Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 28: Scumbag Programmers And Financial Bitch Chicks

the next day.

Skye walked slowly to a building, looking up at the icons and words on the building, amazed again and again.

This is the place she has longed for for a long time!

She went through the security check without any hindrance, and followed the guidance and boarded the elevator.

The lower six floors of the building are not offices. There are exhibition halls, cafeterias, private cinemas, etc. The official scene of Antarctic Game Company is at the top.

When she found Xu Dan, she found a group of people around him.

Appears to be discussing a project.

"No, I remember he said that there are only two official members of his company!"

On the other side, Xu Dan also seemed to have discovered Skye.

Immediately said: "Okay, let's talk about this today, let's go!"

The crowd quickly dispersed, and they returned to their posts without delay.

Only then did Xu Dan walk towards Skye.

"they are?"

"They are newcomers today. You can understand them as outsourcing companies, or partners, or even security guards."

Outsourcing company... security...

A S.H.I.E.L.D technician sitting nearby twitched his mouth, but he couldn't say anything.

Whatever other people say is what it is!

Yesterday they were called out like crap by Commissioner Nick Fury.

I was forcibly sent to learn technology today, when will I finish my studies, and when will I go back!

During this period, they must obey Dan's orders, and they must do what they are told to do!

Xu Dan was very happy to see such a batch of obedient and efficient machines.

As for learning technology, hehe, let’s learn slowly, five hundred years is not a long time to learn.

Listening to the explanation, Skye wanted to roll his eyes, but he didn't dare to be disrespectful. It was clear that he didn't want her to know!

However, she didn't know that it was her reason that these S.H.I.E.L.D technicians became his company's apprentices!

Apprentices have no wages, only eat three meals a day, and do hard work!

In S.H.I.E.L.D they are very popular, drink spicy food, and rely on their status, they also live very confidently, but now they seem to be demoted! The treatment is very different!

These are all thanks to her!

"Let's go, sign the contract."

The two signed the contract, and Skye officially started working.

After dealing with these matters, Xu Dan left the company alone, which is the privilege of being a boss.

He drove to the suburbs, the same place as yesterday.

In the morning, Gonitz used special means to send him a message that the target had been captured! Just wait for him to go to review!

However, the company was too busy in the morning, and he had been arranging things until the afternoon, when he had time!

When he drove to the suburbs, he saw Gonitz's upright figure from a distance.

He was reading a book in his hand, like a tax-evading priest!

And at his feet, a man and a woman were tied up in a big mess. It was the United States programmer and financial chick who had betrayed the "Antarctic Studio".

Xu Dan got out of the car, picked a weed and played with it in his hands.

"Help! Help!!"

Hearing the sound of footsteps, those two people didn't dare to make a fuss, but shouted for help!

Xu Dan almost laughed out loud.

He approached and looked down at the two people like a god, "Open your dog eyes and see, will I save your low life?"

The man and woman raised their heads slowly in astonishment, and when they saw Xu Dan's stern face, they were taken aback for a moment.



Seeing those two distorted and shapeshifting faces, Xu Dan smiled happily.

"Why, don't you believe in retribution?"

The faces of the two were ashen, they were just ordinary people, if they were trapped by the hemp rope, there would be no way out.

Unlike other agents or superheroes, they can still struggle a bit.

"Damn it, if I hadn't been tied up with a rope, I would have beaten you to death. How dare you untie my rope! Bastard!" the United States programmer roared.

The financial bitch chick next to him seemed much quieter, not daring to fart for a long time!

This chick may not be called a beauty, but her looks are not bad either.

It can be said that they are girls with more suitors among the general population.

This United States programmer has long liked her, and Xu Dan knows about it.

Thinking of these things, he smiled strangely.

Then he said: "If you have the ability to untie the rope yourself, by the way, do you know some secrets about your woman?"

"No, don't say it, please!"

Before Brook, the United States programmer, could speak, the woman next to him yelled hastily.

Seeing this, Brook felt that something was wrong, and his brows slowly frowned.

"As an adult, I think you should have guessed some things. That's right, you are an invincible receiver in the universe, and you are 'dao friends' with thousands of people, and when you were on leave, she was also with the water delivery man. That fat guy had sex in your seat! Alas, not only did you take over the offer, but you were also greenlit. You stole my money just like that. For the first time in history, you didn’t dump this bitch and lived with her. I All I can say is, what a big heart!"

"No no! Brook, it's not like that! Don't trust him!!"

The woman was crying, she was already in a mess, but now she looked even more in a mess!

The United States programmer Brooke's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of disbelief, anger, and murderous intent from being betrayed!

If you want to say what men can't tolerate the most, the first one is being green.

Brooke, this wicked man, reacted more violently than ordinary people when faced with this situation.

He just stared at the woman next to him ferociously, without saying a word.

"No! No! Brooke, don't look at me like this, what he said is all false, I love you!"

The woman was constantly explaining, but at this time, the more she explained, the more Brook could not believe it!

Because in his heart, he already had a subconscious mind, picked up dirty goods, and was greened by the dirty goods, the other party was still a dead fat pig!

Thinking about being a "fellow fellow" with that dead fat pig made him feel sick!

Rage, unstoppable rage!

Finally, he had an attack!

"Bichi!! I spent 300,000 yuan to treat your illness, so it turned out that you were ridden by thousands of people!! I killed you!!"

Roaring, Brooke jumped at the woman.

Both of them are tied up and can't move. The only attack weapon is the original Beast-like bite!


"Ah!!! It hurts!! Brooke, please forgive me, I really didn't lie to you!!"


Just like that, Brooke seemed to be crazy, and with tears in his eyes, he bit the 'goddess' whom he had managed to catch to death!

That looks like a zombie!

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