critical moment.

Now that the Space Gem and Allen have disappeared together, almost everyone thinks the other has been killed in this battle.

Susan was hit the hardest, always refusing to believe this fact, insisting on not holding a funeral every day to cook a meal at home waiting for Alan’s arrival.

Deep in the universe, within the realm of death.

It was full of gloomy places, and countless souls were rushing towards a certain place, but they never dared to come near because of the power of a blue gem.

Otherwise, the figure lying here would have been swallowed up by them long ago.

Since that Big Bang, Allen’s body has been almost engulfed along with the Planet Eaters, on the brink of death, descending to the realm of death under the power of the Space Gem.

This is where all life in the universe comes after the end of life, even reincarnation takes place here, and of course, according to the actions of the previous life, it will decide to become a creature of that level in the next life.

“This person is still quite handsome, it is really envious and jealous, ah, then when did this character appear in Marvel Comics, is it the author’s latest work?”

Deadpool happened to be wandering around the Land of the Dead, and when he saw Alan lying on the ground, he crouched down with a brooding expression.

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