“No way! What if the goddess of death saw it and liked this guy, it would be better to take this opportunity to strip the boy naked and take a picture to leave the handle first. ”

Deadpool came here purely by coincidence, finally attracting the attention of the goddess of death after thousands of suicides in the real world and failing to die.

The fact that human beings have such a powerful self-healing ability has attracted the attention of the goddess of death and actively summoned it to the death space.

When Deadpool Wade first came to the Land of the Dead, he was excited without a hint of panic, because he fell in love with the goddess of death, the owner of the place.

Because of his ugly appearance, Deadpool’s requirements for women are not very focused on appearance, but because of the charm of the goddess of death, they have since fallen in love.

“Huh? The smell of death here is very strong, could it be that I died like this? ”

When Alan woke up, he suddenly felt that someone was picking at his clothes, and looked up to see a guy in a black and red tight suit, carrying two knives, and wearing a lot of guns and ammunition around his waist.

There is no one else in this kind of character image except “little” Deadpool, but seeing that the other party is taking off his pants, Alan’s face is suddenly not calm.

“Roll rough!”

A sudden “instant kick” was thrown, and the sharp and fierce leg wind directly hit Deadpool’s cheek, kicking it tens of meters away.

“I respect you as a great superhero, but now you’re going to do it, and I’m sorry I’m going to turn black from now on.”

Alan rolled over and jumped up and scolded at Deadpool in exasperation.

Whether it is in the comics or movies, Deadpool’s sexual orientation is an unsolved mystery, he does not dare to take risks, and the most unbearable thing in this life is the group of guys.

“Although Lao Tzu is not good-looking, that doesn’t mean you can just kick me in the cheek.”

Kicked in the cheek, even Deadpool couldn’t stand it, pulled out the mini-submachine gun from his waist, and poured bullets at Alan.

“You’re playing with guns in front of sharpshooters before you’re too early.”

At this point, Allen’s strength has not yet been fully restored, but it is still easy to hold down the Deadpool guy and rub it back and forth on the ground. +

Despite facing Deadpool, who is agile and proficient in all kinds of guns, Alan still makes a large windmill spin on the ground, and the blue rose and the crimson silver snake explode with powerful shots.

Suddenly speeding up, Deadpool just tried to pull the blade out, but was kicked to the ground by Allen’s “knee bump”.

“I know your self-healing ability is strong, but if you offend me again, you will experience the feeling of being pinched and exploded in minutes.”

Hearing Alan’s threat, Deadpool immediately raised his hand in surrender, and wondered why the other party knew so much about himself.

“Oh Shet! Could it be that this old brother, like me, knows that he is a character living in Marvel Comics? ”

After thinking about it for half a day, this statement seems more reasonable, which makes Deadpool have a feeling of pity for each other, and finally found a partner with a common topic.

God knows that every time he talks to himself and interacts with the readers in front of the screen, the people around him look at him with silly eyes.

“Where is this?” How do you feel like you’re coming to hell…”

Alan had a small amount of dark magic left in his body, and seeing a lot of evil spirits flying around him, he was frightened and directly picked up the space gem to restore his strength.

“Brother’s intuition is good, at a glance, you can see where we are now, of course, dead people will come here.”

After Deadpool’s explanation, Alan realized that he had actually come to the undead kingdom in the universe, but he could clearly feel that he had an entity.

Is it because of Infinity Stones?

“Is this the man who made Garland (the Planet Devourer) guy suffer a big loss?” Looks like a good qualification. ”

In the distance hovered a woman dressed in black leather, with a good figure, cheeks like skeletons, with the breath of death and gloom.

It is not much different from Alan’s image of the goddess of death, one of the five gods of creation.

The visitor is the goddess of death, the excessive master of the entire universe of the undead, who sensed that the old man Garland was traumatized, and deliberately released his consciousness to investigate.

In the spirit of the relationship that is not very friendly to Garland, she summons Alan to the Land of the Dead directly at the moment of his death.

The five gods also competed with each other, and if they could train Alan to be their right-hand man, they might be used as good subordinates.

When Deadpool saw his beloved goddess appear, the love in his eyes was undisguised, and he stepped forward and kissed her fiercely.

“Oh dude don’t be envious, not all men qualify as boyfriends to die, and I’m the only one in the whole Marvel Comics who loves her most.”

When Alan heard this, he wanted to complain that the other party thought too much, and he put the flower-like Susan wife and envied what they did?

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