Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 15 The Despair Of Other Game Companies

The same thing happened everywhere in the United States.

"The King of Fighters" is like a storm, sweeping across North America in a short period of time.

Today's city streets are full of posters of characters from The King of Fighters, many of them are physical goods merchants, borrowing the elements of the King of Fighters, and taking advantage of the popularity of the King of Fighters, to advertise.

People from the United States pay attention to copyright, and borrowing elements from "King of Fighters", naturally they have to pay Xu Dan a certain fee.

With these advertising expenses alone, Xu Dan has already paid off his previous debts.

In the same way, just like in the middle school of the previous life, the classmates all liked to play black masturbation and masturbation.

Now, the young people in the United States are full of King of Fighters players.

Different from the era of big online games where a hundred flowers bloomed, the quality of King of Fighters completely surpassed that of other games!

Even some super big manufacturers have no choice but to lose!

They never thought that one day the market would be dominated by a small studio!

Blizzard Games Inc.

It is the largest and most solid game company in the United States.

A few months ago, 80% of the computer games on the market were produced by Fengxue Company.

This market means the world market!

The world is so huge, to occupy 80% of this giant cake, what kind of benefit is that? !

In this year, the game industry has just emerged, and it has already made them a lot of money!

With the progress of the times and the development of science and technology, the future benefits are even more unimaginable!

The future world belongs to the virtual world. They are confident that they will start with the game industry, defeat Stark Industry in the next ten years, and become the number one in the world!

The vision is wonderful.

Shareholders are looking forward to it.

However, the reality is very cruel.

When they were still working up their energy to hit the next adventure stand-alone game, before the script was written, a masterpiece fell from the sky!

In the game industry, it is no secret to learn from each other and 'imitate' each other.

In Fengxue Company, all the technical teams immediately convened a meeting to tackle the tough problems!

In the conference hall, on the stage, and on the huge screens, the game content of King of Fighters is played.

Looking at the gorgeous and exquisite scene, everyone thought they were watching a movie!


As the lights of the venue were restored, the originally dark 'theater' turned into a serious meeting.

Only then did everyone wake up.

They are planning to overcome the problem of "The King of Fighters"!

It's a pity that everyone fell silent involuntarily, and even the chief engineer who hosted on the summit stage was embarrassed to continue talking.

Because, in the technology industry, they all understand the fact that no one can imitate this game!

Even, they used the most shameless means to steal the data packets of this game, but they also ended in failure.

Because they discovered that even the most powerful hacker known in the world could not crack the data package of "The King of Fighters"!

'That kind of encryption method does not exist in this world. ’ said the hacker.

Fengxue Company itself is also confused.

What are you doing? Aliens?

"Oh God, this technology exists and only exists in the future! I really can't believe this is made by a studio, dare they publish their developer list?"

The list of developers is a small program that many game companies note at the bottom of the game start interface, which is nothing more than introducing some developers.

Hearing the sound, a middle-aged Mediterranean man next to him nodded in agreement.

He also whispered: "I recognize you very much. If even we can't make it, then no one in this world can make it!"



Seemingly dissatisfied with the hustle and bustle below, Tom, the chief engineer on the summit stage, coughed slightly.

He was wearing earphones, and the sound spread throughout the venue.

Everyone shut their mouths knowingly.

"Cough, um, I just heard a fellow here say that he is willing to exchange ten years of life for this kind of technology."


"Haha, I'm just joking. If it were me, I would trade twenty years of my life for this kind of technology!"


"Actually, when the conference was held today, I didn't have the confidence in my heart. Because I couldn't help myself, I played a game of "The King of Fighters" in advance. To be honest, it was very good! My mood at that time was the same as when I was twelve years old. , the same as the first game console I received.”

Yes, even the chief engineer of the world's number one game company felt that he himself was a twelve-year-old child in front of the developers of "The King of Fighters"! !

What an exaggeration!

Everyone has reached this level, and they all understand that at this level, the gap between everyone is very small!

You know, I will too!

I will, and you understand!

It is nothing more than that I am biased towards the details of spell skills, and you are biased towards the details of warrior skills.

However, the developer of "King of Fighters" is definitely standing in the realm of God!

He seems to have fabricated this masterpiece with the hand of God.

Otherwise, with just a cold could he make such a thing?

That is definitely metaphysics, not science!

"Oh? Ma'am, you raised your hand, please speak."

"Tom, I am the planner of Group A. Judging from the publicity of that game, it should be a war game. A war game is indeed very attractive at the beginning, but as time goes by, the game content will change." Gradually boring, it will naturally lose the player base..."

"Beautiful Miss Planner, I don't think you have played "The King of Fighters", have you?"

"Yeah, I didn't play, I don't have time."

"Oh, my God, you must have worked so hard. I suggest you take three days off and have a good rest."

"No, Tom, I think, as the chief engineer, you should curb your hobbies. Is it really okay for you to raise others' prestige and destroy your own ambition?"

On the podium, Tom smiled slightly and said rather humorously: "If I just exaggerated about chicken soup for the soul, you should be calling me an asshole and retarded in your heart now, instead of communicating with me like this. Isn't it ?”

Tom is indeed very humorous, but no one in the audience laughed.

"That's right, we have no qualifications to fight against a completely oppressive opponent like "The King of Fighters". If we continue to cheer like this, we may be exhausted at work, and there will be no gain!" Unspoken thought.

But, just let "The King of Fighters" snatch their biggest piece of cake?

The company cannot be so silent.

Otherwise, who will support these employees?

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