Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 46 Kill The Underworld Emperor Jin Bin!

From Xu Dan's heart, he slowly read a word, "Kill Sixteen Yeyuehua alive!"

This is super nirvana!

In reality, people don't have any blood bars. If there are many wounds on the body, their physical fitness will naturally decline; if they are hit to the point, their lives will naturally end!

At that moment, in Jin Bing's office, the light of swords overflowed.

The powerful sword intent turned into thousands of invisible blades, which continued to enlarge in Jin Bing's pupils.

Fear, like a Beast, hits his heart.

Gradually, the sword light in Jin Bing's pupils began to scatter, and with it was Jin Bing's spirit.


Xu Dan leaned on the forged steel blade with one hand, and took a few breaths.

It was the first time to release this super nirvana on a human being, and for him, it was a physical and mental test!

Luckily, he passed the test!

Jin Bing never thought until his death that his underworld empire would be dismantled by a 'stranger' in just two days!

During his years of dominating the underworld, he has offended countless forces and committed all kinds of crimes, including burning, killing, and looting.

But in the end, he was the one who won!

In this world, no one dares to offend 'Jin Bing', otherwise their families will be ruined!

But he never expected that it was just a small debt collection operation, and his people were solved by Xu Dan.

In order to retaliate, and at the same time greedy for Xu Dan's future assets, he sent someone to take action against Xu Dan.

In just two days, he experienced the most shameful losing streak ever!

In just two days, just because he made a move on Xu Dan, the reward he received was fatal!

If we had endured that incident silently back then, maybe everyone could go their own way and be happy separately.

Moreover, he only found out the few interesting things in his life in the past two days. He has not played the game of "Warcraft" to the end.

There are thousands of mistakes, and the mistake is not to be an enemy of Xu Dan!

But wake up now, it's too late!

His life, in the bloodstains on his body, flowed rapidly along with the blood.

The field of vision is getting darker and darker, the body is getting colder and colder, until he falls asleep forever.


Xu Dan sheathed the forged steel blade, and walked out of Jin Bin's office as if nothing had happened.

The sound of the siren downstairs has already been heard far away.

The police are coming soon!

Leave the rest of the funeral to them!

He didn't want to be pestered by those policemen asking questions.

Quickly went downstairs, started the car, went around a curve, and drove in the direction of Antarctic Game Company as usual.

He still has to work!

Killing Jin Bing was just forced to do it. If he didn't harass him one after another, Xu Dan wouldn't bother him!

Let him be the overlord of the underworld, whether he commits a crime or not. Xu Dan is not a just policeman, so he can't care about irrelevant things.

He just wants to earn points!

After Xu Dan's car disappeared into the morning rush hour, the police car showed up at the Faith corporate building.

The sheriff got out of the car in a hurry, and the first thing he did was pull out his pistol and load it!


Behind them, those police officers were as vigilant as the sheriff.

"Let's go!"

The policemen cheered up, armed with guns one by one, and attacked the Faith company.

Faith grams, representing the underworld overlord Jin Bin and big entrepreneurs.

But Faith does not represent the underworld.

The bodyguards here dare not fight against the regular police before receiving orders.

Otherwise, the next thing to greet them is not the police, but guns!

The police in the United States are notorious for their violent law enforcement. Regardless of whether you have the intention to kill, as long as you have the intention to attack the police, you can directly serve with bullets!

Soon, the sound of the police coming came to Jin Bing's office.

Everyone was waiting for Jin Bin's order.

However, the voice had been heard in the office for a long time, but there was no response for a long time.

Could Duracell fall asleep too?

"Everyone line up, don't relax your vigilance! The first and second teams follow me, and the others block off the surrounding area immediately!" The sheriff ordered decisively.

At this moment, orders play a very critical role.

The police officers, who were still apprehensive at first, but were terrified by the strange atmosphere of obedience, found their backbone in an instant, and immediately acted according to the standard!

The blockade of the blockade!

Prohibition, prohibition!

It's time to rush up!

The first and second teams, including the sheriff, consisted of thirteen people. They chose to climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator out of caution.

They are more cautious when they have not climbed to the first floor.

The great psychological pressure made them sweat profusely.

Just as they climbed to the twentieth floor, a voice suddenly came from the sheriff's radio.

"Damn guy, what are you doing? Faith Ke is a famous entrepreneur in New York, you sent people to surround the building, what the hell are you trying to do, you son of a bitch?! I tell you, you are now fired! You have authority If you continue, if you break into a private company without authorization, I will send someone to arrest you!"


Everyone stopped involuntarily.

Because they were all familiar with this voice, it was the voice of the real boss in their bureau, the old bureau chief!

Even though it's only a few days before retirement, majesty and power are still there!

What he said could really be serious!

"What to do, sir?"

The sheriff did not answer, but silently took off the radio on his chest, then threw it on the ground, and stepped on it into pieces.

Then he said, "Keep going!"

"Yes, sir!"

If you have done this step, you will be punished if you step back!

But rushing up is different. If they can catch the source of the crime, the famous Duracell, they will be heroes!

Not only a hero of Clinton, but also a hero of New York, and even the hero of the United States!

What will the newspaper say?

It will be said that a special team, regardless of life and death, eradicated the evil underworld overlord Jin Bing!

People all over the United States will remember their names!

What an honor is that? !

In addition, catching super criminals like Jin Bing will be enough credit for a lifetime!

A promotion and a salary increase are a certainty, and it is not impossible to change your wife afterwards!

Finally, everyone came to Jin Bing's office in mixed emotions of excitement and anxiety.

A vanguard from the first team immediately stepped forward and opened the gate.

The moment the door opened, everyone's muscles tensed up!

The gangsters are all lunatics. They know that the police are surrounding them, and they will definitely resist with all their strength...

Wait, why isn't there even a bodyguard here?


Among the weirdness, there is also a strong smell of blood!

what's going on inside !

Everyone didn't care too much, and rushed in quickly.

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