When the picture stabilized, Alan greeted the national audience with a smile, which immediately alarmed people across the country.

Unexpectedly, Alan was still alive and successfully escaped from the situation of the big explosion of the nuclear bomb that day, which was simply a miraculous act.

The incident directly occupied the first place in the social software fever of the day, and even high-level government officials were shocked by it.

The top level of the United States even announced that it would award Allen a supreme medal of honor to express the gratitude of the people of the whole country to him.

Susan was the first time, releasing the energy force field to fly back to the top floor of the umbrella company to run the “963” office, breaking the glass and hugging Alan tightly.

“It’s so enthusiastic, maybe I should keep a low profile.”

After experiencing a death, Alan’s personality gradually became cheerful, and he also cherished what he had more than in the past.

Tony, Thor and Roddy, Vision, and all the other members with the ability to fly rushed to see the living Alan appear in front of them with a look of shock.

In order to avoid the prank of someone with abilities like the Wonder Woman, Illusion also specially did a full body examination and mental scan for Alan.

“Don’t try it, this Alan is really right.”

Doctor Strange stepped out of the magic light array, knowing better than anyone whether Allen was true or false, at least the space gem on the other side would not deceive.

When he threw the Space Gem to the other party, he actually did not hold out the hope that Alan would survive, after all, there was only one second left before the nuclear bomb exploded.

I didn’t expect that Alan actually managed to escape, and the difference from the past was that there seemed to be an extra breath of death on his body.

Of course, this change can be felt by Dr. Strange.

All the news media outside rushed to the umbrella company, but were stopped by the security guards who were notified.

Everyone was confused about how Alan escaped the blast and wanted to take the opportunity to conduct a private interview with him.

“Isn’t it normal that I’m still alive?” It’s not something to be afraid of now. ”

The whole process could not be said for a while and a half, so Alan let the ball straighten his memory and directly elaborated the process in a virtual projection way.

“To be able to get the protection of such a high-level deity, I have to say that you guys are so lucky.”

Thor’s face was full of shock, to know that the gods were also hierarchical, just by virtue of his sister, who was also the goddess of death, but there was a world of difference.

“This kind of thing is why we choose to believe it, otherwise others may think that you are a crazy person.”

Tony ordered all information to be blocked Friday, saving the existence of the Land of the Dead from leaking out.

If it arouses the displeasure of that being, then things will be big.

Director Fury also came later, and after hearing Alan’s experience, he had a hint of playfulness: “Since this is the case, then this dangerous mission will get rid of you in the future, who let you have an immortal body?” ”

Replying to him was Alan’s blank eye, and it was not himself who was cursed not to die, and it was impossible to always look at the goddess of death and resurrect herself every time, right?

Anyway, Alan’s return should be celebrated by a big party, and the whole thing is on Tony’s body.0…

To say who knows the most about luxury and enjoyment, he belongs to the well-deserved first.

Hanmer Industries also meant this, and the stock trend showed a rocket-like surge, which made Justin almost pass out on the ground in excitement.

Sure enough, it was still necessary for the two brothers to be together to carry forward Hanmer’s industry rapidly, and the achievements had even exceeded the profits created by his father at his peak.

Some people are happy and some are worried, and the most affected by Allen’s return is Pym Tech, and Darren sits in the president’s office with a gloomy face.

Pym Technology shares fell sharply, and a large number of orders previously sold were also returned unchanged, which was very different from the previous good situation.

It was like the billionaire of the original family turned back into an ordinary person overnight, which completely destroyed Darren’s years of planning.

“To die is to die… Why are you guys coming back! ”

Darren tore the board notice on the table about his removal from the presidency and a pair of eyes showing hatred 4.4 anger.

It was indeed Dr. Hank who escaped and used his connections to retake Pym Tech, directly letting Darren and the scum of the world get out of the way.

Reduced from high to mediocre overnight, Darren trembled as he opened a chest next to him with the most advanced “Ultimate Wasp Suit.”

It was with the help of Dr. Destruction that he succeeded in designing the suit, and the only requirement he had was to find an opportunity to kill Alan.

I thought that with Allen’s death, the suit would never be used, but God made a big joke with him. _

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