Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 98: The Terrifying Laser Defense Network!

"If he really wanted me to find Banner, he wouldn't be talking about Brooklyn! Fuck, what a jerk!"

Nick Fury left cursing.

next day.

In his place, another beautiful woman appeared.

The beautiful woman named Natasha Romanoff is an elite female agent, the industry gave her a nickname - Black widow!

Although I don’t know the meaning of this ‘Black widow’...maybe it’s to describe her spider-like beauty!

Natasha Romanoff looked around, feeling quite helpless.

With her beauty, she couldn't touch any of the white coats here!

It seems that these men in white coats have no feelings for women!

Are they all perverts?

Yep, they're all freak researchers.

Otherwise, how could someone dare to experiment with his second brother?

"Okay, no one cares about me, I'll look for it myself at 290!"

The task Nick Fury gave her was to persuade Bruce Banner to join the organization, or sleep with Xu Dan.

There are a lot of information about these two people in S.H.I.E.L.D!

Bruce Banner: May become a green titan at any time, can blow up a tank with one hand, the risk factor is 999!

Xu Dan: Genius game developer, handsome, tall, rich!

If any woman chooses, she will definitely choose the second one!

Natasha Romanoff is no exception!

However, when she saw that Mai Shiranui who had a better figure and higher appearance than her, she wisely gave up the plan of "Xu Dan in sleeping clothes"!

If you want to convince Bruce Banner, you must first find his people.

In such a huge company, she really didn't dare to break into it casually.

There is a weird atmosphere everywhere, and in broad daylight, this place looks like a spooky cemetery!

Natasha Romanoff groped her arms subconsciously. She was wearing a bunt today, which was more casual.

Because it makes it easier for others to let their guard down.

She searched all the way and witnessed one horrible experiment after another with her own eyes. Even an elite agent like her wanted to take out a gun to take precautions!

"Is Bruce Banner working in such an environment? Or, is he actually the subject of research?" Black widow Natasha Romanoff thought wildly.

No one paid attention to her, she just searched so slowly and aimlessly, finally, she boarded a floor that looked very luxurious.

Looking at the level of technological equipment here, if the expectations are correct, Dr. Bruce Banner must be on this floor!

"Wow, I found it!~"

Natasha Romanoff proudly stepped out of the elevator, and was about to walk towards the laboratory......

In front of her, a red figure appeared like a ghost!

The sudden appearance of the red figure made Natasha Romanoff tremble. Due to the rapid reaction of the agent, she took out the pistol hidden under her clothes in a few tenths of a second, and pointed the gun at the little red figure.

"Huh?" Natasha Romanoff froze.

Because the figure in front of her is actually illusory, and it looks like a little girl!

This is the Red Queen!

"You shouldn't have come here, please leave quickly!" The Red Queen warned lightly.

However, Natasha Romanoff didn't care about the warning. She was a person with a lot of experience and could think of what kind of existence this red figure was.

Then, she took the initiative to ask: "Hi, may I ask, where is Bruce Banner?"

"Do you have an invitation?"


"Do you have the access code?"


"Then please leave."


Natasha Romanoff was disappointed, she thought this was a very high level artificial intelligence, but in the end it was also an artificial mentally retarded person who needed to constantly verify her identity!

She intends to ignore the Red Queen directly and look for Bruce Banner on this floor by herself!

Stepping forward, she passed through the projection of the Red Queen and walked towards the laboratory ahead.

However, in the next second, the red queen's figure shifted again, blocking her again!

"Warning: I am the red queen of the Antarctic total defense system. If you continue to move forward, you will be attacked defensively!"

Natasha Romanoff looked down at the little red girl, her eyes didn't change, but her heart was full of shoulders.

An artificial mentally handicapped person, what kind of actions can he do, and he can still hold a gun and shoot her like a human being!?

She ignored the red queen and continued to move forward...


"Thump thump thump thump!!!"

A series of sounds startled Natasha Romanoff, and she bent down subconsciously.

It turned out that there was a wall in the corridor, and it looked very solid!

And the original light blue light turned into a warning red in an instant!

"Looks like there's trouble!"

Until now, Natasha Romanoff still doesn't feel anything terrible......

After all, she is an elite agent, and the things she has experienced are more complicated than this!

However, she soon discovered that the situation this time was far from being as simple as being imprisoned...


Natasha Romanoff frowned, watching a dazzling white light appear from the other side of the line of sight!


She finally felt scared. In such a confined space, not far away, there is this beam of laser light slowly slashing like a Death God razor!

If the prediction is correct, there may be more than just this laser beam!

Sure enough, after she dodged the first laser beam, two more laser beams appeared from the other end!

The two laser beams went up and down, and Natasha Romanoff dived through the middle!

Next, there are four!

Horizontally and vertically, the four lasers are connected vertically, leaving a very small space!

Natasha Romanoff licked her lips and tensed up!

It took less than a minute, and she had to show her strength as an elite agent. It was really......

Now, how dare she think that the Red Queen is an artificial mentally retarded, that is a proper electronic killer!

Seeing the four lasers getting closer and closer, Natasha Romanoff suddenly had an idea and chose to lie flat on the ground!

The four laser spaces are divided into nine grids. She lay flat on the ground with her hands and feet together, not too big or too small just enough for that small grid!

The laser is almost slashed against her breasts. If her cup size is even bigger than 5.0, she will probably be cruelly peeled here!


When the laser light passed by, she quickly stood up and let out a long sigh of relief.

However, what awaited her were eight diagonally interlaced lasers!

The four laser beams divided the space into nine equal parts, and she passed it with trepidation!

Now, there are actually eight!

Eight lasers almost form a net, I am afraid only one cat can jump over it! And it can't be an orange cat!

"My God! It's over!"

Natasha Romanoff was constantly cursing Nick Fury in her heart, what is wrong with her, she insisted on sending this task!

How to avoid this laser?

There was no way to hide, she could only run to the other end and hit the wall hard!

Seeing the laser net getting closer and closer, there is despair in the eyes!.

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