Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 100 A Breakthrough In Virtual Helmets!

The new house that Liwa bought was not a villa on the scale of Xu Dan, but rather a luxurious suite.

She bought the hardcover directly, saving the trouble of decoration.

After finishing setting up the furniture, it was already four or five o'clock in the afternoon.

Seeing the tired employees of the company, Xu Dan nodded with satisfaction, "Thank you, you will have a day off with pay tomorrow, and today's hard work will be included in the bonus.

Just such a sentence made several people ecstatic, and instantly forgot the exhaustion just now!

After they thanked each other, they hugged each other and left. It seemed that they had run to the dark.

After moving to a new house, it is generally necessary to have a party.

But Liwa invited only two people, that is her two comrades in arms.

The Sanyin battle against the Chitu once again unfolded in Liwa's new house...

The next day, surrounded by octopus, Xu Dan struggled.

He took a deep breath, packed up and went out the door.

Others can rest as much as they like, but he is a luxury enough to rest for a day, and the value of time is different for people with different identities.

He drove straight into Brooklyn.

In the past few months, Banner's research has been his main concern.

When he verified the permissions and entered the lab, Banner was still doing experiments!

I saw that he plugged thin wires into the small head of a small white mouse, the other end was connected to the helmet, and the helmet was connected to a monitor, and there were also ten 3D-modeled white mice in the monitor!

"what are you doing?"

Seeing that the person who came was Xu Dan, Banner explained: "According to my plan, the virtual game helmet should have been preliminarily completed, and I am now doing experiments to see if I can connect


Hearing this, Xu Dan looked down at the poor little white mouse.

By the way, what thoughts can this little thing have?

Could it be that Banner really couldn't find the experimental material, and the group used a small white mouse instead?

At this time, shouldn't a perverted research institute like ours get one or two living people back for experiments?

"Ahem, is it reliable for you to experiment with mice? Or..." Xu Dan coughed twice and asked Banner.

Banner waited for Xu Dan to look at it for three seconds with a look of horror.

"Please, brother, the experiments done by the people below were almost blocked last time. I think you have been conniving? You are amazing!"

Xu Dan raised his hand helplessly, and explained indifferently: "This doesn't allow research, that doesn't allow research, how can we progress if we only want human progress? Do you blow it with your mouth?"

Banner was so rebutted that he had nothing to say, so he had no choice but to return to the topic. He pointed to the model mouse on the computer and said: "Actually, this experiment is very simple. I am using a wired connection now because it is easier... ..The mouse can be regarded as the player, the game helmet is the relay, and the model mouse on the computer is the character in the player's game! As long as the real mouse doesn't move, but the computer mouse moves, then The experiment was a success!"

Listening to Banner's explanation, Xu Dan nodded.

This seemingly complicated circuit is actually very simple. In fact, it is to intercept neuron instructions into the virtual world!

After the helmet is officially successful, these lines will be compressed into a well-shaped helmet.

And the part of the line connected to the computer will also be canceled and transformed into a wireless connection to the server!

At this moment, Banner suddenly exclaimed in a small voice: "It's not moving, it's not moving!"

Then, the two looked at the computer screen not far away.

The real mouse has stopped moving, now, just wait for the mouse in the computer to move

But a second passed, and the model didn't move!

two seconds passed...

Four seconds passed...  

"Hiss, is there something wrong?"

"Maybe, I don't think it's good to experiment with mice, I should find someone to try it!"

"Absolutely not, I have no opinion on anything else, except for this matter. The equipment is still in the experimental stage. Before the connection of the brain nerves we made is 100% safe, I absolutely do not agree with it. Use!" Banner suddenly became serious.

Seeing his righteous words, Xu Dan shook his head with a smile, "You're just kidding, don't take it seriously... You're fucked!"

Banner looked at the computer screen in surprise, and sure enough, the mouse model on the computer moved!

It is exactly the same as the struggling action of the previous mouse!

This means that he has finally connected the real world with the virtual world through neuron connections!

However, this joy did not last long.

Along with the mouse model in the computer twitching, the heart rate detector at the other end also let out a mournful beep——

This sharp sound announced the death of the little white mouse!

Sure enough, this experiment is dangerous!

The movement of the little white mouse only lasted for a few seconds, and it couldn't hold on to death!

Fortunately, this time the experiment was only done on mice. If you really listened to Xu Dan's nonsense and experimented with living people, what would you do if you killed someone?

""||Alas, failed"

"It can't be said that all failed, at least the mouse struggled a few times, right?" Xu Dan said.

But Banner still looked disappointed, he said: "I have adjusted the energy input to the minimum value, but it still failed in the end, it seems that I still need to study for a while!!

Xu Dan patted Banner on the shoulder, saying everything without saying anything. The psychological pressure of doing development work is actually great.

Because what he is doing is an unprecedented research, this kind of development has no reference, and he does it entirely with his own ability!

Which step to take depends on your own creation!

It is not easy for Banner to persist until today!

If it weren't for the high-nutrition meals provided every day, I'm afraid (Qian Zhaohao) would have been bald long ago!

Xu Dan drove away from the biotechnology company silently and headed for the Antarctic Game Building.

He now has a certain understanding of the progress of the virtual game helmet, so he plans to start from another angle!

Virtual gaming helmets are the key to virtual gaming, if humans cannot connect, then everything is useless!

But the facts now prove that the connection can be successful, but it is not stable enough.

Then while Banner is adjusting, he will start to make the real content of this virtual game!

From the virtual game being put on the agenda to the fact that Banner is producing a semi-finished helmet, the virtual game has not yet started, but the relevant content is reflected in Xu Dan's mind every day, and it is getting more and more rich every day!

Virtual games are not a child's play, and it is true to open a new era, but the essential playability of the game cannot be ignored because of this. .

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