Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 102 Regenerative Healing Factor Or Something, It's Best Used For Experiments! 【Four Mor

There's one problem Banner's gaming headsets haven't been able to crack.

Although the death rate has been reduced, the death in the game still exists!

As long as this thing exists, then this game cannot be officially released!

Xu Dan threw the finished game to Banner, who fell into deep thought after watching it.

"Such a powerful game, but in the end it was delayed because of my disconnection..."

Xu Dan reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and asked, "After so long, have you concluded where the problem lies?"

Hearing this culture, Banner was slightly taken aback, and then a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Actually, it's just like what you said, I've been doing experiments with mice, even if the mice can resist for a longer time, but after all, the mice Not a human being, I actually have no idea what a human being will become in the end!"

"Then I understand!" Xu Dan nodded, "You just need a living experimental subject, right?"

"I didn't say that!"

Xavier ability Junior School.

Xu Dan is very familiar with the road here.

When making a virtual training room before, with the frequency of visits, if there are no other vehicles on the road, he can drive over with his eyes closed!

I haven't seen you for a long time, but when I come here suddenly, I feel like a student returning to his alma mater!

Definitely, this is Riva's alma mater, not Xu Dan's alma mater.

Passing by the computer room, the game atmosphere here is still so enthusiastic, this is a good sign!

But this time, he didn't have time to interact with these little kids, but went directly to Professor X's office.

"Xu Dan, I am very surprised by your sudden visit! Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Looking at the bald head in front of him, Xu Dan turned his head, wondering what effect would the experiment on that kind of helmet have for a super-ability user of the spiritual department?

But after thinking about it, if the old man was electrocuted to death during the experiment, wouldn't he be the sinner of so many people in Xavier's School!

"Professor, actually there are many things that need your help, it depends on your willingness!" Xu Dan laughed.

"I said long ago that if you need help, the X-Men are always there!" Professor X said domineeringly.

Seeing this, Xu Dan was polite, "Professor X, to be honest, I need Wolverine Logan to cooperate in doing something! Definitely, I will pay you! It's very generous!"

"Are you looking for Logan?" Professor X was also puzzled all of a sudden.

If Xu Dan is looking for stronger Cyclops or Storm, he can understand.

But what does it mean to suddenly find a Logan.

Xu Dan saw the confusion on Professor X's face, and he explained: "Actually, I want Logan to cooperate in an experiment. I know his super ability, so I can guarantee his safety."

Hearing the explanation, Professor X stopped talking and looked towards the door.

The next moment, a middle-aged man with a rough face pushed open the door and walked in!

Xu Dan recognized him, he was Wolverine!

A Mutant older than Professor X!

However, at the moment Wolverine's eyes did not show any kindness!

"Hey, kid, you keep asking me to do things for you, do I agree?" Wolverine Logan asked arrogantly.

In fact, Wolverine has just come to Xavier's School, and there is only one reason why she rejects them in her heart, that • Grey!

It's no secret that Wolverine Logan loves Phoenix Jean Grey!

Poor Cyclops, who has no idea how many layers of green hats he has on his head!

For a wild wolf, if he likes a woman, he can't close too much, he just wants to chase after her!

However, during this period of getting along, he discovered that Jean Gray's favorite is not her boyfriend Cyclops Scott, but another man!

This kind of contrast made him almost give up Jean Grey!

However, in the end he still felt that no matter what, as long as Jean Gray and Scott broke up, he would rush to confess his love at the first moment!

However, just today, he finally met the man whom the women he likes often talk about!

That name is exactly Xu Dan!

Xu Dan smelled Wolverine's anger and dissatisfaction, but in fact, there was no real threat.

"Mr. Logan, I don't think it's difficult for you to communicate. I need you to lie on your back and basically don't have to do Peter's work. You will be paid $100,000 for each experiment!" he said.

One hundred thousand rewards for each experiment, this price is already not low!

Logan worked hard in the underground boxing match to finally earn ten points!


And with such a small amount of money, this guy still likes to drink, and he will be finished when he drinks!

One hundred thousand USD is definitely a lure for Wolverine!

It's like a hungry dog ​​smelling meat buns!

However, in the face of dignity and money, Logan finally chose dignity after struggling!

"Boy, you play a game with me. If you win, I will go with you, and you will definitely be paid the same!" Wolverine said without blushing at all, "If, you lose, then I will tell you You, you never go to Xavier's School again!"

Hearing this proposal, Xu Dan put his hands behind his back, looked at Professor X, and replied to Wolverine Logan: "Logan, I don't actually want to fight with you, after all, we will cooperate later, if you accidentally hurt you, you What if you don’t give me a sincere job?”

"You don't need to worry about this, just find a way to hit me first! Boy!"

With that said, Wolverine walked outside, followed closely by Dan!

The two came to the yard, which should have been a paradise full of laughter, but now because everyone is addicted to games, few people come out to play!

Wolverine Logan looked at the prey on the opposite side, a pair of Adamantium steel claws protruded slowly from between the fingers!

"Boy, if you admit defeat now, I can forgive you once, but if you..."

"Okay, come on!"

The speech was forcibly interrupted, and Wolverine, who was already very frizzy, immediately stretched out her iron claws and stabbed Xu Dan mercilessly!

However, his seemingly quick movements, in Xu Dan's eyes, were as slow as a turtle's speed!

"Is that all you can do? If it doesn't work, I can agree with you to admit defeat. If you admit defeat, I will double the price for you!"

Double it, that is, 200,000 per experiment!

Who can resist this!

However, out of concern, Wolverine has to carefully ponder every word of Xu Dan - this two hundred thousand plus is light, but it sounds more like sarcasm!

Made, he is hurting people!


Wolverine let out a furious roar, and directly slashed at her with her claws!

ps: Publish the chapters of the day at once every morning!.

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