Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 101 Change "League Of Legends" Into A Virtual Full-Line Online Game

There are many ways to play virtual games.

For example, the drag racing party in "Ready Player One", driving a speeding car in a virtual game can satisfy many people, add a little gimmick to it, and make it into a movie!

Xu Dan would not be so foolish as to waste such a good opportunity of a virtual game on a small racing car.

Many times, among the overwhelming online game novels, virtual online games are all pursuing one indicator, that is authenticity!

Any number like 99.99%, 98%, 97% will be followed by a "authenticity".

He didn't want to put that label on his first virtual game in history.

Because since he wants to make a virtual game, he must have a perfect degree of reality, so that players can sink into it and cannot extricate themselves!

A true realization of the 'Second World' statement!

The first game design plan he came up with was "League of Legends"!

This game is the game with the highest popularity and the longest survival time in his knowledge!

Definitely, he won't be so stupid as to let players go to the Summoner's Canyon show operation in the virtual game! What kind of sand sculpture is that!

Are you all dancing?

He is going to transform the MOBA game "League of Legends" into a game suitable for the virtual online game mode!

And the classic battle method will not be completely deleted, it can be automatically transferred to a special map when the player chooses to compete, which is Summoner's Canyon!

First, let the player have an optional faction.

This camp, the so-called birthplace, Demacia, Noxus, Piltover, Kumangulin...

After choosing the place of birth, you can choose the race.

It is known that in the universe of League of Legends, there are humans, vastayas, yordles, and giants...

The story begins with Noxus' first attack on Ionia.

Players level up first, and when the level is up, no matter which side you join, it is a battle mission!

In addition to campaign missions, there are definitely countless copies!

The countless past events in the League of Legends universe are all dungeon materials!

There is too much information about the Titans and the Star-Forging Dragon King, Shurima and Icacia, Protoss and Darkin, Mordekaiser's brutal rule, etc., etc.!

In the virtual game, the relationship task is definitely not to be missed. Who wouldn't want to have some indescribable things with the goddess in the game?

Topple Ahri, conquer Lux, and take down the policewoman. Definitely if you have a stronger taste, you can also try (cjcb) to conquer Illaoi!

Turning all these ideas into reality still requires a very, very large amount of work.

Just a small Shadow Island would take an extremely long time.

The basic game system, Xu Dan is still very good, after all, all kinds of game templates are made by him himself! The experience can be said to be quite rich!

It's just that one of the key points of the virtual game stumped him!

That is, in the world of virtual games, NPCs basically have to maintain a very high IQ, and even be able to speak and think like humans!

With her programming skills alone, this is still a bit difficult!

It’s fine to be a hero AI, but the current League of Legends universe is obviously not just a story of a hero, but a world where many stories are connected in series!

Every character is flesh and blood!

Even a guard on the street, he has to be able to think!

How to intelligentize and give data wisdom, this question really stumps Xu Dan!

After much deliberation, I finally decided to hand over this task to the Red Queen!

The Red Queen is considered a top-notch existence in terms of artificial intelligence. Although she has not yet been born with a human nature, there should be no problem in adjusting the character's attributes with the settings!

Time flew by in this hard work, and the huge amount of work almost made Xu Dan feel the passage of time.

In half a year, the virtual online game version of "League of Legends" is officially completed!

In order to improve the intelligence of the NPCs in the game, the Red Queen took the initiative to use her own template to set up character-related settings!

There are hundreds of millions of creatures in Runeterra, this amount of work, if it weren't for the help of the Red Queen, I am afraid that Xu Dan will have to work alone until the next life!

Virtual games are no better than other games, and ordinary people can't help even if they want to. Definitely, Riva's super modeling ability is quite practical.

Hammering his rusty old waist, Xu Dan stood up vigorously, with crackling noises from his waist.

"It's time to go to the super server in the hardware department to try the running effect!"

In fact, every game will go through a series of experiments before it goes on the market.

It will not appear in front of the players until the merchant thinks it is ok.

The Antarctic company, or Xu Dan, has always been a relatively strict person.

No flaws will be missed!

In fact, the hardware department has established a new branch, but Xu Dan is still accustomed to calling it that.

The super server produced by the branch is already very amazing in terms of size.

In the secret Warehouse, this is a huge black cube with a length, width and height of five meters!

Standing in front of him, Xu Dan seemed to be looking up at the second floor!

Since the hardware revolution, the size of the server is getting smaller and smaller.

But this super server is contrary to it!

Definitely, its performance Xu Dan is still very clear!

Just this one can drive the three games of "World of Warcraft", "Sword of Heaven", and "Cross Fire" at the same time!

And it's so easy!

You know, just for the first batch of "World of Warcraft", ten servers have been mobilized from Stark Industries!

It can be seen how powerful the performance of this super server produced by Antarctic Technology Co., Ltd. is now!

In the eyes of the whole world, I am afraid this is a black technology!

I can't even buy it!

He saved the packaged game in the device, and then uploaded it to this server.

With the transmission of the game data, the lights on the super server slowly lit up!


Hearing that sound, Xu Dan knew from the bottom of his heart that Super Serverless was overloaded!

That super server, which was able to drive three giant games alone without being stuck, is actually overloaded by a mere game!

Xu Dan scratched his hair, reached out and pulled towards the other one next to him!

Two super servers finally won the first virtual game with difficulty!

In the process of trying the game, Xu Dan does not need to wear a helmet to log in, he only needs to glance at the game content, and he can know where the whole game is from!"

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