Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 14 The Abused Vegetable's Big Poop 【Fourth Update】

Although Jerry is rich, he is not a philanthropist and doesn't like unexplainable consumption.

Therefore, he decided not to buy it first, but to enter the game to have a look.

"Oh my God!!"

He had to admit that he was once again shocked by the game developer's generosity!

For a long time, the old players in the game circle are almost used to the gap between CG and actual games.

There are many manufacturers who are dedicated to CG and have the skills to make games!

But "The King of Fighters" is almost the other way around!

The screens in the game are even more magnificent than CG, and the scenes of novelty constantly hit his eyeballs.

It was as if a new world had opened up!

That's right, there is only one screen between him and the new world!

What kind of workmanship can create such a game scene!


"By the way, it's called Antarctic Studio, right? The studio must be sponsored!"

Jerry nodded firmly, returned immediately, clicked to load the mod, and selected all—buy buy buy! !

If it is said that the previous CG guided him to watch a big movie.

Then in the game, the player is the protagonist!

The King of Fighters optimized by Xu Dan is not that monotonous fighting game.

Now, all players have a free world.

The background in the fighting scenes of King of Fighters has been made into reality by him, and players can go sightseeing here!

Wherever the challenge is launched, it will be used as the background!

It's a beach, and Jerry walks toward the crowd.

He found someone at random, and he initiated a game invitation.

The other party was obviously not a rookie, so he immediately accepted it confidently.

With a flash of white light, their game screen changed again!

This is the official entry into the main body of this game - fighting!

Jerry is a nerd, he definitely likes girls with great figures, so the first one he appears on the scene is Mai Shiranui who just bought a swimsuit.

On the other side, Mai Shiranui was also in a swimsuit!

Hit the shirt?

No, hit someone?

He looked at the other person's name, and subconsciously read: "J.A.R.V.I.S' father? Oh, my God, even old men play this game? Or a perverted old man?"

Jerry doesn't know who 'J.A.R.V.I.S' is, he only knows that he might be abusive!

The hand speed of middle-aged and elderly people is vulnerable to him!

He is a game genius!

"Round 1!"

At the beginning of the first round, the two Mai Shiranui stood on the spot, their bodies shaking back and forth slightly.

Along with the gentle understanding, some two indescribable things wrapped in her swimsuit were also trembling slightly!


This game is so realistic!

Neither of them acted immediately, as if they were waiting for the other to make a move.

"Very good, wait for me to make a move, then I'll give you a feint first!"

Jerry smiled smugly.

The King of Fighters has a defensive block mechanism, there is no doubt that the opponent must be pressing the block button now!

Then wait for him to make a move, and then look for opportunities to find his flaws!

Jerry is already familiar with this routine!

He has seen such players in many games!

One word, turtle!


Only Shiranui Wu let out a soft shout, and attacked the other party.

But this blow was just a feint!

Sure enough, the other party fell for it, and wanted to take advantage of the moment when he was stiff, and make moves to bring him into the rhythm of attack!

"Hehe, you are still too young! Old man!"

The extremely accurate operating system makes players almost have the urge to fight in real life!

Seeing the right opportunity, Jerry threw an over-the-shoulder throw, slamming the 'old man' on the ground!

With the advantage of being the first player, coupled with his excellent operation, he will naturally win the first round!


New York City.

In a splendid building.

A young man with a specially shaved beard exuded that unrestrained prodigal aura.

Right now he was staring intently at the computer screen.

"Oh, shete! The other party is cheating! How can he be so strong!"

"Sir, after my inspection, there is no possibility of cheating in this game."

"Ok, I trust you."

Following the hot word 'K.O' on the screen, the man rubbed his chin, "J.A.R.V.I.S, this is your game, give me a hard time!"

"Sir, is this bad?"

"There's nothing wrong with that! Just do what I say!"

"Yes, sir."



After winning his debut, Jerry suddenly became passionate about the game.

I was still thinking about the barbarian game! What AK47 sent you to see the Virgin Mary in one shuttle!

Such thoughts suddenly disappeared.

Only the word 'true fragrance' was left.

"The King of Fighters is really fun, I must become the strongest player here!"

The second round has begun!

Jerry's Mai Shiranui was not defeated, so this time, he still controlled this beauty!

Looking at this beautiful woman with big tits on the screen, he even wanted to lick the screen!

And with the weird mentality of an otaku, he suddenly felt that this female character was his destiny! I have a relationship with him!

If it can be turned into reality, the goddess will definitely favor him!


With a low growl, Jerry's fantasy was ruthlessly shattered!

When he realized, Mai Shiranui he was controlling had already lost half of its health!

"Oh! Shete! How dare you sneak up on me!! See if I don't torture you to death! It doesn't matter if you are half-blooded!" Jerry said with a stern face.

As everyone knows, he is just in a daze, and has half a dime relationship with others!

The opposite character is a man in white clothes and a red belt. He is muscular and does not look beautiful at all. He looks like a rough gorilla!


"Oh! Damn! This guy is doing a good job! Interesting!"



"Damn Falk! Change! Get up, stand up for me!"

"Oh my God!"

Jerry let out a sigh of relief, and as the last trace of blood was emptied, his picture was frozen at the time of death.

He actually lost to a perverted old man?

Just thinking about that picture makes me sick!

The person across from him is Mai Shiranui's thief, the kind who picks his feet!

However, why is it that when the role is changed, it is like a different person, and all kinds of operations are smooth and smooth!

And also released a lot of 'big tricks' that he didn't even know? !

What exactly is that energy ball-like thing?

The movement of jumping up and kicking in the air... What the fuck is there with the wind! This violates the laws of physics, right?

Could it be that this man's destiny is this muscular man?

When he was still having the slightest problem of "birth", his second character had already taken over!

This time, he didn't dare to neglect at all!

The opponent is obviously not a rookie, he is definitely a player who can play!

He must show his strength!


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