[Alan Hamer! One of the most illustrious military geniuses of this century, at the age of twenty-four. 】

The Savior who saved mankind from the mouth of the devil, we will remember this day. 】

[Deeply mourning, let us wish this young genius a good journey.] 】

In the weeks since Allen disappeared, the inside story of the battle has finally come uncovered, triggering deep mourning from people on all sides of the world.

Allen also died for the sake of human peace, and representatives of all countries of the world were solemnly present in a vast and luxurious cemetery outside Washington.

Of course, there are some people who still want to completely annex Hanmer Industries.

Darren Krauss sold Ant-Man armor and Pym particles to S.H.I.E.L.D. executives Mitch in order to gain more access to the market for Hanmer Industries.

Allen is dead, and with Justin’s unlearned and unskilled guy, he can’t resist the covetousness of powerful people from all walks of life.

“Although I am very grateful for this guy’s contribution, the world will continue to operate, and we can only do some things that we can’t help but do in order to survive.”

Pym Technologies, Inc., – Office of the President.

Darren also has a possessive mentality for the market of Hanmer Industries, and he saw the earth-shattering explosion in his eyes.

No one could survive the bombardment of nearly a hundred nuclear bombs, and Alan’s death doomed them to rise to the occasion.

Even with Stark Industries, S.H.I.E.L.D. is not afraid to obstruct them, and when the Ant-Man suit fuses Hanmer Industries’ high-tech weapons with Hydra’s technology, it will be confident enough to confront Tony.

High-tech laboratory, in a hard glass cover.

Ant-Man Scott, who originally wanted to smuggle the wasp suit, was trapped in it with a worried face, and now that Dr. Hank and Hop were imprisoned, the only person who could rescue them was himself.

Suddenly, a spatial vortex appeared in the experiment, and Alan calmly walked out to see the surrounding environment, and felt a little dazed.

After stepping out of the realm of the dead, you will come to a dimensional space full of countless time points, and it is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack to return to your own timeline accurately.

Fortunately, with the Space Gem’s sensing of energy fluctuations, Alan was able to return to his timeline smoothly, otherwise it would be embarrassing to return to the World War II period.

Once the correct timeline is found, it will be teleported to the state of the ground machine, but it is already fortunate not to be teleported to the surface of the sea.

“What the hell!!!”

Scott was chagrining, and when he saw someone here, he was too happy to recognize Alan.

Isn’t this the second boss of Hanmer Industry who died for many days?

The explosion that day could be felt by everyone, and all kinds of media were reporting on TV, radio and live broadcasts, so it was difficult not to know this guy.

“Ant-Man Scott… Didn’t expect this guy to start on the path of superheroes too? ”

Alan noticed the presence of the other party and directly punched the glass cover so that Scott could get out of trouble.

“Thank God! Finally saved… Mr. Allen didn’t expect you to be alive. ”

As the second son of the world’s largest arms dealer, this level of big man is not something that a person with a criminal record like Scott can easily see.

Alan nodded slightly, then began to put on the eyes of tactical analysis, and connected to the super assistant ball through the internal network.

0········ Ask for flowers…

“It’s a pleasure to meet your sir, to know that Ms. Susan has been crying for a long time to hear of your death.”

Qiu Qiu spoke indifferently and listed what had happened in recent times.

“I’m glad to see the birth of a superhero, hurry up and save your girlfriend and husband, and have a chance to talk next time.” 」

Ant-Man Scott is thinking about how to talk to each other, and hears the reminder to realize that Dr. Hank and Hop are not in a good situation.


“Then I’ll go first, and Mr. Allen will have a period later!”

Writing that, Scott suddenly shrunk his body to the size of an ant and fled toward the ventilation duct.

However, the movement on this side had attracted the entire security personnel of the experimental site, and they raised their guns and were about to shoot at Alan.

“Seventh Wing Move!”

Not bothering to fight these stragglers, Alan instantly increased his speed to a level that was indistinguishable to the naked eye, leaving behind the remnants of dark black feathers along the way.

Shuttled among the oncoming guards, Alan then slapped the other party unconscious, and his body shook in the blink of an eye to the gate of Pym Technology Company.

“Want to take advantage of the opportunity to seize the market for Hanmer Industries? I’ll tell you with facts how ridiculous this idea is. ”


The phenomenon of signal loss in the live broadcast of the entire United States, including electronic products such as televisions, computers and mobile phones, is obviously attacked by someone who has conquered the network system.

With the efforts of the Red Queen, the White Queen and the ball ball, Alan’s figure slowly appeared in it, with a smile.

“Hello everyone, I’m back in Sichuan.” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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