Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 27 Chick, Mess With Me!

If the man in front of him is just a programmer working in a game company, then Skye will only think that he looks good and has nothing special about him.

Even if it is an executive of a well-known game company, she also thinks there is nothing unusual about it.

No highlights!

But what did he say?

King of Fighters! !

Laymen will only think that this game is awesome, shit, 666, and only those who understand it will understand that "The King of Fighters" is no longer as simple as a fighting game!

Its imaging technology and resource pack encryption technology have far surpassed this era!

As it happens, Skye is a hacker.

She can understand even more, the shining treasure of the King of Fighters!

And all King of Fighters fans know that the developer of "The King of Fighters" is Antarctic Studio, oh no, it should be said that it is Antarctic Game Company!

I heard that this company has extremely harsh conditions for recruiting employees.

Ordinary people send their resumes, but there is no response at all, or in other words, other parties simply do not accept unsolicited applications!

Only when the boss of the company invites them actively, can outsiders have the opportunity to join the company.

Rare things are precious, even a small employee of the Antarctic Game Company is more important than the bosses of other game companies in her opinion!

Looking at the luxury sports car not far away, a small employee cannot afford such a sports car.

So, could he be...

At this moment, Xu Dan's voice interrupted her fantasy, "Who are they and why are they chasing and killing you?"

Hearing this, Skye shrugged and replied with an innocent face: "If I say that I don't know them, would you believe me? A few months ago, in order to update the equipment on the car, I borrowed Some money, but unexpectedly they are a group of liars, and now they have become loan sharks!"

Speaking of this, Skye's eyes suddenly lit up. She immediately turned over and took out a laptop, and quickly operated it. "By the way, I can wipe out their data! Let them never harm anyone again!"

Xu Dan was watching from the side. On the computer screen, the sums were quickly categorized. The small ones were like five hundred thousand like Skye, and the big ones were hundreds of millions!

And their real loan is the most, which is 80,000 USD!

This can no longer be said to be black or not, this is pure deception!

"Who dares to make such a big move?"

"Jin Bin!" Skye said in a calm tone with the string of data reflected in his eyes, "The biggest gang leader in the United States! This website is Jin Bin's stuff. I have come into contact with some information about this before. , I just didn't expect that I was actually tricked by that fat pig!"

Fat pig? Xu Dan chuckled, Jin Bing definitely knew it, but Jin Bing looked like a fat man, but in fact he was a super villain whose strength should not be underestimated!

His body is not fat, but muscle!

More than 90% of his body is made up of muscles, so one can imagine how terrifying his strength is among mortals!

It is estimated that one punch can easily penetrate a 24-wall wall!

So, in other words, those people he just killed were all Jin Bing's subordinates!

Originally, I didn't want to get entangled with these guys, but now it seems that there has been a knot!

The person who killed Jin Bing, according to Yin's personality in the underworld society, must avenge his so-called brothers, right?

"Okay, all deleted! Huh! I really did a great thing!" Skye looked very happy.

Xu Dan glanced at Skye nonchalantly, the chick didn't seem to realize what she was doing.

If Jin Bing knew that it was her doing good deeds, I'm afraid he wouldn't be relieved even if he sent someone to chop her into meat paste!

"I'm coming back, how about you?"

It was getting late, and a man with a comfortable family would not spend the night outside.

Skye has hesitation, in fact, her puppy kennel is also in New York, but he dare not go back!

"Go back, someone in New York is going to arrest me..."

Her scruples are S.H.I.E.L.D.

She didn't know that the person who found her was Xu Dan. She only knew that if she returned to New York, she would definitely be invited back for tea by a group of men in black!

Xu Dan was slightly taken aback, then shook his head amusingly, adjusted his voice, and said, "Hello, Miss Skye!"

Hearing this familiar voice, the hairs all over Skye's body instantly stood on end, and he was stunned.

"You, you, you are, you are the..."

"I'm Xu Dan."


Skye doesn't even know how to express his inner feelings now!

Twists and turns?

No, at the end of today, the world has given her too much stimulation!

Not to mention anything else, just the name 'Xu Dan' was enough to surprise her.

That's the boss of Anji Game Company, the developer of the masterpiece "The King of Fighters"!

God in the hearts of countless people!

In other words, today her god found her and rescued her!

"I, what can I do for you?" Skye's tone was very respectful, liking and admiration are two different things, but now she both likes and admires the man in front of her.

Especially, in order to save her, he was injured!

Xu Dan felt relieved inwardly. Now that the conversation has reached this point, he said casually: "Then you can come to my company to help me. There is a shortage of manpower now."

Skye felt that she had been critically attacked, and her dream was to join the Antarctic Game Company and create those miracles together!

Not to mention other new technologies, even if you learn some technologies from "The King of Fighters"!

"No problem! No problem!"

"Okay, I've seen your Ability already, there's no need for a probationary period, and you can become a full-time employee directly, with a monthly salary of 20,000 USD, is it acceptable?"

"Twenty thousand USD?!" Skye exclaimed.

Just joining the job is 20,000 USD, what is this concept? !

She ran to borrow money for a mere three thousand yuan!

Now, Xu Dan has a monthly salary of 20,000 USD as soon as he opens his mouth!

Crit*2! !

As expected of someone who is regarded by her as a male god, his actions are generous!

In fact, in Xu Dan's opinion, Skye's Ability is indeed worth the price!

Based on the fact that she dared to invade and succeeded in invading the S.H.I.E.L.D database, Xu Dan decided on this person!

Antarctic Game Company does not raise mediocre people, for the sake of the future, every employee must be an elite!

"It seems that you have agreed, then go back to New York first, come to work tomorrow by yourself, remember to ask me to sign the entry contract."

After speaking, Xu Dan planned to return to the car.

"Wait! I know it's not a dream, so my car can't run anymore, there's no way..." Skye looked embarrassed.

"Okay, don't ask for those things of yours, get in the car."

Skye grinned, didn't even look at the electronic equipment that had been with him for a long time, and quickly got into Xu Dan's car.

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