Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 21 You Have An Inner Ghost, This Is The Biggest Loophole

It would be a lie to say that Xu Dan won't bloat.

Even if he was an executive of the leading game company in China before, he did not have the sense of honor he has today.

Domestic first-class company, and the world's number one game company.

It sounds like the difference between the two is not too obvious.

However, in reality, the gap can be described as worlds apart!

It can be said that the total number of game companies in the world is not equal to the number one Antarctic game company in the world!

And today all this is brought about by a small "King of Fighters", and there are more cool and exciting games behind him!

Therefore, the future of Antarctic Game Company is unlimited!

With a bold prediction, it is not impossible to defeat the giant Stark Industries!

Definitely, in addition to honors, these achievements also brought him points, which were converted into personal strength.

Double success, the sense of honor cannot be concealed, and there is no need to conceal it.

Phil Coulson pursed his lips and drove the car to the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters without saying a word.

"Come with me, sir." After getting out of the car, Phil Coulson invited professionally.

Xu Dan looked at the building of the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters for the first time. Judging from the movie, he did not have the feeling of witnessing it with his own eyes.

Just here, how many secrets are hidden!

"Let's go!" he said thoughtfully.

The two came to the director's room without any hindrance. Seeing Nick Fury's black face from afar, Xu Dan smiled.

"Director Nick, are you still angry? Don't be angry, my "King of Fighters" hit is inevitable, and it has nothing to do with whether you promote it or not."

"It doesn't matter much?! Oh! God! You are such an ungrateful fellow!"

"That's the way businessmen are, isn't it?"

"Well, the thing I hate the most in my life is the businessman, but now I want to help you, the businessman! God!"

Xu Dan chuckled and looked at Nick Fury, the more unhappy he was, the happier he was.

"Then let's not talk nonsense, just take me there, I have to go back to work after I'm done!"

"Let's go!" Nick Fury stood up and walked directly towards the door without functioning.

Out the door, turn right, then left...

I don't know how long it took, and finally arrived at the control room.

As soon as he stepped into the door, Xu Dan's eyes lit up. The facilities of S.H.I.E.L.D are much better than the civilian facilities outside. This place is ten years ahead of the outside!

If you can steal these back...

"Ahem, Mr. Xu Dan, let's do it!"

Nick Fury's dry cough interrupted Xu Dan's imagination.

A little embarrassed, he put away his plan to steal the battery and walked to the machine.

Although these machines are high level, they are actually not difficult to operate, on the contrary, they are simpler than the outside ones.

"First, check your firewall."

While speaking, Xu Dan began to operate magically, typing frantically with his fingers on the optical keyboard, and a series of codes were typed out on the screen as the shadows of his fingers flew.

To be honest, this kind of optical keyboard is really far from the electrostatic capacitive keyboard he is used to. As a programmer, he has very strict requirements for the keyboard. The same as on the bricks, the stone is more deadly.

Both of these are uncomfortable to use!

However, that terrifying muscle memory was still typed into countless codes smoothly.

Soon, he created a simple icon on the desktop.

"What are you doing?" Nick Fury frowned. He had seen the work of a super hacker, and it was nothing more than a black screen of the computer, with strings of English characters floating on the screen.

But Xu Dan, he finished typing the code, and then built an icon on the desktop, what is this for?

Hearing this, Xu Dan didn't even look back, and explained: "Oh, this is my commonly used detection software, developed by myself, it can detect and lock all viruses without trace, freeze all vulnerabilities, etc. Anyway, what do you think? Yes, there are functions you can't think of! It should be ten times more efficient than your usual detection methods."

Hearing such an exaggerated tone, pulling the old face, quietly moved closer to a body.

Attached to the ear canal: "What price?"

"Huh? You S.H.I.E.L.D want this, I don't think so?!"

"Just say it straight! Make an offer!"

"Oh, this is my personal property, not for sale."

Nick Fury felt as uncomfortable as eating shit. Suddenly, he looked at the computer screen and sneered in his heart: "Hehe, all your operations are recorded, and I will copy your program afterward!"

"Director Nick, you're a smart guy, don't you want to use ancient materials to copy and steal my software? That's really RZ!"


Nick Fury really had nothing to say, what a cold slap on the face mercilessly!

If it was someone else, this method might work, but he is Xu Dan.

That electronic ghost-like man.

Two minutes later.

"Huh, after the inspection, it can be said that there are no loopholes, or it can be said that there are many loopholes, but I will fix them for you!" Xu Dan said suddenly.

To say that the biggest loophole of the S.H.I.E.L.D system is their high-level logins.

To put it bluntly, it is because in the grass layer of S.H.I.E.L.D, there is HYDRA, and there is an inner ghost!

And his method is the same as that of a cement builder plastering a wall, once it is wiped off, it will be wiped away by him!

"well done."

Nick Fury's eyes revealed an incomprehensible look, and he didn't know what the old agent was thinking.

Or, have you already guessed something?

Xu Dan put those doubts aside for now, repairing the firewall is just a small job.

The main task given to him by SHIELD Director is to find the short-lived ghost who dared to attack S.H.I.E.L.D!

This is a matter of dignity and confidentiality.

After closing and cleaning up the software for his own use, he searched for the attack records on the supercomputer.

The most recent attack record happened fifty minutes ago.

Just looking at the information fed back by S.H.I.E.L.D's own counterattack program, it is obvious that the opponent has occupied a large area of ​​broilers.

This is the basic operation of a hacker. In a contest between hackers, whoever reveals his position first will lose!

But now, Xu Dan's position has been in the clear from the very beginning, and the opponent will know first no matter what, this is a counterattack from S.H.I.E.L.D!

What the other party has to do is to temporarily stay away from all electronic network equipment, and it is useless to head-to-head with S.H.I.E.L.D!

However, who is Xu Dan.

Why can you be a chief engineer at a young age who generally doesn't have a chance until you are in your 40s or 50s?

Also, the god-level programming technology given by the system is really only programming?

Things are dead, people are alive!

As Nick Fury said, he is an 'electronic ghost'!

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