Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 45 Jin Bin, Prepare To Die!

Faith G Enterprises downstairs.

After Xu Dan killed Bullseye, he drove here directly.

After passing the bodyguard's level easily, he went directly in the direction of Jin Bing.

Everything happened so fast that their informant didn't even have time to report!

As soon as Bullseye fell down, he drove quickly to the downstairs of Faith's enterprise!

When Xu Dan appeared indoors like a ghost, Jin Bin was still playing games!

Playing exactly "Warcraft"!

step~! step~! step~!

Jin Bing raised his head vigilantly. During these years of being in the underworld, he encountered eight hundred assassinations if not one thousand. Those who can appear to him silently must be top killers.

Fortunately, he himself is not afraid of assassination, because he himself is the strongest one in this building!

However, when he moved his eyes away from the computer screen, his pupils narrowed slowly, and the moment he saw his face clearly, he was stunned on the spot!

Isn't this the man he's thinking about day and night?

After sending so many trash, they couldn't tie them back, and now he delivered them to his door by himself!

"Oh? Isn't this the young and promising boss of the Antarctic Game Company? It's a pleasure to meet you! To be honest, I have long wanted to meet you, a genius. No, I'm playing your game!"

Although the words were so polite, Jin Bin held the scepter beside the table calmly!

That was his secret weapon tailored for himself.

If anyone thinks it's just an old man's crutches, he's dying!

Hearing this, Xu Dan smiled with relief.

My own game can even fascinate this kind of murderous gang leader, so why worry about the game not being able to bloom both style and style? …

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Faith for his support to our company!" Xu Dan said with a smile.

"You can't say that." Jin Bin stood up, took off the silver oversized coat, and put it on the back of the chair, the chimpanzee-like body was completely set off by the shirt, "I am a An out-and-out free player, without recharging a penny for your game."

Hearing this, Xu Dan pouted, "Actually, if you recharge up to 999, you will get a special reward. Mr. Faith is so rich, why don't you invest a little bit of it?"

Jin Bing moved his body bones, and those lumps of muscles showed shocking strength.

To be honest, although he knew that Jin Bing was tall in his impression, when he saw it with his own eyes, his knowledge was washed away.

I don't know how this race can grow to such a degree.

Did they grow up eating bulls?

Or got some kind of disease like titan syndrome?

Doubts only remained on the surface, and he did not dare to underestimate Jin Bing's combat effectiveness.

Being punched by such a physique, I am afraid that no one will feel uncomfortable!

"There will be a special reward for recharging up to 999? What reward?" Jin Bin grinned.

"After recharging to 999, you will get a title like 'Underworld Overlord', 'Dara King', isn't it cool?" Xu Dan shrugged and said playfully.

Hearing this, Jin Bing's face suddenly sank.

His public identity is the billionaire of Faith Ke Enterprise.

Few people know his identity behind the scenes.

Because that is an identity full of various criminal titles!

A person who knows this identity is either dead or surrendered.

But now the game developer suddenly ran over and revealed the secret.

Naturally, the comer is not good!

Besides, he sent people to target Xu Dan several times, how could the other party have good intentions?

"So, you want revenge? It's good for young people to have a temper."

As soon as the words fell, Jin Bing clenched the scepter in his hand, and rushed towards Xu Dan like a hill!

Just this kind of aura, no one can stand up to it in the underworld fight!

However, Xu Dan is not one of those boring gangsters.

He took the time to find Jin Bing today, and he was prepared!

The forged steel blade hidden on the leg is a gift for Jin Bin!


Knife out!

Looking at the scepter that had been smashed head-on, Xu Dan did not choose to fight, but turned around quickly, and the steel blade swept across!


The incomparably sharp forged steel blade left a twenty-centimeter-long bloodstain on Jin Bing's tall body!

On ordinary people, a wound of 20 centimeters would have to be rushed to the hospital for stitches!

But on Jin Bing's tall body, it seemed so insignificant!


The huge size also means that Jinbin's speed is relatively slow.

After he reacted, he looked down at the bloodstains on his body. It hurt a little, but it didn't matter.

When he was young, he suffered more terrible and painful injuries than this one!

"I'm afraid that few people in this world know that the boss of the Antarctic Game Company, which is booming, is still a good killer."

"A killer? No, I'm not a killer, I just learned a little bit of self-protection."

"Haha, I really can't bear the way you pretend to be in front of me!"

With a loud roar, Jin Bin held the scepter and attacked Xu Dan again!

In the first confrontation, he was considered a loser.

But after all, he has been training uninterruptedly for decades, and his close combat ability is by no means as clumsy as it appears on the surface. Strength is inevitable, but skills are also not lacking!

Xu Dan carefully guarded against Jin Bin's attack, he used a forged steel blade, while Jin Bin used a thick scepter.

One is smashed with brute force, and the other is cut by cutting!

According to the most intuitive judgment, he is not suitable for Shi Gengang!

Therefore, his figure once again evaded Jin Bin's attack like a breeze.

This time, Jin Bing was clearly prepared, and the whole attack was very meticulous. While evading, Xu Dan couldn't find any openings and couldn't launch a counterattack!

His toes tapped lightly on the ground, and like a flying swallow, he took a few steps back lightly and landed on Jin Bin's desk.

When he opened his eyes again, the pupils were as bright as the stars.

That's not starlight!

It's the sharpness of the blade!

In his eyes, there seemed to be countless sharp swords!

The sword intent was like a nascent storm, accumulating around him.

Jin Bin was shocked when he saw this scene, the scepter in his hand didn't dare to stay for another half second, and threw it at Xu Dan with all his strength!

At the same time screaming: "You turned out to be a damned Mutant?!"

However, Xu Dan didn't answer him.

The whole world seemed to slow down.

The forged steel blade in his hand seemed to be lingering with a faint light.

Jin Bing's movements were infinitely slowed down in his eyes, and the mountain-like oppression was cut away layer by layer by the sword intent!

Until all the defenses on Jin Bin's body were completely destroyed by the sword intent.

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