St. Peter’s six-star hotel, banquet hall.

Tony directly and generously took the whole hotel to the venue, so that those who came to spend the rich family to participate in this night’s party.

Tonight there was only revelry, and everyone was celebrating Alan’s return.

“See that guy?” That’s my brother-in-law… Maybe the guy with the best performance at night can get his phone number. ”

Thunderbolt Fire wrapped his arms around several blonde girls and bragged in a flirtatious tone.

Natasha and the US team were drinking together, and when they saw this scene, they teased: “It’s strange to say, Johnny seems to look very similar to you, shouldn’t it be the bastard son you left behind?” (Thunderbolt Fire and the US team are played by the same actor)

“Impossible, 09 was frozen for seventy years before he could even get married, and if there was time to marry and have children, maybe this is just a coincidence.”

Rogers is also helpless about this, it should be normal for two human-looking humans in this world to have similar appearances, right?

“Cheer on the night today! You are not allowed to leave without spending enough for a billion dollars. ”

For Tony, Alan is a rare opponent and partner, and in order to celebrate his return, he directly throws thousands of dollars with a hint of drunkenness.

All the liquor and dishes were made according to the standards of the royal nobility, and almost all the characters with heads and faces were invited by him.

Dr. Victor also disguised himself as an aristocrat and mingled with the crowd to a wine feast and enjoyed the food on the table.

“It’s a shame this guy didn’t die… But it doesn’t matter if you wait for a while there will be good things to watch. ”

Darren appeared not far from the hotel carrying a suitcase, and the ultimate wasp suit using nanotechnology was quickly put on his body.

Then he began to operate on the regulator for a while, directly adjusting to the size of fifty meters, and then clicked the “confirm” button.

“All the guys who stand in my way of making money will all die!”

Darren was wearing the ultimate wasp suit, and his body suddenly soared to the size of fifty meters, directly smashing the age of the car around him.

The security guard who came out of the hotel door heard the movement, turned around to see that he was suddenly frightened and undead, and he knelt on the ground and was incontinent on the spot.

The sudden appearance of such a huge giant attracted the attention of the crowd of kilometers, and everyone took out their mobile phones to shoot this thrilling picture.


Darren directly waved a huge hand on the building of the St. Peter’s Hotel, and the powerful force caused the hotel to shake violently.


The rich family at the banquet felt the floor shaking violently and let out a heart-rending scream.

The entire banquet hall instantly darkened, and the members of the Avengers each searched for a bunker to investigate the situation on the field.

“It’s not so dark that you can’t even see the enemy’s figure, Thor!”

Alan called out to Thor, who directly raised Thor’s hammer and unleashed a series of thunder bolts at the location of the electric box.

The entire banquet hall was regaining its luster, and a pair of huge legs and feet passed outside the window, and the wasp directly smashed the top floor of the St. Peter’s Hotel.

“Alan give me out to die!”

An angry roar sounded, and the crowd present was deafening.

“Illusion is which guy has to make trouble at this time, he has to make him pay the price.”

Tony instructed the visions next to him, who directly projected the video surveillance, and the giant figure of the Wasps appeared in their field of vision.

Recognizing at a glance that it was a product of Pym Technologies, Tony began to look for them as if they had no interest in the company.

Then the illusion called out the stock market situation, as well as the internal intelligence about Pym Technology, which suddenly made Tony understand the ins and outs of the matter.

“This guy is dead, and the strength of the strongest superhero on the planet can be said to be doomed to Darren’s tragic end.”

Tony commanded the steel suit parts that were 963 in the broken window, quickly dressed on his body, and immediately controlled the steel armor to fly out of the window.

“Taste the power of lasers, the guy who came to make trouble.”

A large number of miniature tracking bullets were fired, and the palm of his hand shot a laser ray powerful enough to melt steel.

Faced with unknown enemies, Tony has always liked to use ranged weapons to attack as soon as he appears, and the rest of the Avengers quickly counterattack.

Banner directly transformed into the form of an invincible Hulk, crawling quickly towards the hotel building, jumping into the face of the Wasp Man with a heavy punch.

Hit so hard, Darren’s figure fell to the ground, destroying nearby vehicles and buildings.

Alan stepped on the wind and phantom steps, flashed directly out of the hotel door, watching the appearance of the Wasp Man feel confused, do you have a vendetta against this guy?

Ant-Man Scott senses the movement on this side and is hurrying to make sure to knock him down before the other side causes more casualties. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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