Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 26 It's Been A While, This Is A Heart-Pounding Feeling!

Although this blow is not as overbearing as the Wave Fist, it has a miraculous effect!

Those few people will be gradually drained by the pain, and will eventually go into shock.

In contrast, although Ghost Burn did not kill Deadman in the first place, it made the people on the left completely lose their fighting power; while the Wave Fist on the right made a person bruised and bruised to death on the spot, but it made the people behind him completely lose their fighting power. It doesn't hurt much!

They just got hit, and as long as they have a gun in their hands, they still count as a threat!


Sure enough, someone actually imitated Xu Dan, using his companion's body as a shield, and fired a shot secretly.

Under Xu Dan's keen intuition, he immediately moved his body closer to the right.


The bullet missed the position of the heart and passed by his left arm, leaving a bloodstain!


Xu Dan gasped, not because of the pain, the pain was nothing, what he really cared about was that the dog thief dared to sneak attack!

If there is a first shot, there must be a second shot!

But he didn't intend to give the opponent a second chance to shoot!

Immediately rushed over like lightning, this time, the speed has actually made a breakthrough, even faster than before!

I don't know if it's because of the anger in my heart, or because I walked through the gate of hell!

Although his body has undergone strengthening, he is only a super soldier now, and has not yet reached the state of indestructible!

How fragile the heart is, if it is hit elsewhere, it will only hurt him a little bit, but if he dares to kill him, he must be sent to death!


This is virtue!


Carrying the weight of gravity with one foot, he stepped on that guy's head fiercely!

With a crisp sound, the skull fractured, declaring death!


Skye covered her little mouth in horror, all this happened in a very short time, estimated to be around 14 seconds!

Xu Dan's movements are smooth and smooth, without any doubts. When it's time to make a move, he must find the right time and make a bold move!

Very strong!

However, a person, without a gun on his body, dared to fight against a dozen gangsters!

This is a bit too powerful!

Say he is Superman? hero? What kind of hero?

This is simply not something humans can do!

Skye looked at the man's face, and saw that it was a standard oriental face, with sharp eyebrows and eyes like water!

Worse, this is a heart-pounding feeling!

The moment their eyes met, the man's profundity seemed to suck her in!

Even if he didn't show his power just now, with just this glance, he might be able to conquer thousands of women!

"Oh my god... wait, you're hurt!!"

Skye saw the bullet wound on Xu Dan's left arm and immediately blamed himself.

Obviously he was saving her, but she stood where she was without making any effort!

"No problem!"

Xu Dan took a look at the wound, if he cleaned it, with his physical strength, the scar should be healed tomorrow morning!

"How can this be done, you come with me, I have a medical kit in the car, I will bandage it for you!"

"Clean it with iodine! Have you?" Xu Dan didn't put on an air, since his target was Skye anyway, so he said directly.

"Yes, yes! Let's go!"

Xu Dan watched Skye's reaction, and some doubts slowly hung in his heart.

This girl is not easy!

Although I know she is a Vibe girl, but there is no Awakening yet, she is still a little hacker!

Well, according to common sense, a girl should have been scared to cry when she heard the continuous gunfire!

Secondly, there are so many corpses on the ground, especially the one that was regarded as a corpse shield at the beginning. The current appearance is extremely terrifying. Even when he saw the corpse riddled with holes, he could hardly help but want to take a bite. Spit it out!

Because of enduring these, his face was a little pale.

Killing someone for the first time, he now just wants to get away from this place as soon as possible.

But Skye was different, she seemed so at ease, she was not overwhelmed by the scene in front of her at all, but kept booing and asking for warmth!

Girl, Deadman is here!

A lot of them died!

If Xu Dan had the super ability of mind perception, he would find that Skye's mind is full of how to attack himself, and his brain has blocked all other information!

Woman, what a terrifying creature!

The two returned to the van, looking at the rummaged electronic equipment, Skye scratched his hair annoyed.

"It's okay, the medical kit is under the driver's seat." She tried to pretend to be a mature woman, and said to Xu Dan.

Immediately, the medical kit was quickly taken out. For a girl who has been homeless all year round, there are many secrets in the medical kit.

Definitely, routine things like iodine are naturally indispensable.

"This hurts, bear with it!"

While talking, Skye dipped a cotton swab in iodine and wiped Xu Dan's wound.

Anyone who has experienced it knows that the kind of pain that hits the flesh and blood!

Especially the pain when the cotton wool of the cotton swab rubbed against the open flesh and blood!

However, Xu Dan didn't change his face.

The ghost knows what he has gone through, and he is indifferent to this level of pain!

Skye glanced at Xu Dan curiously, thinking that he deliberately pretended to be in front of the girls, so he kept quiet. Unexpectedly, his expression was completely silent, and his eyes did not change at all!

He really doesn't feel pain!

"Aren't you in pain?"

"hurts a little."

"Then why didn't you say it?" Skye was so frightened that he hurriedly lowered his hand a little.

"What's the use of saying it, won't it hurt?"

"Oh, I the way, what's your name!?"

"Xu Dan, Chinese, temporarily living in New York."

"My name is Skye!"

"Really Skye?"

"Ugh, I'm used to hearing that name!"

Xu Dan chuckled and didn't pursue it.

The name is just a code name, it is not a head of state, nor is it a contemporary poet. It needs to be passed down through the ages, so what is the importance of a name!

"Huh? You're temporarily living in New York? You're not from here?" Skye pointed to the small town.

After saying this, she noticed a luxury sports car not far away, and her eyes lit up—this is not only a handsome boy who fights, but also a young rich man!

God, such an opportunity, is God pity her? !

Such thighs must be hugged tightly!

You don't have to worry about the money to replace the equipment in the future!

Let alone such a big event today!

"Xu Dan Xu Dan, what do you do? Be cute.jpg" Skye asked with a smile.

"Playing games."

"What game are you doing?"

"The King of Fighters."

"Oh, the King of Fighters... ah?! The King of Fighters!!! God!"

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