Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 22 Vibe Girl Skye 【Fourth Update】

Translated into easy-to-understand words, he is called the God of the Internet!

Suddenly, Xu Dan in front of the screen smiled coldly.

"OK! Let me get caught! You're too young to kill someone with a borrowed knife!"

This voice surprised both Nick Fury and Phil Coulson.

There is such an operation in the world?

They S.H.I.E.L.D sent a hundred super hackers, but they couldn't break the problem, and Xu Dan couldn't survive more than ten seconds? !

What is this? !

Is this person really a devil?

"Oh, Shet! The opponent is slipperier than a loach, how did you catch it?" Nick Fury asked in surprise.

In front of the computer, Xu Dan started to fight back and replied: "In terms of tactics, the Chinese are the ancestors. The opponent is just shooting one shot and changing points. I am very familiar with this kind of tactics."

"What tactics?"

"No comment!"


"Okay, leave the next thing to me, just a little mouse that has fallen into the trap."

Under Xu Dan's continuous offensive like a tide, the little mouse that attacked S.H.I.E.L.D was quickly overwhelmed and locked in position!

24 blocks.

Inside a western restaurant.

In the electronic equipment that was playing elegant music and youth soap operas, there was a sudden rustling sound.

The sound is not processed, it's like the sound of garbage electric current mic.

Suddenly, the sound stopped abruptly.

On TV, the original soap opera has become a cartoon cat and mouse.

At the same time, the mobile phones of all the diners rang a crisp 'Beep' for no reason.

Surprised, they took out their mobile phones and saw that the screen was neither their lock screen nor a text message notification.

but a photo.

A picture of a girl!

"who is she?!"

"Listen to me, I really don't know her!"

"Damn it, it's the same on my phone, girl, don't be angry, your boyfriend didn't cheat, because it's on my phone too!"

"Hey, isn't this person her?"

Everyone looked at the point, and saw that it was a young girl, she was digging the rice on the plate.

It seemed that she didn't want people to see her face clearly, so she deliberately covered half of her face with her long hair.

However, no matter from which angle you look at it, it is the person in the photo on the phone!

"Hey! Ma'am, you have to give us an explanation!"

It's her picture, so all these incidents are naturally related to her.

No matter what she's playing with 'her friends', this behavior has violated their privacy!

Unfortunately, the girl didn't dare to look up, nor did she dare to answer.

At this moment, a voice rang out from everyone's mobile phones at the same time: "Hello, Ms. Skye."

Hello Ms. Skye...

Hello Ms. Skye...


This voice, like half a spell, surrounds the girl's ears.

She finally felt the fear!

The hairs on her back stood up suddenly, and she didn't care about this delicious meal. She immediately pushed the table, and she jumped out like a half-grasshopper.

She rushed out of the restaurant door, rushed to an old car on the side of the road, and quickly took out the car keys.

When she opened the door, it turned out that it was a modified car!

Except for the basic driving position, other places are filled with servers!

Undoubtedly, this is a veteran.

And when she stepped into the car and started it, a voice came out from her car stereo after a while: "Welcome back, Ms. Skye."

At the moment.


Out of his ultimate trust in Xu Dan Ability, Nick Fury has already led Phil Coulson out for tea.

Wait for the battle report!

Xu Dan called up the little mouse's resume and displayed it on the screen.

Looking at the photo, he stroked his chin.

I always feel that this person looks familiar.

Skye... Skye... Skye...

There are a lot of people named Skye in the United States, and even many men are called Skye.

But this person gave him a different impression!

Suddenly, Xu Dan was shaken, Skye Skye, isn't that Vibe girl Skye!

No wonder looking at the photo, he felt more and more familiar!

Because the girl in the photo is the young hacker Skye who appeared in "S.H.I.E.L.D agent"!

In fact, she is not only a hacker, but also a woman with super Ability!

"I see!"

Thinking back to Skye in his memory, Xu Dan's eyes became brighter and brighter.

His company is short of manpower right now, and he was thinking about how to recruit talents before, but now, isn't this just delivered to his door!

"No, this person cannot let S.H.I.E.L.D know!"

Like him, S.H.I.E.L.D is in great need of talent!

Girls like Skye who possess both hacker skills and super-ability cannot be snatched away by a labor organization like S.H.I.E.L.D!

Anyway, being snatched by them is doing some dangerous work, it's better to stay in his company, get a high salary, and do a comfortable job!

"It's easy, I'll catch this little mouse myself!"

With this in mind, he quickly shut down and cleared all traces on the computer, and used his mobile phone to reconnect to Skye's coordinates.

Then he walked out of the control room.

Nick Fury is alone, holding a cup of coffee, contented. It turned out that what he drank was not tea.

It seems that for the problem of S.H.I.E.L.D, he handed it over to Xu Dan with one hundred confidence.

"Oh, you're done? I got Phil Coulson ready to go, you told him enough."

A little mouse, it's really not enough to let him, SHIELD Director, hand it over to his confidant Phil Coulson, he already thinks highly of this little mouse.

However, how could Xu Dan let people from S.H.I.E.L.D intervene!

"Director Nick, I give you a favor. The popularity of "The King of Fighters" is half of your credit. Just strengthening the firewall of S.H.I.E.L.D may not be enough. Let me get rid of that person for you."

Definitely, this is a lie, he is a businessman, and he doesn't know how to get favors by himself.

It's enough to help Nick Fury once, and it's clear, but it won't be for nothing to help him a second time.

This is an excuse, I don't want people from S.H.I.E.L.D to get involved!

"So great?" Nick Fury was also taken aback. Originally, he was quite dissatisfied with this matter. Who would have thought that his simple greeting would make Xu Dan the boss of the world's number one game company? .

I always feel like I'm at a disadvantage!

He doesn't like to suffer!

Can make Xu Dan compensate a little is a little!

It just so happens that when dealing with hackers, let this guy go, hey, what a coincidence!

"Definitely, didn't you tell me to leave this matter to you?"

"Yes, I did."

"So, you should do it!"

Xu Dan succeeded in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, "Oh, it's really hard work, I knew I wouldn't say such a big talk, okay, I'll send the Buddha to the west!"

Seeing the back of Xu Dan's departure, Nick Fury always felt that he had lost something.

Damn it, how could there be such a slight sadness?

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