Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 99 Daisy Louise, The Big-Breasted Girl In Thor1

The laser net is approaching little by little.

Natasha Romanoff's eyes widened.

She wanted to ask for help, but she couldn't make a sound, so she could only stick tightly to the wall.

Finally, the laser was approaching, the clothes on her body were vulnerable, a hole was burned through the thin T-shirt in an instant, followed by her Wen Yuexiong... It is not difficult to imagine that it was directly divided into several pieces by the laser What a vision of bloodless flesh!

Black widow closed his eyes in despair!

At that critical moment, the fishing net made of laser light dissipated in mid-air!

That horrible laser, the whole process only left a small hole in her clothes, it didn't hurt her at all!

Ben was frightened into a cold sweat, she had no time to think, she just breathed the air greedily—almost died!

At this time, a red figure suddenly appeared in this confined space like a ghost.

The Red Queen looked at Natasha Romanoff who was bending over and panting, and said calmly: "This is the last warning, please leave.


Needless to say after 29 red queens, now Natasha Romanoff can't wait to grow ten legs and run away!

Who would want to come to this ghostly place!

"Open this wall, please!"

The Red Queen didn't reply, and controlling this kind of smart wall was just a matter of a series of instructions from her, just like a fairy controlling the wind and cloud, all it takes is one thought.


With a heavy sound, the wall made of alloy slowly rose under strong power.

When Natasha Romanoff waited for a 30-centimeter opening to appear, she couldn't help but quickly slipped out from below!

Here, she doesn't want to stay here for a second now!

It's an abnormal scientist again, and it's a weird red Ghost again!

It's even scarier than a cemetery in the middle of the night!

In S.H.I.E.L.D, Natasha Romanoff reports to Director Nick Fury.

Braised Dan had a gloomy old face.

"Do you know that we have sent people to target him since his intergenerational imaging technology that surpassed hardware limitations back then. Why are we still unable to attract this talent? Can you tell me what the problem is?"

"Nick, maybe we shouldn't force him to join S.H.I.E.L.D. After all, that man is the founder of Antarctic Company. It's good to maintain such a cooperative relationship, isn't it?

"What about the Antarctic Company? We can even invite Tony Stark, why doesn't he go?"

"Maybe it's because of Howard's relationship..."

"Speaking of Howard, beyond the limits of the hardware, even Howard Stark couldn't do it back then! Why did he do it?"

"Maybe he's a genius or something..."

"Isn't Howard a genius?"

"He should be stronger..."

Nick Fury was speechless and nodded silently.

The release of "Heaven Knife" represents Antarctic Company showing its connotation and heritage to the world.

Antarctica is not a company that only creates fantasy, but a company with rich cultural heritage!

In this way, Antarctic Company's reputation has once again increased in the world!

In this day and age, fame affects the economy, otherwise there would not be continuous advertising companies emerging as the times require.

Within a few months, the Antarctic company recovered the funds released by the big purchases and investments that year.

In Xu Dan's life, he can finally have an occasional leisurely vacation!

It happened that Liwa just bought her own real estate, and she was going to move today, so Xu Dan followed.

Definitely, neither he nor Riva needed to do it himself.

After all, they are all executives of world-class companies, and they don't have a few people to direct them, so isn't that a bargain?

The two stood in the living room of the shared house, directing a few small company employees to carry the wooden wardrobe...

Suddenly, a voice came in from outside the door: "Hey, Liwa, are you back? Boss Xu is here too? I saw the car outside, and I was shocked!"

The two looked sideways, and it turned out to be Liwa's shared roommate, Daisy Louise!

Xu Dan still pays close attention to this big girl.

For no other reason than she is Jane Foster's assistant!

"Hello, Daisy." Xu Dan greeted politely.

"Daisy, I'm sorry, I didn't tell you in advance that I'm going to move..." Liwa blamed herself a bit, after all, she was a roommate, so no matter what, she had to say hello in advance if she wanted to move out!

However, the big girl Daisy has a broad mind, patted Yue Xiong's mouth and smiled: "What are you talking about! Goddess Liwa, you don't stay here for three days, you go to live in a big villa, I'm used to it !"

This girl is very calm.

Liwa does often live in Xu Dan's house, after all, she has great physical needs, which can only be met by Xu Dan.

In the eyes of adults, this is not a topic that is ashamed to talk about.

Looking at Liwa who has turned into a butterfly, Daisy's heart is full of envy.

Back then, when she heard that she was only working in a small game studio, she felt anxious for Liva in her heart!

At that time, Liwa was still a simple child, but now she has been trained to be an elite in the workplace!

And that studio has also become the famous Antarctic company today!

The man in front of him is the god who single-handedly turned Antarctic Company into its present glory!

Young, promising, and reportedly not promiscuous!

What woman doesn't like such a man!

Definitely that's what Daisy heard.

If you let her 120 see Sanyin fighting Chitu in the office, she will understand!

Daisy intentionally or unintentionally pushed aside her low moon dress, so that the white dodder inside could be more lively.

Xu Dan unconsciously glanced a few more times.

Made, really white clothes, oh no, big clothes!

The shape of Mai Shiranui is different from that of Mai Shiranui. I don’t know what it feels like to make such a big white disc?


At this moment, Liwa, who had a keen sixth sense, coughed lightly.

Xu Dan hastily looked away, after all, Chi Guoguo looked at each other like this, it was very impolite!

"Oh, by the way, we should go! That cabinet is the last one. Nothing left in the room?"

"No!" Liwa said sadly.

"Walk slowly, be careful on the road!" Daisy said hello, while thinking, the activity with Jane Foster is a dead end, and there is no prospect of development at all!

For the sake of your own life, should you find a serious and stable job?

emmm......With my professional knowledge and ability, maybe I can apply for a job in Antarctic company and have a chance to be a cleaner?

Well, after finishing the matter of Jane Foster, apply for the job! Looking at Xu Dan's back, Daisy thought silently.

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